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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I saw some people slagging off Whedon on twitter yesterday. Has he done something objectionable recently?

yeah, sadly it turns out he is an absolute arsehole and treated several Buffy actors very badly, in particular Cordelia and Spike. and also a load of marvel people
I saw some people slagging off Whedon on twitter yesterday. Has he done something objectionable recently?
They are still writing articles about it and new revelations/ claims surfacing. An inexplicably unpleasant, nasty psycho bully to many of his actors and crew apparently.

Considering he was seen as an inspiring male role model for gender equality and feminism (justifiably so at the time as well), he became an odious bullying monster to Charisma Carpenter when she became pregnant and naturally would be taking maternity time off. Had her charecter killed off in Angel, even. Plenty of other horror stories abound.
Today I have learnt that, in his professional career, Antony Head has played no fewer than four different characters called Rupert. Plus Frank-N-Furter in the early 1990s.

We all obviously know what Rupert was best :)
It is the first night of a long bank holiday. We are drunk. We are watching Once More With Feeling again.

My face is aching from smiling. I still can’t decide what bit is best. Spikes performances are amazing. Dawns dance is phenomenal. I desperately want to sing about the evil of rabbits. And me n mrsb really need to do a I’ll Never Tell duet.

But no line can ever be as great as ‘they got the mustard out!
It is the first night of a long bank holiday. We are drunk. We are watching Once More With Feeling again.

My face is aching from smiling. I still can’t decide what bit is best. Spikes performances are amazing. Dawns dance is phenomenal. I desperately want to sing about the evil of rabbits. And me n mrsb really need to do a I’ll Never Tell duet.

But no line can ever be as great as ‘they got the mustard out!
Easily the best episode. I have watched it squillions of times, and I'm no Buffy fan. At all!
I used to live down the street from some boys (one who would become a bbc correspondent and another a fairly well known comic actor) who I would play tekken with. . . They also liked taping buffy off sky and boring me senseless with it. However, I did borrow the once more with feeling vhs off them and held on to it long enough for them to get pissed off.
I later bought the standalone DVD and album.
I am however sad to report that I 'think' i might be finally over it. Quite a recent thing. I started skipping the tracks when they came up on shuffle, and i have now deleted all but two. Saw the Ltd edition LP version for a reasonable price an passed. End of an era.
In other news, I did indeed abandon S7 because it is so wack it was starting to tarnish my enjoyment of everything that came before.
Working a night shift on an empty work site, nothing to do - so I'm working my way through each of the Halloween episodes ('Halloween', 'Fear Itself' and 'All The Way')

The gimmick of 'demons find Halloween tacky, so they stay in that night' is funny, although never really adhered to.

'Fear Itself' wins for me:

Oz has his great line when the frat boys ask to loan his sound system "Mi Casio es Su Casio".
Giles 'creating' a door :cool:
Anya's bunny costume
Obviously the subverted ending - 'Actual Size' :D

'Halloween' is solid and sets up loads of stuff that comes back around, while 'All The Way' is better than I remember (probably because I find Dawn a lot less annoying the older I get), and has a nice little twist with the old 'creepy' man.
Looks like it could be fun. Or possibly utter rubbish.

So tonight I trudged in the lashing rain and wind and freezingness to Bromley to see this. It was a blast. Mainly female audience, split between oldsters like me and some v enthusiastic youngsters. :thumbs:

Now waiting in the open and and heated waiting room (who knew there were such things?!l) for the train back.
Just back from the show and can confirm you are all correct, it was excellent and hilarious. His Spike accent did go rather Roy Kent at times, but a minor detail, especially as his Angel was so good.

Loved how everyone in the audience booed when Riley was introduced.
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