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The situation in Iran is so troubling. It makes me wonder what is actually happening in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen etc.
The situation in Iran is so troubling. It makes me wonder what is actually happening in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen etc.

Well, speaking of Yemen.

Satellite images used to estimate Yemen excess deaths


A new study using satellite imagery has sought to shed light on the full impact of the coronavirus outbreak in Yemen, whose health system has been devastated by five years of civil war.

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) counted freshly-dug graves in identifiable cemeteries in the southern, government-controlled province of Aden.

They estimated there were 2,100 excess deaths - the difference between the actual number of deaths and the average number in the same time period in previous years - between April and September.

It is not possible to know how many were directly or indirectly attributable to Covid-19. But authorities in Yemen had recorded only 601 associated deaths nationwide as of 24 October.

The Yemeni government has not commented on the study, but it has previously said it reports figures daily from areas it controls and does not hide data.

The World Health Organization is concerned that the official figures underestimate the extent of Yemen’s outbreak, which it partly attributes to a lack of testing facilities.

The co-leader of the LSHTM study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, told Reuters news agency that having an accurate picture of Covid-19’s impact was “vital for effective government and humanitarian responses"
tbh I think we all get a bit carried away with checking the daily updates (I do!), but calmer heads (elbows :D) know to wait a week or two for the true picture to emerge before saying too much. That's true for everywhere, not just Sweden.

One of the drawbacks to my approach is that its often easier to spot bad news much more quickly than good news in this pandemic, and it is unlikely that I can fully compensate for that. Indeed it is more likely to amplify my natural bias towards non-optimistic stances. My attempts to avoid negativity in life have so far been repeatedly thwarted by the fact that whenever I am able to test my opinions, beliefs and future expectations, the strongest correlations seem to usually end up being with reality, rather than negativity. Which is why I end up expressing a desire to be proven wrong more in this pandemic.

In regards Sweden, to be honest if there hadnt been so much noise about their measures and approach, so much misuse of their stance by Barrington clowns etc, then I wouldnt have paid much attention to their data at all. Because the scale of all manner of things are big factors in many aspects of this pandemic, so its much safer if I restrict my comparisons and trend tracking to nations of roughly comparable size to our own. Which as far as Europe goes means looking at the similarities with Spain, France and Italy, and being fascinated by the differences with Germany.
And Syria too. There's a rather depressing video on this page (titled Doctors expect Covid catatrophe in Syria).

"Aeroplanes, rockets, covid, angry, poor, Assad security - it's all the same. All these terms mean death for us"

"Absolutely the virus is out of control in the camps"

Edit - Here's the actual video on its own.

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for some reason, developments over the following six months failed to persuade him that his god has forsaken him and he should seek a new line of work.

Thats because his line of work involves overacting to an extent that would make Shatner blush, and he knows it.

One of the many reasons I love the remix is because one of his goofy poses speaks the truth of the ham aspects.

Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 19.01.59.png

For some reason my mind wanders to a similar phenomenon...

I'm not sure that's how immunity works.
Beyond that, there is some evidence from key animal models that suggests the potential here (in coronavirus) for a window of viral shedding after subsequent exposure in vaccinated subjects, as well as the immunologically naive (high virion counts/activity in the upper respiratory tract). In other words, those who have been vaccinated or have acquired natural immunity could briefly be carriers despite not developing any disease (we do, after all, appear to be observing a very high number of asymptomatic spreaders). This is seen with a few other virus vaccination programmes.
Does anyone know what furlough-type money people in France are getting?

Europe has really fucked it eh
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Beyond that, there is some evidence from key animal models that suggests the potential here (in coronavirus) for a window of viral shedding after subsequent exposure in vaccinated subjects, as well as the immunologically naive (high virion counts/activity in the upper respiratory tract). In other words, those who have been vaccinated or have acquired natural immunity could briefly be carriers despite not developing any disease (we do, after all, appear to be observing a very high number of asymptomatic spreaders). This is seen with a few other virus vaccination programmes.

So if I've understood you post correctly, if you are vaccinated or have recently had covid you could still be an asymptomatic spreader and give it to someone else?
So if I've understood you post correctly, if you are vaccinated or have recently had covid you could still be an asymptomatic spreader and give it to someone else?

To somebody else who isn't vaccinated? Or to anybody?

I'm failing to understand these points I'm afraid :( :oops:


frogwoman said:
I guess if most people are vaccinated that wouldn't matter? But people are going to have the vaccine regularly at least for the first couple of years.

Ahh, OK -- thead was moving too fast!!
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