The (expensive) yak wool cardigan was done apart from the final half of the second sleeve when I ground to a halt. I spent months, trying to fathom why I was literally unable to continue until realising that using yak and merino on a little cropped summer number was...insane. For the first time in my life, I ripped the whole thing out and started again, got to halfway through the yoke and body and ground to a halt again - boredom this time - endless rounds (260 stitches) of plain red finally alleviated by ordering 3 shades of grey, i cream and adding some Estonian colourwork to the red cardigan. Actually being able to see the piece growing, row by row has spurred me back into action and am now on the bottom ribbing of the body - just the sleeves left so if I can get past the psychological hurdle of the first boring (5 needle job) sleeve, and end might be in sight. Since my record for finishing was 16 years or so, this counts as relatively speedy. I do not love knitting, just having warm jumpers.