Why on earth would you think that?
It's already been pointed out on a number of occasions that the 7 day average of reported deaths tends to be a early sign of what the 7 day average of deaths by actual date will look like, the curves tends to be very similiar, and the former continues to go up.
I have no idea why this hasn't sunk in, perhaps you are just in denial, because that would involve accepting you were wrong.
So, let's take hospital admissions as a gauge instead, deaths after admission tends to average around the 2 week mark, admissions on the 1st Jan. were 3,359 and peaked almost 2 weeks later on 12th Jan. at 4,550, over 35% more, and continued to be up on 1st Jan. every day since, or at least up to the latest date available, 15th Jan.
Why do you think these increased hospital admissions will not result in higher deaths over the next week or two?