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A fair point, just can't imagine they'd have many takers at the moment given the very recent tales of quarantine woe. (Also guessing a lot of people won't be booking any holidays at the moment due to the ongoing uncertainty. After all, who'd have predicted Italy being locked down a few weeks ago..?)
Bargain cruises marketed to Tenerife all inclusive types. We all get to step up.
The crew never go home. The ships are never really cleaned.

Wave at the Sea Org as they sail past.
Am I correct in thinking its measures are more restrictive than Britain's?

I havent been keeping up with announced measures but Egypts response in terms of detecting cases has been very poor.

For example, on the 2nd of March they reported only their 2nd case. By that point in time various cases with recent Egypt travel history had already started testing positive in other countries. Their numbers only started to ramp up since then once they found a ship-based cluster to focus on.
WHO have realised that the word pandemic is going to be used now anyway, regardless of their predictable reticence, so now its a case of managing expectations about what you can still hope to achieve in a pandemic.

But he stressed, “even if we call it a pandemic, still we can contain it and control it.

“It would be the first pandemic in history that can be controlled,” he said. “We are not at the mercy of the virus.”

He pointed out that the situation varied widely in the 100-odd countries that have so far registered cases, with 93% of all cases being located in just four countries.

“Whether it is pandemic or not, the rule of the game is the same: never give up,” he said.

1h ago 00:27
I have a couple of questions on specific points I’m interested in. I know these points have been discussed at times earlier in this thread, but as time goes on I’m assuming better and more reliable info emerges, and I’m interested in knowing if anyone has up to date and authoritative sources on two points:

1) how long are people likely infectious for, before they show symptoms? Back in the early days of the thread I think 2-3 weeks had been mentioned, but more recently I’ve seen 5-7 days and I’m wondering where in this range is typical, or is this still unknown?
2) how much do we now know about immunity post infection? Whether it exists at all and if it does, then how long lasting? I’ve seen the reports about people falling ill again within weeks in China, but not sure if these are very few in number or widespread?

The reason I’m asking specifically about these two points is I’m trying to look beyond this first spreading phase we are all transfixed by, and it seems to me they are key to determining how widespread this ultimately becomes and how long it might last for (in the absence of vaccine or effective drugs).
Just read this on Twitter if this is anywhere near genuine we should all be fucking petrified

italy is basically triaging patients for ITU if you are old or have co-mobidities they are deciding not to treat you. i.e you are not worth risking material and man power to save within the capacity of the health system

let that sink in.......

I’m hoping it’s called out as fake.......
Just read this on Twitter if this is anywhere near genuine we should all be fucking petrified

italy is basically triaging patients for ITU if you are old or have co-mobidities they are deciding not to treat you. i.e you are not worth risking material and man power to save within the capacity of the health system

let that sink in.......

I’m hoping it’s called out as fake.......

I'd just rather avoid unverified accounts being posted on this thread. There's another thread for that sort of thing, I think elbows intended this to be more grounded in reason and science, which I'm ok with even if it means we're a day or two behind the doom mongers on other threads :cool:
Just read this on Twitter if this is anywhere near genuine we should all be fucking petrified

italy is basically triaging patients for ITU if you are old or have co-mobidities they are deciding not to treat you. i.e you are not worth risking material and man power to save within the capacity of the health system

I hate to say this, but that's the plan that's been talked about in the hospital I work in.
I hate to say this, but that's the plan that's been talked about in the hospital I work in.

It's basically the “three wise men” protocol, isn't it?

Under a so-called “three wise men” protocol, three senior consultants in each hospital would be forced to make decisions on rationing care such as ventilators and beds, in the event hospitals were overwhelmed with patients.

One consultant said the “three wise men” protocol had been discussed at his hospital in recent weeks while another from the north of England said it had been raised “informally”.

I'd just rather avoid unverified accounts being posted on this thread. There's another thread for that sort of thing, I think elbows intended this to be more grounded in reason and science, which I'm ok with even if it means we're a day or two behind the doom mongers on other threads :cool:

It's grim as fuck but I don't think it's surprising news. When the health care system gets overwhelmed they are going to have to make those decisions somehow. I thought the NHS had similar plans for triage in a pandemic.
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Pragmatically, a first-come first-served approach to access will be hard to escape. This approach may be the fairest way to allocate care at a population level—every citizen has a roughly equal chance of accessing care when they need it although in practice it might well disadvantage the more vulnerable in society with the worst access to healthcare. While triage may be an effective way to increase population survival, this is not guaranteed and any protocol should be carefully thought through.

Politicians and clinical leaders will stress that decisions on triage protocols are tough decisions to make, and they are right. But they are tougher decisions to implement and tougher still to be on the receiving end of. Any triage protocol will lead to tragic choices for some. This should not be left as the responsibility of individual clinicians without guidance from the NHS, the Royal Colleges, and Professional Societies to ensure consistency, equity and transparency. We’ve arguably missed the opportunity to properly engage the public in decisions on how we use their scarce resources to their benefit, but efforts must be made to ensure that the public understand the purpose of any triage protocol and how it will be applied, and are able to trust that it will be consistently applied.

There is no single right answer, but if containment and delay measures fail then the NHS needs to find an answer and soon. [3] And when covid-19 is over, we need to start the conversations with the public for next time.
I hate to say this, but that's the plan that's been talked about in the hospital I work in.

What counts as “comorbidities” in this context? I mean exactly which existing / underlying conditions might disqualify someone from being thought worthwhile saving?
Does hypertension fall under ongoing cardiac issues? So many people are on blood pressure meds that you would hope that doesn’t automatically rule them out.
Just read this on Twitter if this is anywhere near genuine we should all be fucking petrified

italy is basically triaging patients for ITU if you are old or have co-mobidities they are deciding not to treat you. i.e you are not worth risking material and man power to save within the capacity of the health system

let that sink in.......

I’m hoping it’s called out as fake.......
To be fair, every decision about ceiling of care is taken on the basis of whether or not with level 2 or 3 care you have a good chance of survival. The alarming part is patients not being reviewed by intensivists because they already completely lack beds (or even CPAP).
I hate to say this, but that's the plan that's been talked about in the hospital I work in.
What do you mean? (sorry just unclear exactly what you mean by this, as don’t think it can be that pts won’t be assessed for level 3 care if they have co morbidities full stop)?
What do you mean? (sorry just unclear exactly what you mean by this, as don’t think it can be that pts won’t be assessed for level 3 care if they have co morbidities full stop)?

Triage rather than non-assessment, although I suspect Italy didn't start at the 'no assessment' stage but ended up there as things got worse.
Just read this on Twitter if this is anywhere near genuine we should all be fucking petrified

italy is basically triaging patients for ITU if you are old or have co-mobidities they are deciding not to treat you. i.e you are not worth risking material and man power to save within the capacity of the health system

let that sink in.......

I’m hoping it’s called out as fake.......

Why on earth would it be fake? Broadly in line with what happened in Hubei except there it was more bureaucratic you had to have a diagnosis that you were COVID positive before getting into hospital with oxygen and ICU care. Lots of old people died of pneumonia at home.
I'd just rather avoid unverified accounts being posted on this thread. There's another thread for that sort of thing, I think elbows intended this to be more grounded in reason and science, which I'm ok with even if it means we're a day or two behind the doom mongers on other threads :cool:

Why would a hospital doctor be making this sort of stuff up? For fun?
I'd just rather avoid unverified accounts being posted on this thread. There's another thread for that sort of thing, I think elbows intended this to be more grounded in reason and science, which I'm ok with even if it means we're a day or two behind the doom mongers on other threads :cool:

Its not my thread! And when this thread started, there was no sub-forum for other Covid-19 threads. This thread was a mix of everything. Its somewhat redundant now in a way, but I suppose it serves as the general world-wide updates thread, including science. I expect specific bits of the science to get their own threads as stuff pops up.
As for the veracity of that twitter account, the detail and sentiment is pretty consistent with other similar reports. But I dont need to verify what they say anyway, we have data on number of cases in intensive care in Italy.

I have thrown together some of those numbers. There were plenty holes in the info I had for February, but I included a couple of Feb numbers anyway.

Screenshot 2020-03-10 at 12.45.58.png
As for the veracity of that twitter account, the detail and sentiment is pretty consistent with other similar reports. But I dont need to verify what they say anyway, we have data on number of cases in intensive care in Italy.

I have thrown together some of those numbers. There were plenty holes in the info I had for February, but I included a couple of Feb numbers anyway.

View attachment 201206

do we know how many we have in ICU at the moment?
do we know how many we have in ICU at the moment?

We as in the UK?

I've not seen a number like that. If we dont get such a number during our own epidemic wave, then I will feel rather blind. Might need the press or whoever to shout loudly to try to get this number, dunno.
We as in the UK?

I've not seen a number like that. If we dont get such a number during our own epidemic wave, then I will feel rather blind. Might need the press or whoever to shout loudly to try to get this number, dunno.
Just interested cos of the "we're two weeks behind Italy" thing. If the numbers match up then at least we have an idea of what the situation might be here at end March (if the govt don't do anything, which let's face it is possible)
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