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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Of the later season I liked season 6 the least. I know that people like it because it's "dark", but I also found it a little dreary and dull and as I said before, they got to Dark Willow too late who should have been centre stage. I can see what they were trying to do with Buffy herself, but some of it seemed out of place or again, SMG didn't quite convince me. As Whedon said, it was his version on the Dark Phoenix story line from the X-Men comics and at despite flaws, at least it was better handled in Buffy than in X-Men 3. Apart from the glorious musical episode, there were fewer individual stand outs for me. Season 7 had it's problems, many of them to do with the budget, but at least it was more lively and fun.
I liked Dawn because of the effect she had on the other characters. She makes Buffy grow up, she makes Tara become all maternal and she's about the only person Spike is ever nice to without having an ulterior motive.
Nathan Fillion as the woman-hating super-preacher was a good turn.
He was the perfect (tangible) baddie to end on, a misogynistic antithesis to the feminism of the show. That Buffy cuts him in half is just brilliant.

May Kasahara I know what you mean about the poor quality fighting in S7. I suspect it's because all of the wannabe slayers - an aspect I didn't love tbh.
But but but, Tabula Rasa.

I hadn't thought of budget as a s7 issue, but now you say it..

It's not that there weren't some decent episodes, but I thought there were a lot of dull ones to wade through. For the first time since season 1 I remember getting a little impatient with the series.
I liked the silliness of 'Him', with SMG in full on sex kitten mode and the fantastic background scene with the rocket launcher (the only sound audible is Spike's "raaar" as he tackles Buffy :D)

Conversations with Dead People was done quite well too.
I liked the silliness of 'Him', with SMG in full on sex kitten mode and the fantastic background scene with the rocket launcher (the only sound audible is Spike's "raaar" as he tackles Buffy :D)
:D I'd forgotten that. Anya's evasiveness then the bank robbery on the radio :D

Spike's 'raaar' over Principal Wood's awful muzak makes it.
I liked the silliness of 'Him', with SMG in full on sex kitten mode and the fantastic background scene with the rocket launcher (the only sound audible is Spike's "raaar" as he tackles Buffy :D)

Conversations with Dead People was done quite well too.
Agree with both. Conversations With Dead People was well executed and a wonderfully intriguing taster for the season's Big Bad
I liked Storyteller too.

And the one where Buffy finally smacks down the Turok h'an 'Welcome to Thunderdome'
Buffy's refusal to back down and instead take the fight to the enemy in that season was great and well gave me the horn
It was always great fun and got better as it went on ... the wordplay, costuming, feminism and veins of real terror/horror were brilliant.
Spike was eminently fanciable by anyone with or without a pulse and some of the jokes about punk/"Killer"'s seedy London past were mint.
I normally loathe all perky blonde cheerleader types (even when they're a Final Girl warriorwoman archetype) but oddly found Sarah Michelle Gellar completely overcam my prejudices.

On the minus side: KENDRA :mad: - bloody Kendra! A media jafaikan accent to live in infamy FOR ALL TIME .
On the minus side: KENDRA :mad: - bloody Kendra! A media jafaikan accent to live in infamy FOR ALL TIME .
It was :facepalm: I was thinking about this last night actually, that race is one thing the show just doesn't manage. I know it can't tick every box, but it is very uniformly white.
On the minus side: KENDRA :mad: - bloody Kendra! A media jafaikan accent to live in infamy FOR ALL TIME .

Yeah, she hated it herself, apparently they asked to do a Jamaican accent just before filming so she had no chance to get it any good. I really liked her nevertheless, she was v. lovely
Re: Kendra - according to the DVD commentary she was coached in a specific dialect of a region of Jamaica which was supposedly authentic but to everyone else sounded fake. No idea myself
I loved the way Warren developed from nerd into evil murderer. There were always the creepy signs there but it was wonderfully executed.

He is with Amber Benson (Tara) in real life. Those two together is mad! :)
I'm never as bothered by dodgy accents as other people are. Buffy was a relatively low budget show and they can't afford to hire top notch dialect coaches like a film can. Even accent mavericks like Meryl Streep rely on them.
I loved the way Warren developed from nerd into evil murderer. There were always the creepy signs there but it was wonderfully executed.

He is with Amber Benson (Tara) in real life. Those two together is mad! :)

Amber Benson was the hottest woman on the cast, incidentally.

She's also a successful novelist.
I'm never as bothered by dodgy accents as other people are. Buffy was a relatively low budget show and they can't afford to hire top notch dialect coaches like a film can. Even accent mavericks like Meryl Streep rely on them.

And in fairness, if we're going to start in on accents, David Boreanaz's Irish is first up.

As is Molly (Potential) with her Dick Van Dyke impression
And in fairness, if we're going to start in on accents, David Boreanaz's Irish is first up.

As is Molly (Potential) with her Dick Van Dyke impression

Drusilla's accent wasn't that amazing, but it didn't stop her from being one of the most fun characters.
Whereas Spike's is by no means infallible, but very good. Apparently he auditioned with an English accent and they loved it (and had no idea he was American)!

My daughter has a friend called Drusilla :cool:
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