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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Just watching and laughing out loud at Spike trying and failing to bite Willow and the head in hands 'it's never happened to me before' and the 'maybe it's me' and (encouraging) 'maybe you could try again in a bit' conversation. I wonder if the kids got the subtext. :D
I’ve been rewatching from series 1 (as I may have mentioned) but I found myself having to take a loooong break before I could face The Body. Anyway, having now returned to the fold, I had forgotten just how funny SMG was as BuffyBot, particularly at the start of series 6. The timing and physical comedy of it — absolute perfection.
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See Angel is also now available on the Ch4 catch-up thing. :thumbs:

(Saw a friend the other day and we were talking about all the stuff people -- apparently :rolleyes: -- have been overachieving on during lockdown. I said my achievement was watching all of Buffy and Angel. You lot get that, right? My friend not so much :oops:.)
See Angel is also now available on the Ch4 catch-up thing. :thumbs:

(Saw a friend the other day and we were talking about all the stuff people -- apparently :rolleyes: -- have been overachieving on during lockdown. I said my achievement was watching all of Buffy and Angel. You lot get that, right? My friend not so much :oops:.)

I am half way through S4 of Angel*, I bloody love broody Wesley rubs thighs 😻

Not that I have seen him in anything not Buffy related but I rate Alexis Denisof as an actor.

*I have seen the whole of Angel lots of times through. Not as many as Buffy but still quite a lot :D :oops:
I am half way through S4 of Angel*, I bloody love broody Wesley rubs thighs 😻

Not that I have seen him in anything not Buffy related but I rate Alexis Denisof as an actor.

*I have seen the whole of Angel lots of times through. Not as many as Buffy but still quite a lot :D :oops:
He's in a few (not sure if he's in more as I haven't seen the whole thing as there're a gazillion seasons) of How I Met Your Mother where he plays a sleazy news anchor (with American accent and American news anchor hair) trying to 'seduce' one of the non-Alyson Hannigan characters. Funny but not thigh rubbing.
He's in a few (not sure if he's in more as I haven't seen the whole thing as there're a gazillion seasons) of How I Met Your Mother where he plays a sleazy news anchor (with American accent and American news anchor hair) trying to 'seduce' one of the non-Alyson Hannigan characters. Funny but not thigh rubbing.

I haven't seen him in that, but when I've seen him speaking with an American accent it's all nasal and wrong.
I haven't seen him in that, but when I've seen him speaking with an American accent it's all nasal and wrong.
Yes, much better non-American and non-news anchor hair. (And obvs he's way better by the end of Angel than he is at the start of Buffy.)
Just watching and laughing out loud at Spike trying and failing to bite Willow and the head in hands 'it's never happened to me before' and the 'maybe it's me' and (encouraging) 'maybe you could try again in a bit' conversation. I wonder if the kids got the subtext. :D
We've been working our way through Buffy with the kids since the beginning of lockdown in March and hit that episode last week. I can confirm that the subtext went over the 12 year old's head but the 14 and 17 year olds were wetting themselves laughing at it.
I just had some mustard with dinner and realised that when I get it out the fridge, I always sing “I got the mustard out” and the kabbess always ignores me because she has no idea what I’m talking about.
for more than a decade I have made the 'urrgghh, aargghhh' noise from the closing credits, and mrsb never recognised it. Until this year. The look on her face as the penny finally dropped was marvellous.
I just had some mustard with dinner and realised that when I get it out the fridge, I always sing “I got the mustard out” and the kabbess always ignores me because she has no idea what I’m talking about.
How is this possible, re the kabbess...? :confused:

(Need something to cheer me up so about to rewatch it now.)
The kabbess hates anything that isn’t utterly grounded in reality. Not a hint of fantasy, supernatural or science fiction shall pass her eyes or ears.

Yes, this is a terrible burden I must shoulder.
Count yourself lucky. I’ve spent the last 14 years in two LTRs. My ex-husband wasn’t especially into fiction, going to the cinema, or watching anything more than once. My ex boyfriend wouldn’t willingly watch anything longer than ten minutes (so literally no tv drama or comedy, and no films).

I know that having been an actor, and teaching drama and film studies is quite specific - but surely enjoying tv and films isn’t a niche pastime??
Count yourself lucky. I’ve spent the last 14 years in two LTRs. My ex-husband wasn’t especially into fiction, going to the cinema, or watching anything more than once. My ex boyfriend wouldn’t willingly watch anything longer than ten minutes (so literally no tv drama or comedy, and no films).

I know that having been an actor, and teaching drama and film studies is quite specific - but surely enjoying tv and films isn’t a niche pastime??
It’s not as bad as that but she does refuse to watch things more than once, will never start watching something already in progress and refuses to watch anything longer than 90 minutes.

Maybe you and I should get together just for some television watching.
I know that having been an actor, and teaching drama and film studies is quite specific - but surely enjoying tv and films isn’t a niche pastime??
I did once take someone I'd been seeing for a short time to a double bill of the director's cut of The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence plus Q&A. Five and a half hours of mass killings in Indonesia. (I still don't think this is as bad as the friend who took someone on a first date to an Estonian version -- with English surtitles -- of Sarah Kane's 4:48 Psychosis.)
Count yourself lucky. I’ve spent the last 14 years in two LTRs. My ex-husband wasn’t especially into fiction, going to the cinema, or watching anything more than once. My ex boyfriend wouldn’t willingly watch anything longer than ten minutes (so literally no tv drama or comedy, and no films).

I know that having been an actor, and teaching drama and film studies is quite specific - but surely enjoying tv and films isn’t a niche pastime??
Goosness that's quite extreme!
Count yourself lucky. I’ve spent the last 14 years in two LTRs. My ex-husband wasn’t especially into fiction, going to the cinema, or watching anything more than once. My ex boyfriend wouldn’t willingly watch anything longer than ten minutes (so literally no tv drama or comedy, and no films).

I know that having been an actor, and teaching drama and film studies is quite specific - but surely enjoying tv and films isn’t a niche pastime??

No, it's not, otherwise we wouldn't still have them. I had an ex friend who referred to fiction as "watching someone else's dreams," and she meant the way people tell you about their meaningless rambling dreams, but fiction is dreams given form and function.

Said ex-friend was playing World of Warcraft while she said this FWIW.
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