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Hey hey it's Asrael


Azrael23 said:
Back a bit later, i hope your all frothing a bit less and realised the world probably isn`t like TV said it is.
Do some RESEARCH!!!!.

Try some research into FEMA.

There's a certain irony in someone talking about others' 'frothing' whilst getting all SHOUTY and AGITATED

Still, as for the research, I'm guessing that we've just got higher standards than you...
Azrael23 said:
You condescending twerp!

When have I ever said our life is out of our control, thats the whole point its not. When we just mindlessly consume and have no thought for our neighbour is when its out of our control.
We should take a moral responsibility for the world, especially society. However the holocaust was the making of a few well-financed (by the central banks DO THE RESEARCH start with BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN) evil men. The jews had no responsibility did they, in the same way its not my fault 9/11 happened.

The responsibility comes when the facts show exactly who was responsible and we as a society ignore the facts and decry anyone wanting the real truth as a "conspiracy theorist" which of course is one of the biggest cliches in the book!

Why not just listen to us in a fair reasoned way. Especially where 9/11 is concerned we already know the truth, its not some great mystery its rather simple.

Back a bit later, i hope your all frothing a bit less and realised the world probably isn`t like TV said it is.
Do some RESEARCH!!!!.

Try some research into FEMA.

When we just mindlessly consume and have no thought for our neighbour is when its out of our control.
We should take a moral responsibility for the world, especially society.

Yet the theory you put forward is immaterial to this statement.

We don't need concocted stories about 9/11 or the criminal mastermind of the bankers of 1939, to be alarmed and to be angry at what is happening in our society today.

We don't need long convulated, hidden, secret agendas and propoganda to be upset at the state of our society and the actions of our leaders.

We just need to open our eyes and look at what is happening. Not at some conspiracy by the elite of the US ruling class to create 9/11, but at the very real lies and freedoms we are losing.
What so many conspiracy theorists fail to understand is that just because you don't believe their nonsense about sacred bloodlines and reptilians and the Protocols and the New World Order and a giant Owl, it doesn't mean that you don't discount the possibility of there really being something very very wrong with our society...conspiraloonism and blind faith in the word of the government are two sides of the same coin and serve to benefit the same purpose...

Oh, and whoever compared believing in G-d to believing in lizards...:rolleyes: ;)
Condensed arrogance : selected highlights

Azrael23 said:
Don`t be pedantic

Your too scared to asnwer real questions and address real issues.

I`ll go where the facts take me. You`ll go where the facts take you until your own ideology is challenged and then you`ll stop.

If you`ve done enough research into 9/11 you know it was an inside job. If not you haven`t done enough research.

I see. You're right, 'we' are wrong.

Thanks for pointing that out, much appreciated ...

And then conspiracists wonder why they so often get such an unwelcome reception ....

Donna Ferentes said:
1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc.

frogwoman said:
What so many conspiracy theorists fail to understand is that just because you don't believe their nonsense about sacred bloodlines and reptilians and the Protocols and the New World Order and a giant Owl, it doesn't mean that you don't discount the possibility of there really being something very very wrong with our society...conspiraloonism and blind faith in the word of the government are two sides of the same coin and serve to benefit the same purpose...

Spot on froggy ... :cool:
You refuse to see the difference between genuine conspiraloons who believe in Alien intervention etc. and people who know who was behind 9/11.

No one has answered my questions. I don`t want your rhetoric, answer real questions, talk about real issues, real people, real documents.
All you people do is generalise things and then accuse people like me of not looking at the facts....
Well how about we talk about PNAC documents or Operation Northwoods or even the current hot story....Operation ENDGAME.....

Why won`t you discuss the facts, I thought we "the conspiraloons" were the ones who avoided facts and liked to generalise. Whilst some amongst us are guilty of the very crimes you suggest, those of you who refuse to look into very real threats to national sovereignty and individual freedoms are much more dangerous.
You talk about wanting change but to what? Half of you on here just want to see socialism or even worse communism.....
Oooh its capitalism vs communism, its religion vs science, its conspiracy theories vs fact.....everythings just black and white....
Theres nothing arrogant about trying to change peoples opinions. I suppose martin luther king was arrogant for deigning to speak out against racism AND THE BANKERS....hence he was shot.
You people forget the most famous people in history men like churchill and wilson WARNED US ALL about the money makers...the cadre of aristocratic banking families....I will not be bullied by those who have forgotten the warnings of history.
Azrael23 - now that we know about these conspiracies, what do you want us to do about them?

Can we stop these camps? Do you have a course of action?
Azrael23 said:
Well how about we talk about PNAC documents or Operation Northwoods or even the current hot story..
FFS, not this AGAIN!

Listen carefully now. Operation Northwoods was from a different era, with a different world order, with different governments and when the world was a completely different place.

And - now here's the really important bit - IT NEVER HAPPENED!
It was just one of the million mad plans and schemes that were dreamt up in a time when generals and majors all over the globe were planning up the most outrageous schemes as the world looked down the barrel of mutual annihilation.

But - as Martn Fry said - that was then and this was now.

So, in other words, it's got absolutely fuck all to do with anything. You may as well bang on about hover-boots and Martian bases.
Azrael23 said:
If you`ve done enough research into 9/11 you know it was an inside job. If not you haven`t done enough research.

This has to be my favourite piece of logical reasoning in a long time :D
I may apply it to some of my experiments. Now lets see, data doesn't fit the hypothesis, obviously need more data as the hypothesis cannot be wrong!
Some of the scenarios in Operation Northwoods did go ahead. There was no blowing up of american passenger jets to blame it on the cubans, neither were ships bombed.
However various cubans in Florida were fitted up on trumped drug charges to make it seem like Cuba were responsible for the drugs coming into the east coast when we all know these days it was the CIA.

Op. Northwoods shows us what the govt. are capable of. The era was not so different trust me.

What is your answer to the PNAC documents? Is 1999 recent enough?

Is 2003 with the Operation Endgame documents recent enough?

You do realise that in terms of strategic planning there are a lot of the same people in power now that were around in the cold war. Its not so different. They`ve simply got bolder as the dumbing down of the US public has taken effect.
Your dealing with a malthusian elite class.
axon said:
This has to be my favourite piece of logical reasoning in a long time :D
I may apply it to some of my experiments. Now lets see, data doesn't fit the hypothesis, obviously need more data as the hypothesis cannot be wrong!

What makes you think I began with a hypothesis? I like to learn and eventually i come to conclusions like a normal person. The difference is I don`t ignore anything that is too revolutionary to be true....
Azrael23 said:
Some of the scenarios in Operation Northwoods did go ahead. There was no blowing up of american passenger jets to blame it on the cubans, neither were ships bombed.
However various cubans in Florida were fitted up on trumped drug charges to make it seem like Cuba were responsible for the drugs coming into the east coast when we all know these days it was the CIA.

Op. Northwoods shows us what the govt. are capable of. The era was not so different trust me.

What is your answer to the PNAC documents? Is 1999 recent enough?

Is 2003 with the Operation Endgame documents recent enough?

You do realise that in terms of strategic planning there are a lot of the same people in power now that were around in the cold war. Its not so different. They`ve simply got bolder as the dumbing down of the US public has taken effect.
Your dealing with a malthusian elite class.

I repeat, what do you want us to do about it?
spring-peeper said:
I repeat, what do you want us to do about it?

Get involved in the information war. Wake people up.
There are a lot of us out there fighting this.
I`ve answered this question in the other thread as well.
Azrael23 said:
The difference is I don`t ignore anything that is too revolutionary to be true....

:D :D :D You're really brightening up my day, cheers.
Do you realy really seriously believe that people who disagree with your conclusions do so because they think that the ideas are just too revolutionary to be true. Would you even consider for a moment that maybe people who disagree with you may do so because they think evidence for it is very weak?
axon said:
:D :D :D You're really brightening up my day, cheers.
Do you realy really seriously believe that people who disagree with your conclusions do so because they think that the ideas are just too revolutionary to be true. Would you even consider for a moment that maybe people who disagree with you may do so because they think evidence for it is very weak?

The evidence is not weak therefore my assertion is true.
Its a common belief by our elite that we the masses are mindless sheep. There must be a reason they believe that to be the case. Maybe because time and time again we ignore evidence and pay more credence to mainstream media. Even those who say they know media lies still use the media as a basis by which to judge other information.
axon said:
Now lets see, data doesn't fit the hypothesis, obviously need more data as the hypothesis cannot be wrong!

"Hello, I represent BigPharma Corp and I was wondering whether you'd considered..." :D
Azrael23 said:
The evidence is not weak therefore my assertion is true.
Oh well then, you've got me there then. Hang on, why is the strength of the evidence not open for discussion? Are you hiding something? I sense a dark and foreboding secret movement to quash any rational debate of what merits decent evidence, and you good sir/madam are the ring leader!

Azrael23 said:
Its a common belief by our elite that we the masses are mindless sheep.
I agree, but that is not evidence for the grand conspiracy you adore.
I`ve spent hours on this forum posting documents, documentaries, weblinks, interviews.

No one ever reads them, no one gives credence to the facts because the facts lead to the conclusion you might have to get off your ass. Something most people will only do for money these days.

You still haven`t answered my question on why NORAD stood down on 9/11. Why were the jets ordered to fly at cruise speed? Why did a general have to break orders to intercept on time?
Why weren`t the jets in DC scrambled, why were jets too far away to be of any use scrambled instead?
Why did Bush issue order W199i to stop ALL investigations into Al-Qaeda before 9/11. Why was david schippers banging on the white house with boxes of files asking why he had 4 FBI agents come to him begging for help to stop an inevitable al-qaeda attack.
Why were the hijackers doing flight training at pensacola naval base?
Why are 8 of the 19 supposed hijackers still alive?

REAL QUESTIONS. Why does no one want to answer them. You can piss right off with your generalisations and basic slander. I want answers and so should you.

Get real, Why would I want a "grand conspiracy"? I`d much rather be doing my own thing, I`d much rather not have to worry about wars of social domination......
Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to the sacred. Thats why i`m speaking out.

A man who stands for nothing will reap the reward of falling for everything.
Azrael23 said:
I`ve spent hours on this forum posting documents, documentaries, weblinks, interviews.

No one ever reads them, no one gives credence to the facts because the facts lead to the conclusion you might have to get off your ass. Something most people will only do for money these days.<snip>

And yet you continue, even after acknowledging that no-one is going to be swayed by all your hard work.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

spring-peeper said:
And yet you continue, even after acknowledging that no-one is going to be swayed by all your hard work.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein


"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." --Einstein, Albert

So rather than giving me quotes. Why not address the REAL ISSUES. You can`t be scared of information only of its ramifications.
zArk said:
Where is JFK's brain? Now theres a cracking conspiraloon example

Ever felt a brain or measured it's consistency?

Ever fired a rifle?

Ever seen the result of firing a rifle round ("Mannlicher" Carcano used by Oswald fired a 6.5mm x 52mm round, an "intermediate" cartridge size by today's standards) through bone into a brain?

"Where's JFK's brain?", you ask.

What you should be asking is "where are the remnants of his brain that were left in his skull?", because I've no doubt you're not intersted about the bits of bone, hair, flesh and brain that sprayed out behind him.

Of course, that doesn't fit the CT template, so the questions "why did JFK's brain go walkabout?", "what does (insert name of random "agent of "the man" here) have to hide?" and "why won't they TELL US THE TRUTH?" get (spuriously) asked by the people who see signs, omens and portents on cornflake boxes and the like.
ViolentPanda said:
Ever felt a brain or measured it's consistency?

Ever fired a rifle?

Ever seen the result of firing a rifle round ("Mannlicher" Carcano used by Oswald fired a 6.5mm x 52mm round, an "intermediate" cartridge size by today's standards) through bone into a brain?

"Where's JFK's brain?", you ask.

What you should be asking is "where are the remnants of his brain that were left in his skull?", because I've no doubt you're not intersted about the bits of bone, hair, flesh and brain that sprayed out behind him.

Of course, that doesn't fit the CT template, so the questions "why did JFK's brain go walkabout?", "what does (insert name of random "agent of "the man" here) have to hide?" and "why won't they TELL US THE TRUTH?" get (spuriously) asked by the people who see signs, omens and portents on cornflake boxes and the like.

Stop derailing. Kennedy was shot in the face your right not a lot of brain left.

Anyways....REAL ISSUES?
Azrael23 said:
So let me get this straight? If you fall for the entire official 9/11 storyline your a mindless bush licking moron so detested on these boards.
If you think its about oil and money your really "cutting edge"

If you`ve done the research and realise its far more complicated your a conspiraloon.


So how come alex predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened? He`s a conspiraloon, he couldn`t possibly know the future.... :rolleyes:
Mmmm, and the Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA in the US and other intelligence agencies around the world also predicted September 11th 2001 before it happened, in some cases several years before. What's your point, other than that any reasonably well-informed person with an analytical bent could have reached a similar conclusion?
How come third in charge michael meacher came out and told everyone the war on terror was bogus? Is he a conspiraloon?
1) Michael Meacher was never "thrid in charge", he was Secretary of State for the Environment, which is one step up the ministerial food-chain from Dept for Culture, Media and Sport.
2) "Third in charge" would actually be the Home Secretary.
3) Michael Meacher only started talking about TWOT being bogus after he lost his place at the Dept of the Environment. If you can't see the causal link then you're blind.
Is david shayler the MI5 whistler blower, the guy who gave up his cushy well paid job in Head Office London to tell you people whats going on, a conspiraloon?
You're mis-representing Shayler's value, and not mentioning just how much of his post-arrest revelations have been "convenient" for certain parts of the state apparatus.
Your all so full of contradictions. Maybe you should listen to what people from high places of power, like Andreas van Buelow are trying to tell you.

Do the research. ANDREAS VAN BUELOW.

Its easy,type it into google, there are transcripts of various interviews.

You can say theres no evidence all you like because theres tonnes of it, its voluminous. I`ll be more than happy to carry on giving it to you because the open minded people amongst do listen. I get regular PM`s from people in agreement and even people who want to meet up and discuss this stuff.
Your welcome to a debt based economy, but you`ll never stop real patriots talking about whats so wrong with our society.

Its called societal evolution. I don`t mind if you`d rather label than contribute. You just keep banging on about socialism and marx..... :D
Have you never heard of disinformation, of "black propaganda", of "double bluff" and "triple bluff"?

If you knew half as much as you think you do, then you wouldn't be pontificating on a bulletin board, you'd be investigating and exposing REAL cover-ups, lies and disinformation.
Azrael23 said:
Stop derailing. Kennedy was shot in the face your right not a lot of brain left.
How is it a "derail" to answer somebody's point, you portentous windbag?
Anyways....REAL ISSUES?
By which, I've no doubt, you mean issues that you believe to be "real"?
Yeah and anyway, the whole conspiracy theory about Kennedy's death is just classic conspiralunacy. I saw a documentary that proved it, it was a modern documentary with the authoritative conclusion that it was absolutely certain that a lone gunman called Lee harvey oswald, ( :D or ozzie rabbit for short.,)
killed Kennedy.

The way they did this was very clever... Rather than use the original footage, the Zapruder film, they used a computer animated reconstruction of the events, and from the reconstruction drew the conclusions that are obvious to any right thinking person..

I don't see how anybody could fail to be convinced.. :rolleyes:
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