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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

As you say, desperately sad. Emma Caulfield (Anya) has said similar things about him.
Oh really? I understand CC has hinted at things at conventions but obvs not said anything at all until now.

Rebelda just said to me that Cordelia's messed up story line in Angel was clearly the result of some kind of fuckery, though I'd never thought to ask why
Oh really? I understand CC has hinted at things at conventions but obvs not said anything at all until now.

Rebelda just said to me that Cordelia's messed up story line in Angel was clearly the result of some kind of fuckery, though I'd never thought to ask why

She was a brilliant character then she was nothing out of nowhere. Something had clearly happened but I didn’t think it was this. 🙁 So disappointing.
Been watching Angel, coincidentally, just finished season 4 (first time, not watched it before). Some bits of it made me feel uncomfortable, some of it feels misogynistic and just plain odd. So, I wasn't surprised when I read that tweet. I found out about this whole situation because I was wondering if Cordelia was pregnant in real life at the time, as she did look pregnant, then found this Charisma Carpenter Said Director Joss Whedon "Abused His Power" on Set (She had talked about it before)
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It’s an extra kick in the teeth that the whole point of the show was supposed to be the female perspective

Just read a news article that quotes his wife saying something similar, at the end
Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast speak out against 'toxic' creator Joss Whedon - NZ Herald

It made me wonder about the people who've said that they loved working with him too, did they not see these things, just playing the game, or happy with the way he treated other people?
Cat is definitely out of the bag, now on the DM Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar condemns show creator Joss Whedon

Seems the bullying isn't just reserved for women.

Co-star James Marsters, who played fan-favorite Spike, detailed an allegedly aggressive interaction he had with Whedon over his character’s popularity on a recent podcast.

'I came along, and I wasn’t designed to be a romantic character. But then the audience reacted that way to it. And I remember he backed me up against a wall one day, and he was just like, "I don’t care how popular you are, kid, you’re dead. You hear me? Dead. Dead!" And I was just like, "Uh, you know, it’s your football, man. OK",' he recounted.
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Related to the above but minor casting spoiler for Wandavision:

Emma Caulfield was interviewed recently for her role in Wandavision and the interviewer kept tying stuff back to Buffy and she looked uncomfortable discussing it at all, even more so than the usual 'oh this again'.

I noticed too that Joss Whedon had departed the HBO show he was developing (The Nevers) after filming S1.

Coupled with the Ray Fisher / Warner Bros / Justice League stuff, the above stories solidify what was a fairly open secret regarding how Whedon behaves on set, and is allowed to get away with it by executives.

There's a lot of Buffy and Angel that unfortunately jars now when considering the writer / creator (Xander in particular).
Just read a news article that quotes his wife saying something similar, at the end
Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast speak out against 'toxic' creator Joss Whedon - NZ Herald

It made me wonder about the people who've said that they loved working with him too, did they not see these things, just playing the game, or happy with the way he treated other people?
Joss Weedon started as a pretty powerful man, and is now a major player. He absolutely had the power to make or break careers. Speaking up, if you’re less powerful than him (which almost everyone on a set would’ve been) is enormously risky.
As for the higher ups... well, ethical people don’t get to be major powers in that or any industry. Weedon has made people a fuck tonne of money. And huu is s behaviour is far from unique. Lots of “auteurs” have been indulged in capricious/ eccentric/ unreasonable/ actually abusive behaviour the last 100ish years of Film and TV. An industry that still celebrates Hitchcock almost as much for his horrific attitudes to female actors as for his mastery inventiveness, has a long way to go.
Joss Weedon started as a pretty powerful man, and is now a major player. He absolutely had the power to make or break careers. Speaking up, if you’re less powerful than him (which almost everyone on a set would’ve been) is enormously risky.
As for the higher ups... well, ethical people don’t get to be major powers in that or any industry. Weedon has made people a fuck tonne of money. And huu is s behaviour is far from unique. Lots of “auteurs” have been indulged in capricious/ eccentric/ unreasonable/ actually abusive behaviour the last 100ish years of Film and TV. An industry that still celebrates Hitchcock almost as much for his horrific attitudes to female actors as for his mastery inventiveness, has a long way to go.

Fair point, I did think of Charisma Carpenter's reference to saying she'd work with him again, and how she felt about saying that after I posted, on reflection 'playing the game' was a dismissive way to refer to those sorts of comments
Michelle Trachtenberg, Emma Caulfield, Clare Kramer (Glory) and James C Leary (Clem) have all said something in support now (EC just a string of emojis but clearly supportive).

Anthony Head was on This Morning today and said

“I have been up most of the night just running through my memories thinking, ‘What did I miss? This is not a man saying ‘I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen’.

“I am gutted, I’m seriously gutted because one of my memories, my fondest memory, was the fact that [Buffy] was so empowering. Not just with the words in the script, but the family feel of the show.”

Head, who is known for quietly going above and beyond in supporting his transgender fans, admitted he feels he “let down” his castmates by not being aware of the situation around him.

“I was a sort of father figure. I would hope that someone would come to me and say, ‘I’m struggling, I just had a horrible conversation,'”

[Lifted from Pink News]

Which sounds genuine enough. Perhaps his senior status meant he was a little divorced from this stuff and it must be horrible to realise things were going on which his castmates didn't feel able to share with him
Sophia Crawford, Sarah Michelle Gellar's longtime Buffy stunt double, posted an Instagram photo supporting Whedon's accusers. Last year, Crawford and her husband Jeff Pruit (Buffy's stunt coordinator) gave an interview describing Whedon as an "egomaniac" who tormented them while they worked on the show. They alleged that Whedon had Pruitt's home computer tapped and that Whedon demanded that Crawford break up with Pruitt in exchange for more work on the show. The couple quit Buffy, and while Pruitt claims that Whedon threatened their careers, they were able to find other jobs due to their own contacts in the industry.

From 'Buffy' stars weigh in on Charisma Carpenter's Joss Whedon allegations

James Marsters interview from three years ago which lends itself to much reading between the lines: Buffy’s James Marsters on the hardest day of his professional life
I sat down this evening and sobbed over this.
What a fucking cunt :(
How dare he.
How dare he treat people like that.
And also how dare he taint Buffy for the people who it means so much to,
It has got me though some of my darkest time, really, I have wondered if I would still be here without it just babysitting me through the pain. That isn't hyperbole.
And now, I won't be able to to look at them without wondering if they are in pain. My friends.
Fuck :(

Yes I know I sound fucking ridiculous but it is what it is.
I sat down this evening and sobbed over this.
What a fucking cunt :(
How dare he.
How dare he treat people like that.
And also how dare he taint Buffy for the people who it means so much to,
It has got me though some of my darkest time, really, I have wondered if I would still be here without it just babysitting me through the pain. That isn't hyperbole.
And now, I won't be able to to look at them without wondering if they are in pain. My friends.
Fuck :(

Yes I know I sound fucking ridiculous but it is what it is.

I know how you feel Kitty. Lots of love to you darling.

But Buffy was so much more than JW. The actors, the writers, the makeup, the stunt doubles, the lights, the cameras and loads of other stuff we don’t know about.

They created something amazing. I’m good at compartmentalising so I can love Buffy despite JW.

I’m not letting one cunt ruin it for me, or for them.

Love to you, Kitty ❤️
Yeah, I'm having issues. Been doing remote Buffy watchalongs with someone who's not seen it all the way through and had to turn them down tonight cos it's a bit raw

Dunno if keeping count is really helpful but I understand David Boreanaz is still firm friends with SMG & CC and liked their Instagram posts. Nic Brendon has liked CC's insta post. Nothing from Hannigan, Marsters, Dushku, Denisoff, Green etc yet

It does feel a lot like the abrupt departures of Seth Green and Amber Benson (and obviously CC's wrecked story arc) have so much more context now

ETA: Boreanaz apparently tried to intercede on CC's behalf when her Angel career was on the rocks without success
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I just watched Buffy shag Parker and realised what a cunt JW is for the way that’s portrayed
hmm, i wonder where he got the idea for a superficially nice guy who was attentive and 'feminist positive' but who turns out to be a complete shit, from?
I just watched Buffy shag Parker and realised what a cunt JW is for the way that’s portrayed
Lots of really shitty things happen that seemed a bit needless, even if allowing for wanting to portray normal life & growing up as being tough. I mean, my god, pretty much all of season 6 is like that isn't it?
hmm, i wonder where he got the idea for a superficially nice guy who was attentive and 'feminist positive' but who turns out to be a complete shit, from?

How do we feel about Xander being Whedon's avatar in the show? Hadn't thought about it much but seen it suggested on twitter today
I sat down this evening and sobbed over this.
What a fucking cunt :(
How dare he.
How dare he treat people like that.
And also how dare he taint Buffy for the people who it means so much to,
It has got me though some of my darkest time, really, I have wondered if I would still be here without it just babysitting me through the pain. That isn't hyperbole.
And now, I won't be able to to look at them without wondering if they are in pain. My friends.
Fuck :(

Yes I know I sound fucking ridiculous but it is what it is.
Not ridiculous at all darling xx
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