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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Never come across Telegram before myself:
Telegram is the most popular messaging app in only two other countries: Iran, where it's banned, and Ethiopia. Telegram is also banned in China, Pakistan and Russia. The app had around 200 million users worldwide in March 2018, compared to about 1.5 billion for WhatsApp.18 Nov 2019

This White Rose account seems to be a bit of a game. Claiming widely dispersed geographical poster sightings - though if you go on the app it seems only to be USA, Canada, UK and Germany.

The gist is pretty much what you get from RT. Don;t trust the science it will dehumanise you.
Why anyone would join in this pointless chain letter and waste their ink who can say?
I mean "White Rose" just fuck right off with that.

The local twats have been putting up their posters in Penzance.
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The loons now have a radio station especially for them, Murdoch's talkRADIO, below is just two examples, I would hate to hear what looney people call in, with these covidiots as presenters.

talkRADIO’S Julia Hartley-Brewer: 'We have no excess deaths at the moment, how do you explain that?' :facepalm:

She's in total denial that covid spreads from the young to the old, she claims even people that test negative in hospital still get put down as a covid death if they die, that hospital admissions and people in ICU are normal for this time of the year. You only need to watch about 2 minutes to see how mad she is.

I've just watched 'Viral: The 5G Conspiracy Theory' on the iplayer - Viral: The 5G Conspiracy Theory

I would seriously recommend watching this, it's fucking nuts.

Apparently 22% of 16 to 24-year-olds think 5G is linked to Covid-19. :eek: How the hell have we ended-up with so many uneducated potatoes? :hmm:

Nearly 100 masts have been set on fire in the UK, since March, one person that got caught has been sent down for 3 years, for arson, the fucking twat. :D
Think about that. One hundred masts. 100 hundred. Not one or two.

Unless they were all done by the same bunch of Fruit Potatoes, that's a pretty disturbing indicator imo of how prolific this kind of stuff is. If you're in the 5g Moon Boot Camp, you're bound to be in the covid denial one too from my observations. And this is just the ones who had the wild energy and madness to set fire to shit.
Just came across this on an NHS Facebook page. Fed up of these idiots now. The things people are choosing to believe are increasingly ridiculous and dangerous. They're a bunch of self righteous cunts and should be taken to the edge of our flat earth and pushed off.

"This is what I believe "they" have planned for the next six months:

The schools will go back in September as promised, but for the sole reason of making sure all pupils are vaccinated with the live, shedding 'flu nasal mist. You may have been told your child's school isn't doing the 'flu mist until later in the year, but "to protect the NHS", expect the programme to be moved forward. This is the only reason they want children to return to school.

(If it is at all possible, I would strongly advise not sending your child back.)

Within a couple of weeks, the 'flu mist will have shed all over the country, creating a tidal wave of ill health - as it does every year, but expect this year's vaccine to be turbocharged with nastiness - and hey presto, there's your "second wave".

Schools will then be closed nationwide, permanently. They are, we will be told, too dangerous to ever re-open, and all teaching will be moved online (I've posted about this before: Miri AF ).

The country will then declare a state of emergency and a second, much more draconian lockdown will be imposed at the end of September, of the sort going on in Australia now. No leaving your house for ANY reason, not even to exercise. State operatives going door-to-door to check you're inside. Huge on-the-spot fines for anyone found breaking "the rules".

Then, the coronavirus vaccine will debut - the most dangerous vaccine ever produced in human history, which is a position even held by many pro-vaccine advocates. The wall-to-wall propaganda and marketing for this vaccine will be extraordinary, and the pressure to receive it, enormous. Millions will, and then the country - already in compromised health from the shedding 'flu mist - will see mass illness and death on a scale never before experienced. The extra hospitals will be full (with the death-trap, organ-harvesting ventilators getting plenty of use, now that the state owns your organs*), and at that point, entirely unlike now, we will all personally know people who are affected.

We have already been told the vaccine won't be a "magic bullet" (after all, we have a 'flu vaccine, and the 'flu is still responsible for mass illness and death every year), so they will drag out the same script to explain why vaccinated people are dropping like flies - "the virus mutated" - "it would have been much worse if you weren't vaccinated" - "anti-vaxxers are compromising herd immunity" - rinse and repeat, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

At that point, the country will be on its knees in a state of trauma and terror and certainly in no mood to celebrate Christmas, which will be cancelled. Visiting family banned. Christmas lights and attractions called off. And of course, no singing carols, because this, as we know, spreads the virus.

You can also factor in food shortages, power cuts, and a breakdown in law and order (the government has already promised us riots that will entirely eclipse those of 2011 in their severity) as the entire infrastructure of the country collapses.

By the time we get into early 2021, the ruthless assault on the psyche of the (surviving) people will be such that they will be stunned and defeated with trauma, prepared to do anything to feel safe and never experience this horror again. They will agree to chipping, tracking, tracing, monitoring, constant surveillance and vaccination - anything! Just don't make us live through this horror again!

"Of course not, my pretties," the criminally insane overlords will cackle. "Just do exactly as we say, always and forever, and we promise you protection and security. Now, here's your latest injection of sterilising carcinogenic neurotoxins to keep you safe, because we love you. Sorry about bulldozing your house, by the way."

This is the future they've got mapped out.

If it's not a future you particularly care for, the time for action is NOW. Every "little" thing we do, from writing to officials to challenging mask mandates to refusing to comply with track and trace, makes a difference, and if we all do "little" things as often as we can, we end up having a big impact.

We are many and they are few. The only reason they are getting away with this is our silence and compliance.

Speak up - even if your voice shakes 💜

(*Wednesday's Organ Seizure Act — Adam Smith Institute)"
No words.
They're pushing their shit on Twitter again. Saw #PandemicIsOverUK on the menu on the right of the Twitter page. What the fuck is wrong with these idiots? How braindead do you have to be to think that the pandemic is over? Fuckwits!
It's very dangerous. An argument could be made that the misinformation has killed people.
Think about that. One hundred masts. 100 hundred. Not one or two.

Unless they were all done by the same bunch of Fruit Potatoes, that's a pretty disturbing indicator imo of how prolific this kind of stuff is. If you're in the 5g Moon Boot Camp, you're bound to be in the covid denial one too from my observations. And this is just the ones who had the wild energy and madness to set fire to shit.
I don't believe in destruction of property, but don't cry for me Arqiva and OFCOM.
I am a 5g skeptic. OFCOM and Arqiva, the TV and Radio transmission company have withdrawn BBC Four HD and loads of other HD Freeview stations from half the country so we can have the benefits of 5g on spectrum the government have auctioned off. Meanwhile they are busy installing 5g links on building all over the country.

What are the benefits of 5g?

I think whilst the Coronavirus pandemic is on the government should stop installing and operating 5g.
After all they are quite prepared to block people having routine GP and hospital appointments.

Let's have some proportionality here.
I don't believe in destruction of property, but don't cry for me Arqiva and OFCOM.
I am a 5g skeptic. OFCOM and Arqiva, the TV and Radio transmission company have withdrawn BBC Four HD and loads of other HD Freeview stations from half the country so we can have the benefits of 5g on spectrum the government have auctioned off. Meanwhile they are busy installing 5g links on building all over the country.

What are the benefits of 5g?

I think whilst the Coronavirus pandemic is on the government should stop installing and operating 5g.
After all they are quite prepared to block people having routine GP and hospital appointments.

Let's have some proportionality here.

Are you joking here? - so so difficult to tell these days!

On the off chance you’re not; how can you be skeptical of a technology? I don’t understand what that means. 5G is a different and more efficient way of modulating and combining radio waves to transmit more data in the same timeframe - it’s the continuation of a process that started with Marconi and has been getting more efficient ever since. What does ‘skeptical’ mean in this context? That it doesn’t work? Or that it has hidden properties? Or something else?
I don't believe in destruction of property, but don't cry for me Arqiva and OFCOM.
I am a 5g skeptic. OFCOM and Arqiva, the TV and Radio transmission company have withdrawn BBC Four HD and loads of other HD Freeview stations from half the country so we can have the benefits of 5g on spectrum the government have auctioned off. Meanwhile they are busy installing 5g links on building all over the country.

What are the benefits of 5g?

I think whilst the Coronavirus pandemic is on the government should stop installing and operating 5g.
After all they are quite prepared to block people having routine GP and hospital appointments.

Let's have some proportionality here.
If you're joking, it's not funny, if you're serious, you're an idiot.
I am a 5g skeptic.

What are the benefits of 5g?

What are you skeptical about? What are the disadvantages of 5g? You can't just say these things without backing them up.

Everyone I have spoken to who has concerns about 5G are easily debunked because the reality is the technology used for 5G is the same as the technologies currently in use for various wireless comms. If you think there is something new in there that is somehow dangerous, then sorry, you are wrong.
I don't believe in destruction of property, but don't cry for me Arqiva and OFCOM.
I am a 5g skeptic. OFCOM and Arqiva, the TV and Radio transmission company have withdrawn BBC Four HD and loads of other HD Freeview stations from half the country so we can have the benefits of 5g on spectrum the government have auctioned off. Meanwhile they are busy installing 5g links on building all over the country.

What are the benefits of 5g?

I think whilst the Coronavirus pandemic is on the government should stop installing and operating 5g.
After all they are quite prepared to block people having routine GP and hospital appointments.

Let's have some proportionality here.
that is so year before last.
It's all about 6G now, forward the future.
Are you joking here? - so so difficult to tell these days!

On the off chance you’re not; how can you be skeptical of a technology? I don’t understand what that means. 5G is a different and more efficient way of modulating and combining radio waves to transmit more data in the same timeframe - it’s the continuation of a process that started with Marconi and has been getting more efficient ever since. What does ‘skeptical’ mean in this context? That it doesn’t work? Or that it has hidden properties? Or something else?
Not joking at all. Might I commend to you a Tolstoy short story we had to do at secondary school: How much land does a man need?
The answer is six feet - despite the delusions of faster broadband, faster cars, international jetset holidays or whatever.

"How Much Land Does a Man Require?" (Russian: Много ли человеку земли нужно?, Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nuzhno?) is an 1886 short story by Leo Tolstoy about a man who, in his lust for land, forfeits everything.
Not joking at all. Might I commend to you a Tolstoy short story we had to do at secondary school: How much land does a man need?
The answer is six feet - despite the delusions of faster broadband, faster cars, international jetset holidays or whatever.

"How Much Land Does a Man Require?" (Russian: Много ли человеку земли нужно?, Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nuzhno?) is an 1886 short story by Leo Tolstoy about a man who, in his lust for land, forfeits everything.
View attachment 248148

So you are skeptical about us needing faster broadband? Fair enough. As long as you don't have other reasons to dislike it. Like it causes Covid or it's going to be used to control the chips in the vaccine. Because that would be nonsense.
So you are skeptical about us needing faster broadband? Fair enough. As long as you don't have other reasons to dislike it. Like it causes Covid or it's going to be used to control the chips in the vaccine. Because that would be nonsense.
No - I was delighted to watch the complete Magic Flute by Covent Garden on Youtube a couple of says ago on my new secondhand Roku stick - via my WiFi broadband router. Perfect picture and sound - even with no Fibre.

Are the 5g aficionados gamers rather than opera fans? I think we should be told.

I just think that they need to prioritise controlling the epidemic. 5g, 6g or whatever could wait. Especially if they are needing police protection for mast installers.

Oh - and as for the chips - did you see the post upthread which had circuit diagram for the chip? Turned out to be a guitar amp apparently.
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No - I was delighted to watch the complete Magic Flute by Covent Garden on Youtube a couple of says ago on my new secondhand Roku stick - via my WiFi broadband router. Perfect picture and sound - even with no Fibre.

Are the 5g aficionados gamers rather than opera fans? I think we should be told.

I just think that they need to prioritise controlling the epidemic. 5g, 6g or whatever could wait. Especially if they are needing police protection for mast installers.

Oh - and as for the chips - did you see the post upthread which had circuit diagram for the chip? Turned out to be a guitar amp apparently.

I don't get what your problem is.
I don't get what your problem is.
It's that 5g seems to be protected, whereas many normal activities are now impossible due to the shut down.
Clearly 5g is sufficiently important that no sacrifice is required from Coms companies. Meanwhile shops and pubs are going to the wall.
It's that 5g seems to be protected, whereas many normal activities are now impossible due to the shut down.
Clearly 5g is sufficiently important that no sacrifice is required from Coms companies. Meanwhile shops and pubs are going to the wall.

I think there are many better targets for your ire in that case - prime contenders being construction companies engaged on private projects; 5G installation at least comes under the banner of critical infrastructure (communications) in a way that "just 117 exclusive luxury gated apartments in this vibrant part of town" don't.

Your skepticism is the priorities put on various industries for shutdown or not, really, then, no? Rather than anything to do with 5g per se? Which I think you'll find most people agree with you on!

A video shared online apparently showing a woman being arrested in breach of Covid rules for sitting on a bench was "stage-managed", police said.
Dorset Police believe the video was planned and recorded by anti-lockdown protestors during a demonstration in Bournemouth on Saturday.

A video shared online apparently showing a woman being arrested in breach of Covid rules for sitting on a bench was "stage-managed", police said.
Dorset Police believe the video was planned and recorded by anti-lockdown protestors during a demonstration in Bournemouth on Saturday.
Oh for fucks sake.
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