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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bunnies aren't just cute
Like everybody supposes!
They got them hoppy legs
And twitchy little noses!
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies! bunnies!
It must be bunnies!!

...Or maybe midgets

Yeah, whether by accident or by design it really works. The Harry Potter films have a simillar dynamic, you don't admire the lead character so much as you admire the sidekicks for putting up with them.
Also, Chris Barrie and Craig Charles not being able to stand each other in Red Dwarf :D
Best drama series of all time. Of all time.

I really think it might be you know. Something like the Sopranos or the Wire might be more consistent and more technically accomplished but when you factor in the sheer scope and originality of what Buffy was trying to achieve I think it comes out ahead.
I really think it might be you know. Something like the Sopranos or the Wire might be more consistent and more technically accomplished but when you factor in the sheer scope and originality of what Buffy was trying to achieve I think it comes out ahead.

I was being entirely serious!
I'll never understand why anybody would settle for one best show. There were so many I thought were the greatest at the time, but then something as good but totally different came along. I'm fickle like that.
Last year I rewatched all 7 series. Still is the greatest. Still is the *funniest*.
Shame Angel wasn't better, but if you are going to make a series consisting of all the most one-dimensional, one-joke, one-trick ponies of the original series, you're always going to be fighting a losing battle, frankly. At least it warmed up a bit after the first few series, once it found its feet.
I can't wait to watch it with my little girl (not yet, she's 3 and it's too scary). Of course she will hate and reject it and I will be gutted :D
Shame Angel wasn't better, but if you are going to make a series consisting of all the most one-dimensional, one-joke, one-trick ponies of the original series, you're always going to be fighting a losing battle, frankly. At least it warmed up a bit after the first few series, once it found its feet.

I've never bothered watching Angel because I found David Boreanaz to be one of the real weak points of the original show.

I love that episoide. the writing is brilliant and in parts its really deep yet maintains a light and cheery atmosphere throughout. some big moments plotwise too: the reveal about buffy having gone to heaven, willow and Tara with the spell stuff and the stuff with spike and buffy. Its the throwaway lines I like most of all though like when giles says about the police taking witness arias.
I love that episoide. the writing is brilliant and in parts its really deep yet maintains a light and cheery atmosphere throughout. some big moments plotwise too: the reveal about buffy having gone to heaven, willow and Tara with the spell stuff and the stuff with spike and buffy. Its the throwaway lines I like most of all though like when giles says about the police taking witness arias.
That's one of my faves too.

I also love how the producers had parts!
I've never bothered watching Angel because I found David Boreanaz to be one of the real weak points of the original show.

I agree. And they ended up doing some good things with her by the end, but Cordelia was clearly never intended to be more than a throwaway joke in the odd scene. Ditto Wesley.
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