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Richard Matheson's I Am Legend is a classic (forget the Will Smith film version) read.
There's also a really good BBC dramatisation of I Am Legend if you can find it - I heard it when it was broadcast about 20 years ago. And of course Night of the Living Dead is the best film adaptation of I Am Legend. But it does change the vampires to "ghouls" which then morphed into modern zombies.
I rate Whitley Strieber's The Hunger (novel) and the film of the same name featuring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie and Susan Sarandon.

You can't fault the originals either. Bram Stoker's Dracula and John Polidori's The Vampyre.
This is worth a listen imho

Yeah I'm into something that seems a bit more 'realistic'? :D the industrial music vampires sound amazing.
The C4 series Ultraviolet was an excellent one off, back in the late 90s. One of Idris Elba's first roles, with Jack Davenport and Susannah Harker. They're an off the books unit investigating vampires, or leeches as they refer to them.
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Books: Young Adult series called "Cirque du Freak" (aka "The Saga of Darren Shan"). It's by Darren Shan. I read all 12 books in a matter of two months because they're relatively short (and pretty interesting). I then got the manga version. It was okay, but not as detailed (of course). Don't watch the movie. It's rather shit and they did a horrible job putting the pages on film, for such good cast. Movie is all over the place and not worth the time.

If and when that is done, get the 4 book set "The Saga of Larten Crepsley" which is the stand alone prequel (to use the phrase lightly) about the main vampire in the Cirque books.

There are other ones, but these are the only two I remember to tell people about (because I'm old and forgetful. And I haven't read an abundance of vampire books lately... lol)
Just finished Anno Dracula which is indeed great and reminded me of the book I was trying to recommend when I first saw this thread but couldn't remember author or title :facepalm: The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas - a really interesting take on the experience since the main vampire seems as lost as baffled by his condition as those around him.

On a tangent, but The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan, which is one of my favourite novels ever, features vampires as historically at odds with the werewolf community. Their mutual disdain is quite amusing.
I've been working my way through this for a while now - a mixed bag but interesting to see how varied vampires have been since their beginnings.

Saw a really good vampire film a few years ago called 'Let Me In'. A young bullied schoolboy meets and falls in love with a vampire girl he meets on his housing estate. Loved it.
Saw a really good vampire film a few years ago called 'Let Me In'. A young bullied schoolboy meets and falls in love with a vampire girl he meets on his housing estate. Loved it.
Original Swedish or the remake?

'Let the right one in' is the Swedish one.
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Let The Right One In" is either on my watch list on a streaming platform, or I have the DVD. I can't remember as I haven't seen it yet. It sounds really interesting.

"Fat Vampire: A Never Coming of Age Story" by Adam Rex is stupidly funny. Only read it if you've got nothing else to do because it's just okay.
On a tangent, but The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan, which is one of my favourite novels ever, features vampires as historically at odds with the werewolf community. Their mutual disdain is quite amusing.
I knew the name rang a bell so I looked it up. His 'I, Lucifer' was an amazing book, one I spent the year recommending to people. Have downloaded Last Werewolf for a go.
The C4 series Ultraviolet was an excellent one off, back in the late 90s. One of Idris Elba's first roles, with Jack Davenport and Susannah Harker. They're an off the books unit investigating vampires, or leeches as they refer to them.
I re watched an epsiode of this- terrible quality, whover owns the thing should upscale it or whatever digital voodoo is required to make it look good again. Its got Elba in it, a very saleable name now after all. But the lead guy in it is much more of a twat than I recall. The rest of the cast carry him
I knew the name rang a bell so I looked it up. His 'I, Lucifer' was an amazing book, one I spent the year recommending to people. Have downloaded Last Werewolf for a go.
I, Lucifer is indeed brilliant too. He's an amazing writer, seems to have dropped off the radar in recent years which is a shame.
While I’m waiting for frogwoman book to arrive in my local library, I started reading S. M. Stirling’s A Taint In The Blood. It’s book one of a 3 book series (4 if you include a short story). I didn’t realize it was part of a full series when I bought it a few years ago. Guess I didn’t look over the cover completely.

Linking to Goodreads because Stirling’s site lists all his books on one page instead of individual series he has written: Good reads

I’ve just started chapter two, so I can’t really comment on how good or bad it is, but I wanted to post about it here since Froggy is looking for vamp & werewolf stories.
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