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campaign against welfare cuts and poverty

He's a weird, extremist Pinochet fan. Just been reading his wikipedia page. You don't get much more rotten than that bastard.
serious blood pressure warning

Not sure I can adequately imagine a painful enough demise for this thick, nasty cunt. :mad:

Where to start with this bullshit.

The obvious: UC is their baby. They introduced it claiming that it would, amongst other things, bring fairness to the taxpayer. Aside from that being propaganda it implies that the people who receive it need it. But of course that's not enough for these cunts because even if you satisfy the criteria to receive it, onerous enough, which they created for their system - to this cunt that is still not enough. Now you have to justify getting this 'bonus'. "Do they really need it"? Clearly the answer is FUCK YES (as do legacy claimants who don't even get that and the labour clown fails again to stand up for us). But that's even by their own standards which, again, they created!

Fuck this shit.
Thing is, there a few tens of millions in this country who will agree with him.
Well...I'm not totally convinced about that, tbh.
In electoral terms, even in a 'landslide victory' the vermin could only persuade 14m to actively vote for their programme of negative solidarity towards those in need.
And some recent YG polling (reasonably decent sample) commissioned by the Fabians showed evidence that your assumption about the hegemonic hold over your fellow citizens might not be as secure as you fear:


I know there's plenty of cunts out there who've had their naturally antisocial worldview reinforced by hegemonic forces, but I'm not convinced its 'tens of millions' or believing that actually does us any great favours?
Yeah, people say things that make them sound nice in surveys and then everyone scratches their head about why they vote like total cunts.
Yeah, I get that...but even in the 2019 GE, only 29% of those who could vote actually did so for the cunts.
Maybe I've been struck down by an uncharacteristic wave of positivity for my fellow men...maybe it's the footie effect?
Yeah, I get that...but even in the 2019 GE, only 29% of those who could vote actually did so for the cunts.
Maybe I've been struck down by an uncharacteristic wave of positivity for my fellow men...maybe it's the footie effect?

Yeah, probably.
Give it 2 weeks. Or 6 weeks if England win the final.
Don't worry, it's not bad news for a change!

DWP policy of cold-calling disabled people over benefit claims to end

The Department for Work and Pensions has agreed to change its controversial policy of cold-calling vulnerable and disabled people and trying to persuade them to accept lower benefit claims than they are legally entitled to.


Having resisted calls to change their practice for more than a year, the DWP backed down the day before a judicial review challenge at the high court this week brought by a disabled claimant who said she was unfairly pressured into accepting a lower benefit offer.
Don't worry, it's not bad news for a change!

Having resisted calls to change their practice for more than a year, the DWP backed down the day before a judicial review challenge at the high court this week brought by a disabled claimant who said she was unfairly pressured into accepting a lower benefit offer.
(my emphasis)

It might be good news, but they still managed to do it in a cunt's trick kind of way :hmm:
Well suss:

Ministers are considering measures to cut rising spending on disability benefits, and the possibility of merging personal independence payment with universal credit, a new government green paper has revealed.

Ministers could merge disability benefits and want to cut future spending, says green paper
This very worrying. I'm on limited capability for work and work-related activity myself.

I don't think I would cope with a job and don't need my benefit cut.


This is not yet at white paper stage though. We will have to see what happens - but ofcourse, I don't trust the govt one bit.
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Once again we can see that the spivs and their cheeleaders would be happy to cut disability benefits but the corporate welfare for them and their friends goes on and on , as Aneurin Bevan said - the tories lower than vermin
They are comparing models in NZ, Switzerland and Austria where there is minimal financial support and aids are provided instead of benefits or receipts for disability related expenses are required. Also means testing is mentioned and financial support for only those on low incomes. My blind husband would be fucked as I work. Employment is a big driver with them saying that Covid, work from home and adapted technology means that many people who may have been in the support group would now be capable of work.
Also a severe disability group that willl not need reassessment but I imagine your disability would need to be very profound. Worrying times .. let’s hope it doesn’t get to white paper and if it does it will be defeated/amended in the Lords.
Needless to say all the big charities - Scope, RMIN, MIND are keeping shtum - too much investment in Govt payments for getting people back into work.
Another johhny come lately dear me Baker first in queue for welfare cuts against the poor , an awful piece of work mind you just like the majority of his tory pals
It's just performative, he doesn't really care.

BTW, does anyone know what's happening with WCAs rigt now? I know some have had phone assessments, but I'm going to assume the assessment centres are, or at least very soon will be, open again. Business as usual :(
It's just performative, he doesn't really care.

BTW, does anyone know what's happening with WCAs rigt now? I know some have had phone assessments, but I'm going to assume the assessment centres are, or at least very soon will be, open again. Business as usual :(
I think they're completely overrun. I was assessed unfit for work a few years ago, but supposed to get a new assessment last year as it "ran out". Cancelled due to Covid and still waiting now over a year later. I'm sure I've heard of people getting phone assessments though so I'm sure they're taking place? Just such a backlog of new claims they don't have time to look at the old ones. In-person appointments at the jobcentre are back now too.

Some people they assessed unfit for work, but had their assessment run out, are being told they have to get fit notes from their doctor until their next WCA comes around. That's complete nonsense though, you shouldn't have to do that!
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