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Coup plot thwarted in germany 7.12.22

Can't recall where I read it a few days ago, but IIRC it was a German security source who was quoted as saying that of the approx. 21,000 Reichsbürgers, Germany's police/intelligence bods estimated that 10% of these had military training, weapons, or access to weapons, and were prepared to use them in furtherance of their aims. I'll see if I can find the quote but if I'm remembering that correct (quite possibly not as my short-term memory is going west), 2,100 is quite a sizeable number of far-right types ready to violently overthrow the state... far more than in the UK I would guess. More like the USA.
My first thought on hearing about this coup attempt was, like you, Sas, and frogwoman too, there's more to this than we are at first being told.
Maybe some of these 2,100 are serving members of Germany's armed forces, police or intelligence? Time will tell - or not :(

The heavy restrictions on the owning of weapons, particularly handguns, makes such a thing in the UK much less likely.

There is also the fact that extremist organisations tend to leak like sieves, so the authorities tend to get a 'heads up' well before anything untoward happens.
You think they shouldn’t have been arrested for plotting an armed coup because there isn’t many of them? :confused:
Yeah but no but yeah

Gunpowder plot how many of them were there less than ten and yep they were dangerous fanatics but state was all over it before it even started even down to ensuring the Gunpowder they had wouldn't work....just as much about finding ways of marginalising desent as it was a real threat
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