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Celebrity death pool - special coronavirus edition

Boris Johnson apparently shakes hands with people with Coronavirus, so he's clearly an idiot and on the list.

Trump. Because... I don't know where to begin. Too many reasons to list fully, but cutting department funding for preparedness for this kind of thing at the beginning of his administration, for failing to ensure there are sufficient test kits, for failing to address in good time the issue of who will pay for testing and medical treatment of those effected, etc.

US VP Mike Pence and all the other batshit bible bashers who think thoughts and prayers are what's needed as opposed to science and medicine.
Nah cunts like that always get away with it. I think the virus avoids you if you're too much of a cunt.

This is why I'm contemplating buying a cold play CD and other super cuntish actions I wouldn't normally contemplate to fend it off. Then when it's all died down I'll just have to be extra nice to make up for it.
Phil won't die of this, and nor will Brenda. Phil will have people in masks and washing hands already, and Brenda is immortal.

Mike Pence is my pick. He's been chosen to head up the coronavirus task force, and puts his faith in God in a scarily genuine way a lot of the time. But then if he did die of coronavirus, there's good odds that Trump would claim he didn't, unless he could blame it on a Mexican.

Most likely the first famous person will be someone from a band where they're expected to do meet and greets with people, especially if they've cancelled concerts.

Charlie sheen? Even with all the anti retro viral meds he's on? I can't see it(despite having had him on my death list quite a few times)

His meds wouldn't be effective against this virus though, would they? But yeah, he'd still be more susceptible to complications. Not that I've got huge amounts of sympathy for him, but other HIV+ people must be worried.
Can you imagine what it'll be like when everyone is on lock down at home.
I've had to stay in all day on Monday, a nd all day today waiting for deliveries. Two weeks of this would seriously deplete my Netflix list. And I'd be postal.
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