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Don `t you understand, this is not a joke.

Just because BBC2 hasn`t shown you a documentary on peacekeepers going on rape sessions or NATO officials abusing children, senior judges abusing children, royals engaging in black masses.....

Thats not to say it isn`t true. A lie must be propagated however the truth will simply surface. If you refuse to speak out against this kind of PROVEN sickening behaviour you are as bad as they are.

You can`t deny the facts yet you`ll continue to deny their consequences.

I`ll continue berating you as cowards because you are. Your spineless. Do you not have a family, do you not have morality? Do you not have goodness? Don`t you stand for whats right in the world?
The poor said:
The first incident in June 1990 was when a newsreader made what seemed to be a reaction to something which had happened in my home, and out of context of what they were reading. My first reaction was disbelief; nothing of the sort had ever happened before, the idea that such a thing could occur had not crossed my mind, yet there was no doubt of what had just taken place.

Everything is connected - there is no difference between one thing and another. Because some soldiers somewhere did what soldiers have always done, Kofi Annan is a Satanist and Blagsta is is ho'.
I think the problem here is a lack of discrimination. By lumping actual war crimes in with loony-tune stuff about royal black masses, I think you are doing a great disservice to the victims of actual crimes, by making those crimes easier to dismiss along with the owl worshipping satanists and so on.
spring-peeper said:
No, Godwin's Law is put into place by those who are trying to stop the spread of truth, a way to silence those who raise the alarms.

What's more, not a lot of people know this - but Mike Godwin is a lawyer.

Draw your own conclusions :D
Bernie Gunther said:
I think the problem here is a lack of discrimination. By lumping actual war crimes in with loony-tune stuff about royal black masses, I think you are doing a great disservice to the victims of actual crimes, by making those crimes easier to dismiss along with the owl worshipping satanists and so on.

It is the ideology of such groups which propagates this behaviour.
You find it too far fetched. Thats not my problem mate.

The UN wouldn`t even exist to commit such crimes if it wasn`t for people like the Rockefellers who financed the project in the first place. Remember that.
People commit sex crimes all the time without such an ideology.

What makes it necessary to posit an ideological connection in this case? Or to invoke the dread name of Rockerfeller? Is there some chain of facts and logic that can be shown to make the case for positing a causal link between them?
It isn`t necessary but this is not an inductive argument.

This is a case point example argument. Read the newspaper articles. I`ve got lods more if you want. The number of high rnaking people who have been found with links to child sex and sex trafficking is huge and there is the documentation to prove this.

I`m not trying to blame everything thats ever gone wrong in the world from dog shit on your shoe to hurricane katrina on some shadowy group of men.
I`m saying...this is what they are doing...this is what the consequences have been....this is how they do it...this is who they are....

So just pay attention, im not a martyr, I can`t take on the world, but I can help people by empowering them.

You cynics are not real scholars. You don`t address the sources, you don`t want to look at the evidence. You have your opinions and nothing much else.
Azrael23 said:
You cynics are not real scholars. You don`t address the sources, you don`t want to look at the evidence. You have your opinions and nothing much else.

I'm sorry - no, I'm not a real scholar.

And your credentials are.....
In the case of the US torturing people, there is reasonably solid evidence to back up a claim that it was done as a matter of White House policy. Pictures, autopsy reports released under the FOI and a court case do establish that at least some torture happened and where it happened. In addition, there are a number of legal opinions and first hand testimony from people who were involved which make it clear that what was done was authorised from the top.

See e.g.





Can you show comparable evidence that Rockerfeller was in any meaningful sense directly responsible for a UN policy of child rape, or anything close to it? Please feel free to clarify, if that's not what you were asserting above.
i have but one life and the few moments i have given over to tralling through some of the absolute bullshit people come up with is a total waste. yes there are some shitty things done by people and govements but ffs child molesting aid workers and black mass royals are such worlds apart that it's fucking unbeleavable... your ... you ... boke!
Because the banking families run the WHOLE show. They host the Bilderberg conferences, they funded the creation of the UN. The organisations and think tanks which come up with US policy have HEAVY links to the banking world, this is why we see wolfowitz walking out of the neo-con camp at the pentagon and straight into head of the world bank. :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:

They run everything, council on foreign relations, bilderberg, royal institute of foreign affairs, tavistock institute, the secruity services, their fingerprints are all over it all.
They run the economy of THE WORLD.

I don`t know whether you`ve fully realised the amount of power that entails.
Shippou-Chan said:
i have but one life and the few moments i have given over to tralling through some of the absolute bullshit people come up with is a total waste. yes there are some shitty things done by people and govements but ffs child molesting aid workers and black mass royals are such worlds apart that it's fucking unbeleavable... your ... you ... boke!
And since when were you the sentinel of truth?

How do KNOW it isn`t true?

You don`t.

So do some research and then tell me theres no case. At least if you`d researched we could debate the issue but no, your happy with your preconceptions right?
this is where it all starts to turn to treacle

yes banks have heavy infuence but ffs in fluence does not invisable lizards make .... the vast amounts of conspiricies have so many rumours half truths lie misconceptions and creative misinterpretations in them to make any serious person baulk

it's like inteligent design ... sounds good on the surface but when you actully start to pick away at it it turns out to be a huge pile of poo
Azrael23 said:

Azrael23 said:
So do some research and then tell me theres no case.

Why don't you just dismiss me as a sheep now, same as you will when we do the research and still don't agree with you?

It'd save a whole lot of time in the long run.
In fact there is ample evidence, taken from public accounts, of who funds the most of the right-wing US think tanks.

Here's a useful site: http://www.mediatransparency.org/funders.php

The main players are a number of family foundations: Bradley (electronics), Coors (brewing), Koch (oil), Olin (munitions), Scaife (industrial, oil and yes, banking).
Azrael23 said:
bilderberg, royal institute of foreign affairs, tavistock institute...

My friend studies there too... must be a lizard as well... :eek:

I wonder how our friend might have come into contact with it?
Good website thankyou very much. I already have a list of sponsors for PNAC.
I have to admit I haven`t got round to researching the backgrounds of all these private foundations.

Cheers. :)
Azrael23 said:
And since when were you the sentinel of truth?

How do KNOW it isn`t true?

You don`t.

So do some research and then tell me theres no case. At least if you`d researched we could debate the issue but no, your happy with your preconceptions right?


excuse me but am i suspose to simple belive everything that people tell me?

and as i just fucking pointed out to you the times when i do research into these things there turns out to be fuck all evidence to them (or at least evidence to any giant scheme) ...

so... do you really expect me to trawl though tones of shit for every single thing people tell me?

as for sudgesting i'm in a fun happy cotten wool world painted by my own belife ... i throw that right back at you .... you in your own little world of theory about some giant power making the world crappy ... and your going to relly on bullshit you read on the web to help you feel that way .... it's not that humans are a disgusting buch of fuckers who will do most anyshit ... nahhh it's got to be a higher power of evil pulling strings so you can fell nice and fluffy at night thinking your some sort of crusader for justice and a force for good in this world

but your not...
laptop said:
My friend studies there too... must be a lizard as well... :eek:

I wonder how our friend might have come into contact with it?

Look the government at its heart is corrupt but does that mean your local NHS nurse is an occultist?


Your blowing what i`ve said out of proportion. What i`m saying is that these organisations are founded for a reason. Perhaps your friend and blagstas wife are involved in something they shouldn`t be...whose to say they`d even know they were involved? You think the bank teller knows the future direction of chase manhattan in the eastern hemisphere?

Use your common sense and don`t take what I say out of context please. I`m just trying to do the right thing and if i`m wrong NO ONE will be more pleased than me. I want the world of fairy cakes and daffodils everywhere...but sadly it doesn`t exist, instead this is the world we have. But its our planet so its not hard to change it. Thats the basic point isn`t it? No matter what you believe is fundamentally wrong with society we all know something isn`t bloody well right. So change something, change anythin! Just don`t sit there giving me reasons why you don`t have to do anything.
Azrael23 said:
Perhaps your friend and blagstas wife are involved in something they shouldn`t be..

My god, you're right! She's not really studying psychoanalytic psychotherapy! She's studying to be a lizard!

We're not actually married, but never mind.
Azrael23 said:
<snip>But its our planet so its not hard to change it. Thats the basic point isn`t it? No matter what you believe is fundamentally wrong with society we all know something isn`t bloody well right. So change something, change anythin! Just don`t sit there giving me reasons why you don`t have to do anything.

Then lead by example - give us proof of you getting off your butt and actually doing something.

(I don't consider talking to a youth center director as doing something, btw)
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