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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy was the one that fought vampires
Ironically in hand to hand combat she never looked particularly more suited to slay vampires than any of her ordinary friends. Basically anyone able to wield a pointy stick and throw punches was as lethal as her.
I would not agree with this. She was a vampire-killing machine
Yes, but in the inevitable opening scene in countless episodes when she’s slaying vampires at night in the cemetery, plenty of times she’s saved by one of her pals as she’s a about to be killed by an approaching vampire from behind.
Yes, but in the inevitable opening scene in countless episodes when she’s slaying vampires at night in the cemetery, plenty of times she’s saved by one of her pals as she’s a about to be killed by an approaching vampire from behind.
I don’t think this is true, at least after the first series. There are a few occasions when it happens, but it then serves as the basis for a “crisis of confidence” episode, because it illustrates to her that you’re never safe, no matter how good you are. She certainly isn’t routinely saved by her friends — she’s the one who tends to do the saving. There are also a few occasions when a friend claims they saved her but she treats this with short shrift, on the grounds that she was perfectly in control, thank you.
Ironically in hand to hand combat she never looked particularly more suited to slay vampires than any of her ordinary friends. Basically anyone able to wield a pointy stick and throw punches was as lethal as her.
Haha, this is such bollocks :D

My S5 rewatch last night reached the episode where Riley leaves :cool: There are few televisual sights more satisfying than Riley looking sad in a helicopter while Buffy yells at him unheard from the launch pad.
Made it to S7, the only one I've never rewatched since it originally aired because, well, I thought it was a bit shit. Several episodes in, I can confidently assert that it is indeed a bit shit. Recycled plots, badly shot fight scenes, a crap baddie, wall to wall Xander and no decent lines for Spike...and this is before world's-worst-British-accent turns up.
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Whereas Spike’s rediscovery of his accent in Tabla Rasa is a work of genius. ❤️

“Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh god, I’m English!”

Also you can forgive Spike - it was an adopted accent to begin with, and he's been out of England most of his un-life. I think he did pretty well really.

The British slayer's accent was so bad I really thought it might turn out she was a fake, and the bad accent was intentional.
Also you can forgive Spike - it was an adopted accent to begin with, and he's been out of England most of his un-life. I think he did pretty well really.

The British slayer's accent was so bad I really thought it might turn out she was a fake, and the bad accent was intentional.
He learnt it from Anthony Head iirc, who has a less RP accent than both Giles and the Nescafé man.
Made it to S7, the only one I've never rewatched since it originally aired because, well, I thought it was a bit shit. Several episodes in, I can confidently assert that it is indeed a bit shit. Recycled plots, badly shot fight scenes, a crap baddie, wall to wall Xander and no decent lines for Spike...and this is before world's-worst-British-accent turns up.

There are some absolute gems in S7.

Him and Storyteller for 2.
ah cannie have to much of a problem about the potentical slayer molly,

she was a grandchild of dick van dike

and that family has history

shakes fist at sky

*gets coat
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If we’re talking accents…

…Kendra 😬

I think with both her and the British slayer the acting itself made it difficult to tell if maybe they'd have been equally awkward in their natural accents, but also it's possible that acting with such bad accents made their acting worse. Mind you, David Boreanaz managed to act while sucking the life out of whatever Irish accent he was supposedly trying to do.
Kendra’s origin and thus accent was changed at the last minute, as I recall it, leaving the actor not really knowing what the fuck to do. She pretty much had to make it up on the day without knowing what it was supposed to sound like.

Molly’s accent was just comedy, though, and doubly so given that there were so many genuine and well-faked British accents around the set.
When an actor is required to do an accent or dialect in a film with a decent budget, they usually get a dialect coach. Buffy was a very low budget tv series and actors were left to their own devices. Kendra may have had a wonky accent but I still liked the character.

Not every actor has a facility for accents and dialects. Sigourney Weaver is a great actor but whenever she's been required to do a British accent, the result has been less than convicing.
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