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Coup plot thwarted in germany 7.12.22

Was looking for a thread, there was a far right in the German military one it could have fitted in maybe as well.

Why peculiar though? (I mean apart from their loon bring back the politics of the 1800s.)
Was looking for a thread, there was a far right in the German military one it could have fitted in maybe as well.

Why peculiar though? (I mean apart from their loon bring back the politics of the 1800s.)
It sounds like they were more ex-military than current, that I think they'd have found it very difficult to take important sections of the state with them, and that frankly it's not the 1920s when the context gave clear hope to people organising this sort of effort
One amusing thing is that in Germany there are privacy laws that mean that suspects can only be identified by their first name and initial. I'm not sure how effective this is -- if there's a story about alleged kiddy fiddler Bruno W., you'd think that an awful lot of people with that first name and initial would feel uncomfortable that someone might think it was them -- but that's what they do.

As a consequence, the aristocratic Heinrich XIII Fürst Reuß zu Greiz appears in newspaper reports as Heinrich XIII P. R. At least other Heinrichs are unlikely to get twitchy.
This from that BBC article did make me laugh:

'Heinrich XIII comes from an old noble family known as the House of Reuss, which ruled over parts of the modern eastern state of Thuringia until 1918. All the male members of the family were given the name Heinrich as well as a number.'

I am not a number, I am a free man...
Step one: Kidnap Health Minister
Step two: Nation descends into chaos (hang on, why would that ...)
Step three: Take advantage to storm Parliament (but 50 people isn't enough to ...)
Step four: Appoint ministers (wait so who's guarding the doors then ...)
Step five: Declare new Reich (um, don't think that'll fly with existing vested interests ...)

Sounds like a LARP got out of hand tbh
It sounds like they were more ex-military than current, that I think they'd have found it very difficult to take important sections of the state with them, and that frankly it's not the 1920s when the context gave clear hope to people organising this sort of effort

Ah yeah, just wondering what specifically you were hinting at. I mean it's peculiar on a number of fronts!

What would be the UK equivalent history buffs? Demanding the restoration of the Victorian era or something? Refusing to recognise electricity or cars?
Ah yeah, just wondering what specifically you were hinting at. I mean it's peculiar on a number of fronts!

What would be the UK equivalent history buffs? Demanding the restoration of the Victorian era or something? Refusing to recognise electricity or cars?
I think you need to brush up on Faraday and benz
Ah yeah, just wondering what specifically you were hinting at. I mean it's peculiar on a number of fronts!

What would be the UK equivalent history buffs? Demanding the restoration of the Victorian era or something? Refusing to recognise electricity or cars?
Restauration of the House of Stuart. Coincidentally, the current "King over the Water" is also a German Prince Franz of Bavaria. However, as he spent part of his childhood in Dachau, he would probably not be too sympathetic to a far-Right coup.

Franz, Duke of Bavaria - Wikipedia
Step one: Kidnap Health Minister
Step two: Nation descends into chaos (hang on, why would that ...)
Step three: Take advantage to storm Parliament (but 50 people isn't enough to ...)
Step four: Appoint ministers (wait so who's guarding the doors then ...)
Step five: Declare new Reich (um, don't think that'll fly with existing vested interests ...)

Sounds like a LARP got out of hand tbh

If someone kidnapped the Health Secretary here in a similar plot, there'd be parties on the streets rather than civil war.
I have to say the putative Heinrich XIII Fürst Reuß zu Greiz, leader of the one true German Reich has quite the innovative approach to colour matching. I for one would have balked at pastel pink with "musty Wetherspoons rug" green. And the tie, obviously.

He seems to be a fan of that jacket.


Though he opted for a paler look while hanging out with far-right AfD politician Uwe Thrum in August this year (which got him publicly ditched by his family).
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I have to say the putative Heinrich XIII Fürst Reuß zu Greiz, leader of the one true German Reich has quite the innovative approach to colour matching. I for one would have balked at pastel pink with "musty Wetherspoons rug" green. And the tie, obviously.

View attachment 354627
He seems to be a fan of that jacket.

View attachment 354631

Though he opted for a paler look while hanging out with far-right AfD politician Uwe Thrum in August this year (which got him publicly ditched by his family).
Nice bit of tweed that. Terrible tie though.
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