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I've not seen a date in the news.
People affected by this are going to be worried.
Probably not the best thread for smart-arsery.
Maybe not. Probs playing the player rather than the game. But he does ask a lot of questions that betray a lack of curiosity and gumption, which frankly irritates me.
The WCA changes don’t take effect until 2025 so it’s for the next government to implement them, and they only affect new claims.
Kinda bit surprised that no-one has posted this yet. The government wants access to people's bank accounts who claim benefits including state pension and child benefit. The reasons for this is to reduce fraud apparently. I would contend that they would be better served inspecting MP's bank accounts regarding this. Anyway here is Richard Murphy on this:

Kinda bit surprised that no-one has posted this yet. The government wants access to people's bank accounts who claim benefits including state pension and child benefit. The reasons for this is to reduce fraud apparently. I would contend that they would be better served inspecting MP's bank accounts regarding this. Anyway here is Richard Murphy on this:

I have no idea how banks conduct business and I have no idea how this scheme would work. Does the DWP intend for banks to hire dedicated staff continuously monitoring everyone's bank accounts? Do banks even know as a matter of course which customer's are claimants?

Or is it that the DWP will contact a bank about Mr Smith and compel them to hand over their account details? What would they be looking for, I would assume any large payment into the account would be seen as suspect "received £2000 each month from The Business LTD"?

I just cannot see how this can work otherwise. Of course the DWP can just use any data to trump up any bullshit

God, imagine what the Tories would be like if there was some necessity to impose sweeping emergency restrictions on the entire country? Doersn't bear thought
Maybe not. Probs playing the player rather than the game. But he does ask a lot of questions that betray a lack of curiosity and gumption, which frankly irritates me.
It's what happens when "never" to be allowed return banned posters... return.

In fairness to confused posters, there's a lot of shit coming down from the UK junta... its difficult to sort through all of it. Saying this as an outsider with a lot of affection for the country.
Kinda bit surprised that no-one has posted this yet. The government wants access to people's bank accounts who claim benefits including state pension and child benefit. The reasons for this is to reduce fraud apparently. I would contend that they would be better served inspecting MP's bank accounts regarding this. Anyway here is Richard Murphy on this:

It's been talked about a bit on the DWP staff to be given powers of arrest for benefit fraud thread.

Regarding plans to change the Work Capability Assessment:

The WCA changes don’t take effect until 2025 so it’s for the next government to implement them, and they only affect new claims.

More on that from Disability Rights here:

WCA Reforms Will Reduce Claimant Caseload by 37 Times More Than It Will Increase Employment | Disability Rights UK

So... there are plans for the DWP to:

• tighten the Work Capability Assessment to make it harder for disabled and ill people to claim benefits in the first place

• have access to claimants' bank accounts

contact airlines "to obtain travel details of where claimants are going and for how long" mentioned by LeytonCatLady here

Have some things to say but not on a public thread, except for "tired; angry; determined."
I have no idea how banks conduct business and I have no idea how this scheme would work. Does the DWP intend for banks to hire dedicated staff continuously monitoring everyone's bank accounts? Do banks even know as a matter of course which customer's are claimants?

Or is it that the DWP will contact a bank about Mr Smith and compel them to hand over their account details? What would they be looking for, I would assume any large payment into the account would be seen as suspect "received £2000 each month from The Business LTD"?

I just cannot see how this can work otherwise. Of course the DWP can just use any data to trump up any bullshit

God, imagine what the Tories would be like if there was some necessity to impose sweeping emergency restrictions on the entire country? Doersn't bear thought
When Universal Credit make a payment into your account, the transaction has a unique DWP code, so yes, banks do know which customers are on benefits and it would be theoretically quite easy for banks to set up AI that automatically sends monthly data to the DWP. Fucking outrageous though. Just because you're claiming a benefit shouldn't take away your right to privacy.
Reposting this here because I think it deserves a wider audience than the threa it was in (in threads and dreads).

This woman is brilliant, well worth 2 minutes and 42 seconds of your time.

Context. Chanel held a stupid fashion thing in Manchester the other day.

One woman protest at the Chanel event in Manchester

When Universal Credit make a payment into your account, the transaction has a unique DWP code, so yes, banks do know which customers are on benefits and it would be theoretically quite easy for banks to set up AI that automatically sends monthly data to the DWP. Fucking outrageous though. Just because you're claiming a benefit shouldn't take away your right to privacy.
That would mean the DWP would have to dedicate a team or people just to process that data and have some metric in mind to look for. It's just unworkable, especially given current staffing
Actually what i find most concerning about that story, in a way, is the attack on the CAB. They reportedly have a service within that hospital, and the DWP aren't listening to them. Further we know the tories have defunded this service. Without them standing up for the patients, they are fucked. The whole thing is abhorrent. However, is there not a legal case one could launch againsgt the DWP in these circumstances? Duty of care?
Actually what i find most concerning about that story, in a way, is the attack on the CAB. They reportedly have a service within that hospital, and the DWP aren't listening to them. Further we know the tories have defunded this service. Without them standing up for the patients, they are fucked. The whole thing is abhorrent. However, is there not a legal case one could launch againsgt the DWP in these circumstances? Duty of care?
Duty of care? Don't make me laugh.

The DWP will undoubtedly consider itself bound by the OPPOSITE of a "duty of care" - no doubt they will spin it as their duty to the taxpayer to reduce the cost of benefits.
Duty of care? Don't make me laugh.

The DWP will undoubtedly consider itself bound by the OPPOSITE of a "duty of care" - no doubt they will spin it as their duty to the taxpayer to reduce the cost of benefits.
we know that's how they act,but they at least pretend to have one so where possible they should be held to it. I mean if someone has a meltdown in a DWP office because of their condition then surely the DWP are accountable. There must be workplace rules to ensure this doesn't affect staff (perhaps through PCS comrades), or other claimants who may be present. The DWP has a duty of care to keep them safe.

I wish I had better answers.
I think I may have fucked up. I was going to post the form out tomorrow and get a proof of postage, but i've just learned the Post Office isn't open tomorrow. Normally it is, but it's under new management whove decided to shut until tuesday. It's due back by the 4th so I'm already cutting it fine. But it takes me a while to go through the form.

I could post it today or wait till tuesday for proof. I suppose I could take a selfie at the post box or something. I don't really believe it will go astray in the system, but having that proof would have been ideal. What ought I do here? They could stop my benefits if it's late, and if they do does that mean the whole claim is shut and the WCA process ends there and then?
I'm gpionog to post this but I'm not sure I should because we all know the DWP are cunts, and posting this just seems to serve to cause anger about an unjust system. But nonetheless. This is just so dismal in it's oppressive banality - the casual tyranny of a mediocre uncaring system

For anyone in Manchester:

PIP Social

Don’t let the b*st*rds get you down!

Join us for an evening of PIP solidarity, structured application advice and art!
  • Thursday 9th May
  • 6 - 8.45pm
  • Friends’ Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS

PIP SOCIAL is a peer support group open to anyone who is seeking to claim or appeal Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

  • Support with the PIP application process from Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP)
  • Resources & advice to make a successful PIP claim
  • Solidarity! Work on your application form in a supportive environment
  • Creative workshops
  • Performance art
    FREE (booking is essential for in-person attendance) Please register with any access requirements (eg BSL, PA’s) by 25th April.
Think this event is in-person only, maybe future ones won't be though?
My contribution based benefits are about to run out and no fucker will give me a job despite me looking way under the going rate. Might aswel go do some manager training for some random supermarket at this rate, be better off and with far less effort required.
Multimillionaire Rishi Sunak has said he plans to end so-called "sick note culture."

The number [of sick notes] issued by GPs has increased significantly over the past few years, from 8.7mn in the 12 months to March 2021 to 11mn in the equivalent period to March 2023, according to NHS data.

Mental and behavioural disorders were the most common cause given by doctors for ordering patients to take time off work, appearing on 1mn notes. More than 60 per cent of all mental health diagnoses last year led to “fit notes” being issued for more than five weeks, while a quarter extended beyond 12 weeks.

That's a real cause for concern. But of course it suits the ruling classes to want to make things even harder for those people.

He wants to strip GPs of their power to sign people off work, "shifting responsibility for issuing [sick notes] away from GPs and on to “specialist” work and health professionals." (I'm going to assume he means those picked by the likes of ATOS and CAPITA, who have been - very often wrongly - "assessing" people for years now. There's always money to be spent on outsourcing, just not for the people who actually need it to live on.)


Mr Sunak also said, if the Conservatives win the general election, those who were still out of work after 12 months after support from a work coach will have "their benefits removed entirely".

He denied claims his plans lacked compassion, arguing that there would still be a "safety net" for "those who genuinely need it". [still?]*

But he added: "We don't just need to change the sick note, we need to change the sick note culture so the default becomes what work you can do - not what you can't."

Rishi Sunak sets out plans to tackle 'sick note culture'

It's difficult for disabled and sick people to claim benefits as it is. If they stop someone's benefit, there is no government safety net.* He's lying.

I expect Labour to maybe make a few noises about the terrible Tories, then, as always, up the ante with their own plans to make life harder for sick and disabled people.

Sorry if this isn't very articulate or thorough - I'm exhausted and angry.
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