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Oh right so all my sources are just double-agents propagating lies to keep "the real conspiracy" under wraps.

I thought i was the "conspiraloon" :rolleyes:

So is anyone going to answer my points.

No I think a lot of people believe 9/11 is an important issue, as is the WOT and the Iraqi war as well as global govt.
They aren`t issues i`ve made up and if i have valid points you should answer them. I`m pontificating? You can`t even address simple points.

I`m off now, gotta hit the real world. ;)
axon said:
You're really brightening up my day, cheers.
Do you realy really seriously believe that people who disagree with your conclusions do so because they think that the ideas are just too revolutionary to be true. Would you even consider for a moment that maybe people who disagree with you may do so because they think evidence for it is very weak?
Better still over in p&p we're all naive becuase we haven't responded to his posts :D Which he's gone on to conclude that because he disagrees with what we haven't said :confused: we should all STFU :D

You're not doing conspiracy theorist a good service he me thinks. Personally i love a good conspiracy theory but the perveyors of such do often seem to be a tidge unstable at times.

Slips off to grassy noels crinkley bottom :D
frogwoman said:
What so many conspiracy theorists fail to understand is that just because you don't believe their nonsense about sacred bloodlines and reptilians and the Protocols and the New World Order and a giant Owl, it doesn't mean that you don't discount the possibility of there really being something very very wrong with our society...conspiraloonism and blind faith in the word of the government are two sides of the same coin and serve to benefit the same purpose...
Hand that young woman a laurel garland. Spot on!
Oh, and whoever compared believing in G-d to believing in lizards...:rolleyes: ;)
Oh, I don't know. I always think of her as an old dragon anyway!
Azrael23 said:
Oh right so all my sources are just double-agents propagating lies to keep "the real conspiracy" under wraps.

I thought i was the "conspiraloon" :rolleyes:

So is anyone going to answer my points.
I though it was common knowledge that infowars was a state sponsored dissinformation project that was run by the real shapeshifting net terrorists. :D
editor said:
So you believe and trust every last minute of that video?

Sort of weird, don't you think?

i think discussing it would be worthwhile.

have you seen it, MOD?
Bernie Gunther said:
So guess what happened to all the eye-witness reports about funny looking aircraft that didn't show up on radar?

Conspiracy theories are incredibly valuable to dodgy government types engaged in actual conspiracies.

Unfortunately that makes it extremely hard to tell which is which.
Ooooooh, you conspiracy theorist, you!

Azrael23 said:
You people are pathetic.

You refuse to listen to the facts and hand forth dogma as your proof...

Whats the difference between a conspiracy theory and a prosecution case?

Narrowminded bigotry would be one case i`d bring forth against people like you guys.

I could write a book on how 9/11 was conducted by a criminal element with the US govt. Welcome to the real world.
Tell us something we don't know, Azrael! The ENTIRE US govt is a criminal element! (well, obviously, apart from that little skinny bloke who doesn't appear on any of the personnel lists, but pops up in the back of all the official photos....)
treelover said:
White Lotus, that research sounds really interesting and useful, is it published anywhere/accessible?
Published? Nah, it's strictly DIY stuff - no substitute for blood sweat & tears! By which I mean, you build your own map relevant to your charity, there's no "A-Z" of the whole country AFAIK.

If you are fundraising for a charity, here's a brief precis of how it's done:

Map out what you've got (in terms of people) and where you want to be. Paper & pencil, directories of your target organisations (corporations, foundations) and their directors/trustees. Wealthy individuals who might be interested in what you do. Lists of your own supporters, or at least the ones who seem promising - wealthy or connected. Your own charity's trustees and/or patrons. Read relevant publications, make notes.

Use Who's Who, and Google. Once you've got a few tentative connections filled in, ask your supporters if you can "pick their brains", starting with trustees/patrons. Arrange a 20 minute interview, find out what organisations they belong to and who they know. Get Googling again.

It helps if you have a good memory. You'll hear or read something which will "ring a bell" and you can make a connection. In theory software could do it but I haven't met a programme that will yet. And the longer you do it, the more filled-in the map, the easier to add bits.

I've done the exercise from scratch twice - once geographically, for a region of England, and once internationally with some common interests.

[apologies for the derail folks, but I posted it rather than PM-ing because it gives some idea of where I'm coming from. Back to the fray again!] :D
pembrokestephen said:
Tell us something we don't know, Azrael! The ENTIRE US govt is a criminal element! (well, obviously, apart from that little skinny bloke who doesn't appear on any of the personnel lists, but pops up in the back of all the official photos....)

No there are some good people in US govt. Rep. Sen. Cynthia McKinney is an example. Granted she was kicked out of congress for asking too many questions about 9/11 and the Dyncorp Sex Trafficking scandal (read up on that its the tip of the iceberg) but still good people do get into govt.

Not everyones as evil as the neo-cons and their cronies up there in their ivory tower. Thats why we mustn`t give up on our electoral process, get involved there are still people who want to help us in places of power.
Blagsta said:
Funny, that's also a common belief of conspiraloons too.

So what do you know about dyncorp then Blagsta? What do you know about Patrice Alegre? What do you know about UN ships being involved in child sex trafficking in east timor? What do you about NATO being involved in human trafficking in Kosovo?

What about the real issues blagsta? What about real people? Have yopu any idea of what some people have been out through by the people we`re trying to expose.

You really are a spineless cretin.



(the original article from the NYP has been taken out of the archives....don`t know whats going on there)



Its all mainstream media, legal cases etc.
Not theory.
Azrael23 said:
So what do you know about dyncorp then Blagsta? What do you know about Patrice Alegre? What do you know about UN ships being involved in child sex trafficking in east timor? What do you about NATO being involved in human trafficking in Kosovo?

What about the real issues blagsta? What about real people? Have yopu any idea of what some people have been out through by the people we`re trying to expose.

You really are a spineless cretin.
<snip links>

Its all mainstream media, legal cases etc.
Not theory.

Yes, honey - the world is a horrible place.

Instead of collecting all of these stories, why don't you pick one and do something about it?

"Think globally, act locally" - have you joined any groups that are actively trying to make a difference? Actions talk louder than words (and links).
Blagsta said:


UNITED NATIONS, Apr 30: The United Nations has admitted that its peacekeepers sexually exploited and abused women and girls in Liberia.

"The allegations range from the exchange of goods, money or services for sex to the sexual exploitation of minors. The peacekeeping department at the headquarters as well as the mission on the ground are taking appropriate follow up action," an embarassed UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said yesterday.

Congo and Liberia -- the list is growing
Donna Ferentes said:
1. Alex who?

2. What, precisely, did he say in this prediction?

3. What did he do to stop it happening?

1. Third in charge of what?

2. Are you suggesting he knew that something was going on? What is your (or his) evidence for this?
Do I get any answers to any of these?
zArk said:

UNITED NATIONS, Apr 30: The United Nations has admitted that its peacekeepers sexually exploited and abused women and girls in Liberia.

"The allegations range from the exchange of goods, money or services for sex to the sexual exploitation of minors. The peacekeeping department at the headquarters as well as the mission on the ground are taking appropriate follow up action," an embarassed UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said yesterday.

Congo and Liberia -- the list is growing

So people are capable of some nasty things. So what? This is news to you? :eek:
Blagsta said:
So people are capable of some nasty things. So what? This is news to you? :eek:

The UN,

The UN refugee agency says there is not enough evidence to suspend up to 70 aid workers accused of sexually exploiting children in refugee camps in West Africa.

For the moment the proof is simply too weak to suspend them

UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski
Testimonies from children claiming they were given humanitarian aid in exchange for sex were revealed earlier this week in a preliminary report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Save the Children.

But the UNHCR confirmed on Friday that the individuals are still working in the camps in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

"They are in place. We cannot do much without firm proof to suspend them," said UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski.

"For the moment the proof is simply too weak to do so."

Oh but Garry Glitter gets put in gaol, yet the UN do nothing and dont get prosecuted.

They know about it, havent stopped it -- therefore they are guilty of the crime by association.

The UN are child abusers, they sexually exploit children.
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