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Celebrity Rangers fans


They keep it quiet, because socially it's on a par with voting for the White Nationalist Party or being able to speak Klingon. But believe it or not, some supporters of Glasgow's favourite totem of reaction have become well-known beyond their own lodges.

Here's a few:

Gordon Ramsay
Nell McAndrew
Robbie Coltrane
Marti Pellow
Alan McGee (former Oasis manager)
"Lotto lout" Michael Carroll
Midge Ure
BBC business reporter Jeff Randall
Chris Evans (well, wore a huns shirt on TFI Friday when he was hanging out with Gazza)
Andy Cameron
Martin McGuinness (only joking!)

An array of a-listers that would be hard to beat, but can anyone think of any more?
Famous Rangers fans have included Jack the Ripper, Pol Pot, Stalin, Michael Elphick's character in The Elephant Man, Beelzebub, Saddam Hussein, and Grotbags the Witch.

Not that I'm biased of course.....
Harold Hill said:

well take a look at who supports them - numerous loyalist types and wet wet wet - possibly there only 'fan' with any sort of 'coolness' about him was actually born a celtic fan and changed clubs, as by his own admission, sean connery had more friends at rangers (i.e. david murray).

as creation boss mcgee himself said no-one of the cool scottish bands ever supported rangers - teenage fanclub, mogwai, primal scream etc etc were all firmly celtic fans.. and rangers had marti pellow and the boys.

RFC have always been the 'establishment' team, the Queens XI, David Murray himself said recently that they were 'the second biggest institution in scotland after the Church of Scotland" - hardly rock and roll to support them now is it?
Chorlton said:
well take a look at who supports them - numerous loyalist types and wet wet wet - possibly there only 'fan' with any sort of 'coolness' about him was actually born a celtic fan and changed clubs, as by his own admission, sean connery had more friends at rangers (i.e. david murray).

as creation boss mcgee himself said no-one of the cool scottish bands ever supported rangers - teenage fanclub, mogwai, primal scream etc etc were all firmly celtic fans.. and rangers had marti pellow and the boys.

RFC have always been the 'establishment' team, the Queens XI, David Murray himself said recently that they were 'the second biggest institution in scotland after the Church of Scotland" - hardly rock and roll to support them now is it?

Well its entirely subjective that any of those Scottish bands are 'cool'.
Harold Hill said:
Well its entirely subjective that any of those Scottish bands are 'cool'.

Absolutely. Which is why I can say, subjectively, that I'd rather be named and shamed in the News of the World as Jonathan King's best pal than be seen dead in a Rangers scarf
Chorlton said:
well take a look at who supports them - numerous loyalist types and wet wet wet - possibly there only 'fan' with any sort of 'coolness' about him was actually born a celtic fan and changed clubs, as by his own admission, sean connery had more friends at rangers (i.e. david murray).

as creation boss mcgee himself said no-one of the cool scottish bands ever supported rangers - teenage fanclub, mogwai, primal scream etc etc were all firmly celtic fans.. and rangers had marti pellow and the boys.

RFC have always been the 'establishment' team, the Queens XI, David Murray himself said recently that they were 'the second biggest institution in scotland after the Church of Scotland" - hardly rock and roll to support them now is it?

Interesting how you moan about 'new football fans' and Fever Pitch etc, yet you insinuate that Rangers are 'uncool'.

Either you oppose football being a fashion thing or support it, surely :confused:
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