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Climate change sceptics bet $10,000 on cooler world

phildwyer said:
Nino's a grade-A nutjob. Considers himself an intellectual because he can say "you need to read some Foucault, sunshine." Has he pretended to put you on ignore yet?

More irony.

My sides are splitting.
Bernie Gunther said:
He hasn't seen the news yet has he?

Even if he has I don't expect that he (or bigfish) will accept the lastest news, bigfish because it doesn't fit the particular discourse he has constructed for himself around the whole terrorism/al Qaeda set of issues, and phildwyer because he doesn't care for anything that gets in the way of his childish vendetta, even if it does cast things in a new(ish) light.
mears said:
Fuck the independent. Mr Usborne is taking cheap shots at a bad tiime.

So was pbMan, about greens killing french pensioners, that's why I posted an entirely appropriate response. It was supposed to make a 'two sides can play at that game' point. You're right though, it was a cheap shot.

I'm amazed that so few newspapers are linking global warming and the hurricanes. I think the sceptics are winning - people are worried about being seen as alarmist.
Ae589 said:
So was pbMan, about greens killing french pensioners, that's why I posted an entirely appropriate response. It was supposed to make a 'two sides can play at that game' point. You're right though, it was a cheap shot.

I'm amazed that so few newspapers are linking global warming and the hurricanes. I think the sceptics are winning - people are worried about being seen as alarmist.
Well, the impact of climate change probably is fairly marginal here. A slightly increased probability of tropical storms etc.

The compelling connection for me is a comparison of government behavour in respect of both risks. Here we have a case where the scientists and Corps of Engineers have been screaming about the risk for ages and getting ignored.
bigfish said:
Guffaw! But surely the parts where I quote your very own reactionary rubbish, twice, must be true, no? Or have you now successfully deleted your rancid Islamophobic meme from your internalized make-it-up-as-you-go-along 'narrative', like?

Fuck me! And this from the guy who's turned the remorseless harassment of Bushbot's into a sort of urban cottage industry that even the Dominicans would be envious of!

So what are you going to do about it if I keep calling you on your reactionary filth, nino... get your tag-partner to run me over with his cheese cart?

You didn't see the news last night did you, bf?

You owe me an apology, pal.
nino_savatte said:
You didn't see the news last night did you, bf?

You owe me an apology, pal.
I'm fascinated to see what contortions he's going to have to go through to avoid providing one. Presumably the tape on the news will not actually be proof of anything but state involvement etc.

I'd love to be proved wrong here though ... we'll see.
Bernie Gunther said:
I'm fascinated to see what contortions he's going to have to go through to avoid providing one. Presumably the tape on the news will not actually be proof of anything but state involvement etc.

I'd love to be proved wrong here though ... we'll see.

Tell me BG, does the tape show any of the accused men boarding any of the targeted tube trains?
Bernie Gunther said:
I'm fascinated to see what contortions he's going to have to go through to avoid providing one. Presumably the tape on the news will not actually be proof of anything but state involvement etc.

I'd love to be proved wrong here though ... we'll see.

I keep thinking he'll find a way to spin this. Perhaps he'll claim the vid was doctored by MI6 and the person in the vid wasn't who he said he was and was in fact a lizard. :D
nino_savatte said:
He's a real fucking hypocrite isn't he? And pissed off because I refuse to play the okey kokey with him. Fucking stalker.

That's funny Nino, I could have sworn you said you had me on ignore? I thought you said it rather a lot, and with your trademark obscenity-laced emphasis too. I'm confused, because naturally I know that you would never tell lies--I *don't* think!
bigfish said:
Is that a yes or a no?

There really isn't much that I can do but laugh at your idiocy. You certainly know how to make a complete prick of yourself and no mistake.

You owe me an apology btw, or are you too arrogant to admit you're wrong/barking mad/a fantasist whose reading and comprehension skills are desperately lacking?
Tell me bf, what does any of this have to do with the thread?

Nothing, that's what. Like a certain other poster, this is nothing less than a vendetta. And like him, you'll probably end up stalking me too.

bigfish said:
Tell me BG, does the tape show any of the accused men boarding any of the targeted tube trains?

So let's see if I've got this straight. In "bigfishworld" YOU are allowed to present ill-supported theory as "truth" (your Nexus-fodder abiotic oil for a start) and will rail against anyone asking for proof, and yet you will absolutely refuse to even give a hearing to anyone else's POV if it contradicts your own POV?

I was right. You're a zealot for your own belief system.
bigfish said:
Tell me BG, does the tape show any of the accused men boarding any of the targeted tube trains?

What more evidence do you need? A Nick Broomfield documentary right up to the moment of detonation? I'd hate to play Cluedo against you. No way was Professor Plum in the Ballroom with the candlestick. Where's the tape, where's your goddamn tape? :rolleyes:
goldenecitrone said:
What more evidence do you need?

How about

1. witness statements from Luton rail users and London tube passengers occupying targeted carriages who survived the attacks, identifying the presence of the culprits.

2. CCTV safety and security footage covering the different platforms used by the alleged bombers when boarding the targeted trains.

3. CCTV security footage of the culprits actually in the carriages.

You know, the kind of stuff that routinely stands up to scrutiny in a properly convened court of law, rather than simply in your imagination.
Meanwhile, WWF are worried that the retreating Himalayan glaciers may be starting to have an impact on countries depending on them for water.

Like India and China.
Himalayan glaciers feed into seven of Asia's greatest rivers (the Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Huange He), ensuring a year-round water supply to hundreds of millions of people in the Indian subcontinent and China. As glacier water flows dwindle, the energy potential of hydroelectric power will decrease causing problems for industry, while reduced irrigation means lower crop production.
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