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Have you just found out that people are capable of horrible things? Awwwww diddums. :(
Blagsta said:
Have you just found out that people are capable of horrible things? Awwwww diddums. :(

The UN Convention of Rights of a Child

they, the UN, are the abusers

The United Nations set a common standard on human rights with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Although this Declaration is not part of binding international law, its acceptance by all countries around the world gives great moral weight to the fundamental principle that all human beings, rich and poor, strong and weak, male and female, of all races and religions, are to be treated equally and with respect for their natural worth as human beings.


These abuse cases should be slapped all over the front pages of every newspaper in the world --- just like Garry Glitter was--- but they are not.

There is a global conspiracy to hide these abuses from the general public.

And you Blagsta are a shill
Blagsta said:
Have you just found out that people are capable of horrible things? Awwwww diddums. :(

horrible.. is this your description of these abuses?? horrible?

these are beyond horrible.
Blagsta said:
So people are capable of some nasty things. So what? This is news to you? :eek:

No its not news to me you patronising anal retentive pitiful excuse for a human being.

Its news to you whose responsible for some of these misdemeanours.

It said so much about you that rather than show righteous indignation at the organisations behind such crimes (organisations...not simply people) you would rather try and get a cheap point scoring quip in.

You really are pathetic blagsta. Thank God we aren`t all like you.

Some of us however have got backbone and will continue to try and expose these heinous crimes against the most vulnerable members of society.
Not blagsta though...no...human beings aren`t nice...accept state sponsored paedophilia....accept and move on.....YOUR A JOKE. :mad:
Azrael QC said:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I put it to you that it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is into DIY, and it is accepted that Fred West was into DIY, and therefore the defendant is guilty of... what was the charge again?

Fine method of reasoning there.
laptop said:
Fine method of reasoning there.

Read the articles check the sources, the legal cases are real and i have plenty more.

Your all pathetic, you stand in the light of day as intellectual cowards and whther willing or not, traitors and cowards.
Azrael23 said:
No its not news to me you patronising anal retentive pitiful excuse for a human being.

Its news to you whose responsible for some of these misdemeanours.

It said so much about you that rather than show righteous indignation at the organisations behind such crimes (organisations...not simply people) you would rather try and get a cheap point scoring quip in.

You really are pathetic blagsta. Thank God we aren`t all like you.

Some of us however have got backbone and will continue to try and expose these heinous crimes against the most vulnerable members of society.
Not blagsta though...no...human beings aren`t nice...accept state sponsored paedophilia....accept and move on.....YOUR A JOKE. :mad:

Can someone translate this please?
Can we pack in the name-calling? Mr Azrael has offered to answer my questions from above and as I won't be around for a couple of days I would appreciate being able to find the answers fairly quickly when I get back....
QC said:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I put it to you that it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is into DIY, and it is accepted that Fred West was into DIY, and therefore the defendant is guilty of... what was the charge again?

laptop said:
Fine method of reasoning there.

Did they send the guilty fucker down? I hope they sent the guilty fucker down!
Blagsta said:
*stop press*

Human beings in "not very nice" shock.[COLOR]

you find this funny?
you find it entertaining that children and women are being raped by UN Peacekeepers?

you're a fucking prick.
Azrael23 said:
BLAGSTA = COCK because Blagsta wants us all to accept mass organisational paedophilia and human sex trafficking.


Yep, thats right, I'm part of the conspiracy. :D
Azrael23 said:
Read the articles check the sources, the legal cases are real and i have plenty more.

Your all pathetic, you stand in the light of day as intellectual cowards and whther willing or not, traitors and cowards.

Prove to me that I am a traitor and a coward.
This is going to be one of those threads where people get banned and it goes into the bin.

If I predected this correct,can I have my own conpiracy :)
zArk said:
you find this funny?
you find it entertaining that children and women are being raped by UN Peacekeepers?

your a fucking prick.

What I find amusing is your reaction to it and to me. What I find funny is that you take the news that people can be really really shitty to each other and build a grand conspiracy out of it.

Come on, you claim to know all about psychoanalysis. Is it really news to you that there is a dark sadistic streak to human nature?
Donna Ferentes said:
Can we pack in the name-calling? Mr Azrael has offered to answer my questions from above and as I won't be around for a couple of days I would appreciate being able to find the answers fairly quickly when I get back....

Why bother with the answers? They'll be nuttier than squirrel (or should that be owl) shit.
No your not, your a slave to the GDP figure like everyone else. You also have hopes, dreams, ambitions and positive emotion like everyone else.

However you`d rather forsake all that is sacred within the grounds of this discussion because you like to feel you have the highground. I bet it makes you feel great to sit there calling us all conspiraloons (it ain`t in the dictionary my friend) when really you are simply guilty of ignorance. However rather than admit you didn`t know about this (through no fault of your own I might add) you would rather keep up a pretentious charade of arrogance.

YOUR FULL OF EGO. EGO = PAIN. Not my words terry but the words of Buddha. Maybe you should listen. No wait its people like you that cry "crucify him!, crucify him!" :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
No your not, your a slave to the GDP figure like everyone else. You also have hopes, dreams, ambitions and positive emotion like everyone else.

However you`d rather forsake all that is sacred within the grounds of this discussion because you like to feel you have the highground. I bet it makes you feel great to sit there calling us all conspiraloons (it ain`t in the dictionary my friend) when really you are simply guilty of ignorance. However rather than admit you didn`t know about this (through no fault of your own I might add) you would rather keep up a pretentious charade of arrogance.

YOUR FULL OF EGO. EGO = PAIN. Not my words terry but the words of Buddha. Maybe you should listen. No wait its people like you that cry "crucify him!, crucify him!" :rolleyes:

Azrael23 said:
Read the articles check the sources, the legal cases are real and i have plenty more.

Your all pathetic, you stand in the light of day as intellectual cowards and whther willing or not, traitors and cowards.

In which you demonstrate the use of the method of "argument" that I parodied.

Tell you what: you mangle English; George Bush mangles English; therefore you are capable of everything George Bush is capable of and you should probably cut your own tongue out and bury it at the low tide mark now.

The US is "aware" of torture taking place in Iraqi prisons, according to the outgoing Maltese UN human rights chief in Iraq.

"Yes, torture is happening now, mainly in illegal detention places. Such centres are mostly being run by militia that have been absorbed by the police force," says John Pace, who retired last week as human rights chief for the UN assistance mission in Iraq.

In a frank interview with The Times, Dr Pace says photos and forensic records have proved that torture was rife inside detention centres. Though the process of release has been speeded up, there are an estimated 23,000 people in detention, of whom 80 to 90 per cent are innocent.

He says the Baghdad morgue received 1,100 bodies in July alone, about 900 of whom bore evidence of torture or summary execution. That continued throughout the year and last December there were 780 bodies, including 400 having gunshot wounds or wounds as those caused by electric drills.

UN arent going to stop it, UN are fascists-in-wait. The UN are Child sexual abusers and blagsta is a sympathiser
Blagsta said:
Can I claim Godwin's Law here? :D

No, Godwin's Law is put into place by those who are trying to stop the spread of truth, a way to silence those who raise the alarms.

Do keep up.... :D
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