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Celebrity Rangers fans

for those who need convincing:

"The culture that Rangers nurtures every match day is
an open sewer that no one in Scottish society seems
willing or able to address. It is no coincidence that
Johnny Adair's UDA have borrowed a modern Rangers
anthem, `Simply The Best', to strut their fascist
stuff at Drumcree.

The badge of a Harryville protester was a Rangers
scarf worn as a mask. Rangers keeper Andy Goram was
photographed in his home in a room that could only be
described as a shrine to loyalism. This is no ordinary
soccer club.

The club's unofficial battle hymn for generations has
been `The Billy Boys'. It commemorates the exploits of
the inter-war Glasgow gang of that name, founded by
Billy Fullerton.

Fullerton was one of Mosely's Blackshirts, a member of
the British Union of Fascists and a founder member of
the Ku Klux Klan in Scotland. His razor-wielding gang
weighed in on the side of the state during the 1926
General Strike. Many of the Billy Boys received
Certificates of Commendation from the Secretary of
State for Scotland for services rendered during the
General Strike."

its not a football club, rangers, something quite different.

hibee, are you a hibs fan?
ernestolynch said:
Rab C Nesbitt the character, and his mate Jamesie were Rangers fans. Dunno about the actors though.

tony roper (jamsie) presents some of the abominations we have as end of year videos...

elaine c. smith (mary (hen)) is definately a celtic fan

Dourgray scott - yer man in twin town, played a bent copper who was a rangers fan. Dougray is a hibee - why play a rangers fan in TT? cause he wanted to acurately protray a bent copper and a cunt of course.
Yeah, Gordon's a Raith man. A proper lifelong fan too, not in the Tony 'I remember seeing Jackie Milburn play' Blair way.
Stephen Hendry is a Jambo, Ewan McGregor, I thonk, perfers rugby as he is from the Perthshire. John Gordon Sinclair is another "Jags" fan (i think..??)
Andy the Don said:
John Gordon Sinclair is another "Jags" fan (i think..??)

It really is amazing how Partick Thistle haven't lifted the Champion's League yet, seeing as how almost every teacher in Scotland claims to support them. Funny how that doesn't seem to translate into figures at the gate though.
Ich bin ein Mod said:
It really is amazing how Partick Thistle haven't lifted the Champion's League yet, seeing as how almost every teacher in Scotland claims to support them. Funny how that doesn't seem to translate into figures at the gate though.

I heard that when someone states they are a Jags supporter, they are asked... "go on who do you really support.."

At my old local there are 2 Jags supporters, who together make up the Brixton Jags supporters club..
Ich bin ein Mod said:
It really is amazing how Partick Thistle haven't lifted the Champion's League yet, seeing as how almost every teacher in Scotland claims to support them. Funny how that doesn't seem to translate into figures at the gate though.

Maybe teachers have to say that - they're told to say it in teacher training college - so as to appear non-sectarian?
Chorlton said:
allegiance to a football team is now sectarian?

this is the problem i have with teachers being in charge of shaping young minds

I didn't say that - I meant they may be perceived to be by errant youths and their parents.

"Hoots mon sir - yee're ainly geein' me ah ditention 'cos ah'm a prod, yee tim bastard, ah'll gait may da ain yoo, crivens, jings m'boab"
ernestolynch said:
I didn't say that - I meant they may be perceived to be by errant youths and their parents.

and wiberal teachers are now pandering to the stereotypes of parents for fear of reprisal

sad times.

i remember when the christian brothers taught us you wouldn't go to hell for punching a rangers fans, that was *real* teaching. <feels welts on back>

ernestolynch said:
"Hoots mon sir - yee're ainly geein' me ah ditention 'cos ah'm a prod, yee tim bastard, ah'll gait may da ain yoo, crivens, jings m'boab"

that may well be the funniest thing you have ever written - i'm definately having that....
ernestolynch said:
Maybe teachers have to say that - they're told to say it in teacher training college - so as to appear non-sectarian?

At non denominational schools yes. Dont think it makes a difference at RC schools. :)
ernestolynch said:
Maybe teachers have to say that - they're told to say it in teacher training college - so as to appear non-sectarian?

Na, my maths teacher was one of the few who'd admit he was a hun. I did actually bump into one of my teachers outside Firhill once, and she was wearing a Jags scarf, but the rest of them couldn't find the stadium on a map of Maryhill
Andy the Don said:
Stephen Hendry is a Jambo,

Ah, snooker - John Higgins is a Celtic fan, the boy Dott (cannae mind his first name, he was in the final a couple of years ago) is a Hu.....Rangers fan!
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