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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

lazythursday : valid point, but they do know their shit at Pilton. That factor would probably have to alter the type of contract being signed in lots of cases, but not (necessarily!) the fact that they could be signed
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Saying on any given date that restrictions will start for 4 weeks for example, doesn't mean they'll magically end in 4 weeks.

If restrictions don't show a decrease in numbers contracting the virus, they'll probably be extended. How can a future date be planned for before the effect of restrictions are seen?

If they do show a decrease in numbers, will a couple of hundred thousand people suddenly think...'oh well that worked, now let's all have a jolly immediately' ?
you can't magic stages, tents, trackway, plant, gennies and all the rest of it out of thin air though no matter how much time you have, all that stuff will be tied up with other events all summer.

Not "out of thin air". If they can source them for June, then they can source them in September (and with more time to plan, as I said). And all the supply lines are annually fully in place (just put on hold in fallow years like 2018)..

I have zero doubt that those plans have been in place for months for a June event. Even though they're almost certain to be called a halt to now, for June, re-arranging for September will in no way be beyond them if they're determined enough.

The very size of Glastonbury and its organisational infrastructure could actually help them in that respect!!

TBF though, I'm not completely ruling out their killing it off altogather until June 2021, but right now I'd consider that outcome far less likely.
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all that stuff will be tied up with other events all summer.
not this summer.

If they planned now for a re-arranged date in late August, they might get away with it considering how many other shows will be cancelled, leaving performers with nothing to do. They would probably need it confirmed to be okay to go ahead a month in advance tho to set everything up.
I do agree, and despite my earlier optimism/scepticism :oops:, I now think Glastonbury is MUCH more likely to be postponed (but not cancelled until 2021, I still don't think).

Still, I'm trying to source the "due to peak in May or June" thing. Did Chris Whitty himself say that?

This Guardian story , dated Thursday 12th March, says just this :

then this, in the next paragraph :

I'm assuming three's more solid and detailed and detailed stuff available about the epidemic/pandemic peaking in May and June in the UK? :confused: (surely sooner, would be my layman's guess :confused: )

But I'm not asking the above to "assume" that Glastonbury will go ahead in June after all -- I'm actually beginning to hope now for a September G-week ;)
William, it won’t get moved. Just try and think of the logistics involved. If it’s cancelled that’s it for the year.
not this summer.

If they planned now for a re-arranged date in late August, they might get away with it considering how many other shows will be cancelled, leaving performers with nothing to do. They would probably need it confirmed to be okay to go ahead a month in advance tho to set everything up.

I'd forgotten that point, good one.

I suspect September would be easier than August, but still, we'll see :)
William, brace yourself for the fact that there's likely only a 50/50 chance of it going ahead in 2021. Fuck knows what will happen with this virus and how that will play out, let alone the economic consequences.
William, brace yourself for the fact that there's likely only a 50/50 chance of it going ahead in 2021. Fuck knows what will happen with this virus and how that will play out, let alone the economic consequences.

Now that really is stupidly over-pessimistic! :thumbs:

ETA : I'll bet you several :beer: :beer: 's that 2021 will be nailed on . Might offer odds on later this year too. Possibly! ;)
Saying on any given date that restrictions will start for 4 weeks for example, doesn't mean they'll magically end in 4 weeks.

If restrictions don't show a decrease in numbers contracting the virus, they'll probably be extended. How can a future date be planned for before the effect of restrictions are seen?

If they do show a decrease in numbers, will a couple of hundred thousand people suddenly think...'oh well that worked, now let's all have a jolly immediately' ?

Just seen the above post, but my suggestion (OK speculation!) was September, not 'immediately' after 4 weeks!
Just seen thus, but my suggestion (OK speculation!) was September, not 'immediately' after 4 weeks!
Speculation is not great at such times. You have several people who know the events and music/gig business all telling you the same thing. Not because we want to piss on your chips mate, but we are not speculating.
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