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I'd like to know how day to day life has been affected in the UK. Hard to get a sense from watching the news. Is it business as usual, but with more masks? Here in Istanbul everything's still going on, with still not a confirmed case, but the number of masks out and about is increasing every day. Oh, and my Iranian friends have been subject to all sorts of ridiculousness, even though they live here and haven't been to Iran since last summer :rolleyes:
In Manchester, it's business as usual. I have seen about two people wearing masks over the last few weeks and there isn't any hand gel left in the shops, but that's about it.
I'd like to know how day to day life has been affected in the UK. Hard to get a sense from watching the news. Is it business as usual, but with more masks? Here in Istanbul everything's still going on, with still not a confirmed case, but the number of masks out and about is increasing every day. Oh, and my Iranian friends have been subject to all sorts of ridiculousness, even though they live here and haven't been to Iran since last summer :rolleyes:
I can only speak for Preston and Manchester, but it doesn't seem to have had any noticeable impact up here yet. Some people have talked about supermarket shelves stripped of essentials, but that seems not to be affecting all supermarkets. The only people I've seen wearing masks out and about have been east asian people.
I think the risk is in people going to different places and interacting with people they don't mix with on a regular basis. So I get the idea of abandoning sporting events where people come together from different areas.

But children going down the street to the same classroom of kids at school over and again, where there is currently no infection, seems very low risk.

It would be different if the virus was widespread, as in north Italy, but it seems excessive at this stage.

In fact it's very high risk, because children have tended to be infected non-symptomatically longer than adults.
One infected child at a school can infect many, many others, who in turn infect others, to keep the oxygen and ICU bed supply available the number of people an infected person is infected has to be 'artificially restrained'.
Education will have to be moved online as is apparently soon to begin in Italy.

Everything seems 'excessive' at this stage because we are comparing with figures confirmed from yesterday, but the spread is very quick. Controls to other regions in China came early and worked.
I'd like to know how day to day life has been affected in the UK. Hard to get a sense from watching the news. Is it business as usual, but with more masks? Here in Istanbul everything's still going on, with still not a confirmed case, but the number of masks out and about is increasing every day. Oh, and my Iranian friends have been subject to all sorts of ridiculousness, even though they live here and haven't been to Iran since last summer :rolleyes:
I've been offering a splurt of hand wash to my customers after we have completed the payment handover and about 90% are saying no thanks.
Mostly just yanks and British getting pissed anyway.
Not in the smaller towns, it's a big day out, and very enjoyable.

E2A: I know it's not actually referred to as the Irish New Year - within my circle we do :cool:
But similar to the Chinese New Year a lot of us do go home for it.
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I plotted these numbers and this is what it looks like for the UK:

Friday, 6 March 2020163
Saturday, 7 March 2020228
Sunday, 8 March 2020319
Monday, 9 March 2020447
Tuesday, 10 March 2020626
Wednesday, 11 March 2020877
Thursday, 12 March 20201227
Friday, 13 March 20201473
Saturday, 14 March 20201767
Sunday, 15 March 20202121
Monday, 16 March 20202545
Tuesday, 17 March 20203054
Wednesday, 18 March 20203665
Thursday, 19 March 20204398
Friday, 20 March 20205277
Saturday, 21 March 20206333
Sunday, 22 March 20207599
Monday, 23 March 20209119
Tuesday, 24 March 202010943
Wednesday, 25 March 202013131
Thursday, 26 March 202015758
UK Monday count is 319.
You're a day out Fez!
Schools and nurseries in Romania will shut down from Wednesday.

Slovenia banning events of 100 (one hundred) or more from tomorrow.

Madrid closing all schools and universities for two weeks

Israel puts 14-day home quarantine for any arrival from abroad.

French Culture Minister positive too.
Closing all schools in Romania with only 17 confirmed cases. How long are we going to wait here?

My guess the government's original thinking was to go for May-June-July ie til summer.
Australia's public health department candidly said community transmissionhas come six weeks earlier in non-Asian countries than they predicted.
I forlornly hope it is sooner. But there's a chancer's attitude with Boris Johnson and former banking specialist Matt Hancock, with plenty of remarks of remarks about the unfairness of school closures and disruption to the health service.
Egypt finally woke up to what has been brewing there.

Egypt announces travel restrictions
Ruth Michaelson
Egypt has placed a nationwide suspension on “any large gatherings of citizens, or those that involve the movement of citizens between governorates,” its prime minister, Mostafa Madbouly, has announced.
The Egyptian ministry of culture separately cancelled any upcoming events taking place, including a film festival in Luxor, the site of a major outbreak of covid-19. Egypt’s ministry of health has also said 59 people have so far been infected with the virus.

7m ago 21:30
Loads of adverts for cruises on the telly. Which seems a bit weird given all the recent cruise coronamagedon. :hmm:
I'd like to know how day to day life has been affected in the UK. Hard to get a sense from watching the news. Is it business as usual, but with more masks? Here in Istanbul everything's still going on, with still not a confirmed case, but the number of masks out and about is increasing every day. Oh, and my Iranian friends have been subject to all sorts of ridiculousness, even though they live here and haven't been to Iran since last summer :rolleyes:

Nothing where I live in the NE. But if you watch the news you’d think the bubonic plague had broke out again.
I mean, what else are you gonna do if your business is selling holidays, other than advertise holidays for sale right up to the point where you aren't allowed to advertise holidays for sale?
Plus cruise operators have huge experience in reselling dead peoples holidays. We are talking a lot of money.
I mean, what else are you gonna do if your business is selling holidays, other than advertise holidays for sale right up to the point where you aren't allowed to advertise holidays for sale?

A fair point, just can't imagine they'd have many takers at the moment given the very recent tales of quarantine woe. (Also guessing a lot of people won't be booking any holidays at the moment due to the ongoing uncertainty. After all, who'd have predicted Italy being locked down a few weeks ago..?)
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