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DoUsAFavour said:
Guess what William most people do swallow neoliberal propaganda with hardly a whisper.

Well I don't, and I'd be grateful if scepticism towards conspiraloonery was not automatically taken (by conspiracists) as primie facie evidence of 'conformitronery' or whatever it was that you came close to accusing Donna of being ... :mad:

Donna and that 9/11 myths site talk a lot more fucking PLAIN COMMON SENSE about 9/11 than 99% of these loonspuds ever do ...

Apply Occams Razor FFS, and look at that list of people who'd have to have been in on the conspiracy, if there WAS a conspiracy. Read that list. Then read it again.
DoUsAFavour said:
William, you see to use a lot of these chaps --> :mad: when posting to me for some reason.

Not aimed at you personally.

Just at the conspiraloon habit in general -- and you are far far less guilty of this than many -- of assuming gullibility to neoliberalism, establishment propaganda, etc. and then sneering about their own 'openmindedness' and 'truthseeking' etc. as if scepticism towards Joe Vialls and prisonplanet means you're in the pay of the CIA ...
White Lotus, that research sounds really interesting and useful, is it published anywhere/accessible?

Part of my previous job(s) was to understand the rich and powerful, on behalf of my charity. And it's pretty much as you'd predict: complex networks based on family, friendships, obligations and favours. There are different groupings based on business, celebrity, aristocracy and politics - with a lot of cross-linkage between these groups. If you study these you can use them benignly: if one of your supporters has a daughter in school with the daughter of a trustee of a grant-making foundation, you can ask her to arrange an introduction.
Azrael23 said:
maggots. You know nothing of what you speak.

How am I distracting people from real govt crime when I`m trying to expose it? Simply because you do not believe the truth that doesn`t mean it goes away.
You called me a conspiraloon for talking about bohemian grove and labour camps in america. Thats all provable. You refuse to acknowledge any of the sources and called the video a fake even though the bohemian club admitted it wasn`t.

Your intellectual cowards. If alex jones is such a loon how come he predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened? How come he gets everyone from michael meacher to andreas van buelow on his radio show?

Do some research.

Why would America need labour camps when they have cheap immigrant labour, prison based labour and can outsource production of goods to the far east? Far more economically viable, no need for cover-ups and political risks.

Why would America need a secret order of families when they have Project for a New American Century and the neo-con fraternity? There's no need to find conspiracy theories here, the neo-cons have always been open about their desire for a world lead by American 'democracy'.

Conspiracy theories have a tendency to be dreamed up by self-proclaimed 'experts' who think they know better than the real experts on the subjects. It plays straight into the hands of the corporations/fraternities who run everything because the very real shit they pull gets dilluted by any number of nut-jobs spouting crap about bombing the twin towers and using mirrors to simulate planes.
i'd understood it to be a secret order of families throughout the world, rather than just in america.
Conspiraloons say that JFK was hit by a bullet entering the front of his head, exiting the back.

They say that the Magic Bullet Theory is just that, a Theory

Conspiraloons, gawd, madness.

Imagine thinking that there was more than one person shooting JFK, that would then be called ... a urrmmmm.. Conspiracy.. these daft Conspiraloons.

Where is JFK's brain? Now theres a cracking conspiraloon example
zArk said:
Conspiraloons say that JFK was hit by a bullet entering the front of his head, exiting the back.

They say that the Magic Bullet Theory is just that, a Theory

Conspiraloons, gawd, madness.

Imagine thinking that there was more than one person shooting JFK, that would then be called ... a urrmmmm.. Conspiracy.. these daft Conspiraloons.

Where is JFK's brain? Now theres a cracking conspiraloon example
I think you should have a little lie down.
Doona Ferentes said:
Incidentally, talking of how this stuff helps obscure rather than illuminate the real point: there is, of course, a real conspiracy here. There was a conspiracy to take the US and Britain into an illegal and ill-motivated was in Iraq.

When I say a conspiracy, I don't mean something out of the movies, with loads of secret operatives all dressed in black: I mean simply that a number of people combined with a common purpose while trying to keep hidden both their combination and their actual purpose.

The difference between this and imaginary conspiracies is of course enormous. Instead of everything being huge, far-ranging, perfectly carried out, involving many, many people and there being no evidence for it, we have something involving a small number of people, imperfectly carried out. We know who most of these people were, though not all of them, and we know much of what they did, though not all of it.

But unfortunately, saying so isn't good enough for the conspiraloons. Unless you accept their utterly impossible version of events, you're sheeple who swallow the CNN version of events. Or, seeing how much the "truth movement" resembles a religion, blasphemers.

Cid said:
Conspiracy theories have a tendency to be dreamed up by self-proclaimed 'experts' who think they know better than the real experts on the subjects. It plays straight into the hands of the corporations/fraternities who run everything because the very real shit they pull gets dilluted by any number of nut-jobs spouting crap about bombing the twin towers and using mirrors to simulate planes.

I've never seen ANY conspiraloon, anywhere, talk a hundredth as much sense as the above!
I don't believe everything in the "official version" of 9-11 and I do think that there is convincing evidence that the US government knew about the attacks beforehand, although probably didn't order them or remote control the planes or any of that bullshit - but I'm very suspicious of conspiracy theory websites.

Another problem with conspiracy theories is that they can very quickly descend into anti-semitic/anti-Freemason/islamophobic/even anti-Catholic bullshit, and that the websites of people who make this shit up very nearly always have some kind of secret agenda. It's never only about "revealing the truth", it's always got some other kind of propaganda as well. A good deal of these sites are made, or funded, by evangelical militant Christians convinced that there's some kind of plot to destroy Christianity in America (of all places!!)

There are some real criminals who are screwing us over, and these people see the numbers of people who believe in this shit and they laugh...

Donna, your list of conspiracy theorist characteristics is excellent and I know many people who are just like that. :cool: I read somewhere that since 9-11, conspiracy theories had become far more popular than stories of UFOs and ghosts, and they put this down to the fact that due to the uncertainty of the world, the people who believed this kind of thing in the first place became more preoccupied with current events..
So let me get this straight? If you fall for the entire official 9/11 storyline your a mindless bush licking moron so detested on these boards.
If you think its about oil and money your really "cutting edge"

If you`ve done the research and realise its far more complicated your a conspiraloon.


So how come alex predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened? He`s a conspiraloon, he couldn`t possibly know the future.... :rolleyes:

How come third in charge michael meacher came out and told everyone the war on terror was bogus? Is he a conspiraloon?

Is david shayler the MI5 whistler blower, the guy who gave up his cushy well paid job in Head Office London to tell you people whats going on, a conspiraloon?

Your all so full of contradictions. Maybe you should listen to what people from high places of power, like Andreas van Buelow are trying to tell you.

Do the research. ANDREAS VAN BUELOW.

Its easy,type it into google, there are transcripts of various interviews.

You can say theres no evidence all you like because theres tonnes of it, its voluminous. I`ll be more than happy to carry on giving it to you because the open minded people amongst do listen. I get regular PM`s from people in agreement and even people who want to meet up and discuss this stuff.
Your welcome to a debt based economy, but you`ll never stop real patriots talking about whats so wrong with our society.

Its called societal evolution. I don`t mind if you`d rather label than contribute. You just keep banging on about socialism and marx..... :D
zArk said:
has anyone watched that video 911 eyewitness?

sort of weird, dont you think?
So you believe and trust every last minute of that video?

Sort of weird, don't you think?
Azrael23 said:
So let me get this straight? If you fall for the entire official 9/11 storyline your a mindless bush licking moron so detested on these boards.

I think you need a spin doctor mate.

Your chances of getting any sceptic or neutral/non committed either way person to take any notice of you falls to between zero and less than zero when you come out with the sort of arrogantly insulting phrase bolded above ... :rolleyes: ...

And if us sceptics get a tad uncomplimentary and impatient with conspiracists, perhaps the blame lies with the all too common assumption (by conspiracists) that scepticism towards conspiracies is exactly equivalent to gullibly and mindlessly regurgitating establishment propaganda.

People like laptop and Bernie Gunther and Donna Ferentes are far more sceptical of establishment propganda and far more effective at exposing it, than most conspiracists will ever be.
Azrael23 said:
So how come alex predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened?
1. Alex who?

2. What, precisely, did he say in this prediction?

3. What did he do to stop it happening?

Azrael23 said:
How come third in charge michael meacher came out and told everyone the war on terror was bogus?
1. Third in charge of what?

2. Are you suggesting he knew that something was going on? What is your (or his) evidence for this?

Azrael23 said:
You can say theres no evidence all you like because theres tonnes of it, its voluminous.
Well, it's certainly voluminous, most of it has appeared on here more than a few times. But it's also voluminous because the people who put it about never examine it critically, so anything goes.
Azrael23 said:
I get regular PM`s from people in agreement and even people who want to meet up and discuss this stuff.

Straight from chapter one of the beginner's guide to trolling :D

Your so right...... What have I been thinking all this time...... :rolleyes:

Don`t be pedantic, Read what the guy has to say. I don`t give a monkeys if you know its von buelow rather than van buelow, have you read his book? Have you read what he has to say?

Your too scared to asnwer real questions and address real issues. Don`t bother setting up laptop, bernie or anyone else as an authority. People have a duty to expose it for themselves, we have a moral duty to do some bloody reading.
You will not entertain that which is too removed from your own present worldview. Some people will. Its quite simple. I`ll go where the facts take me. You`ll go where the facts take you until your own ideology is challenged and then you`ll stop. Thats the only difference.

If you`ve done enough research into 9/11 you know it was an inside job. If not you haven`t done enough research.

One simple question. Who ordered NORAD to stand down? It sure as hell wasn`t the mysterious Al-Qaeda was it! :D
trashpony said:

I'll make you some banners if you like :)

White Lotus said:
But I also wanted to make a serious point - was going to post it there but by now only the hardiest posters are on that thread, so I bumped this one. Sorry.

What really pisses me off about all these loony conspiracy theories, is not just that they're wrong, but they detract attention from the real corruption out there.

Part of my previous job(s) was to understand the rich and powerful, on behalf of my charity. And it's pretty much as you'd predict: complex networks based on family, friendships, obligations and favours. There are different groupings based on business, celebrity, aristocracy and politics - with a lot of cross-linkage between these groups. If you study these you can use them benignly: if one of your supporters has a daughter in school with the daughter of a trustee of a grant-making foundation, you can ask her to arrange an introduction.

The trouble comes about when they are used less benignly, eg the husband of politician A does a favour for politician B and receives a bung from businessman C who owes B a favour ...

However, any thought that there is some sort of "board of directors" or "13 families" or any one group in control of what happens on this planet, is sheer wishful thinking. Wishful, because it means if we could only crack that group, they could put right everything that's wrong with the world. In my book, it's what people come up with when they can't quite bring themselves to believe in an omnipotent deity who responds to prayers.

Instead, there are people. Some have more power than others. Being people, they tend to do favours for friends - whether it's a plumber doing a bit of work free for their neighbour, or a big businessman awarding a contract to the company their wife's best friend works for. There's no mystery, and it's the job of the likes of Private Eye to out the more blatant examples, and those where it's the taxpayers money that's involved.

I tend to agree with White Lotus alot and I agree on the point about exchanging an all powerful being for an all powerful group.

It is why intelligence isn't always a factor in conspiracy nuts. Some very intelligent people have believed in God, and some very intelligent people believe in Lizards.

Anything to make yourself feel better that life is out of your control, in the hands of the gods or in the hands of the 'elite' either way you give up on taking responsibility for the world you live in.
You see, refuse to discuss real issues, refuse to answer real questions.

Intellectual cowardice behind cheap bravado.
Fong said:
I tend to agree with White Lotus alot and I agree on the point about exchanging an all powerful being for an all powerful group.

It is why intelligence isn't always a factor in conspiracy nuts. Some very intelligent people have believed in God, and some very intelligent people believe in Lizards.

Anything to make yourself feel better that life is out of your control, in the hands of the gods or in the hands of the 'elite' either way you give up on taking responsibility for the world you live in.

You condescending twerp!

When have I ever said our life is out of our control, thats the whole point its not. When we just mindlessly consume and have no thought for our neighbour is when its out of our control.
We should take a moral responsibility for the world, especially society. However the holocaust was the making of a few well-financed (by the central banks DO THE RESEARCH start with BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN) evil men. The jews had no responsibility did they, in the same way its not my fault 9/11 happened.

The responsibility comes when the facts show exactly who was responsible and we as a society ignore the facts and decry anyone wanting the real truth as a "conspiracy theorist" which of course is one of the biggest cliches in the book!

Why not just listen to us in a fair reasoned way. Especially where 9/11 is concerned we already know the truth, its not some great mystery its rather simple.

Back a bit later, i hope your all frothing a bit less and realised the world probably isn`t like TV said it is.
Do some RESEARCH!!!!.

Try some research into FEMA.
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