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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

One reason I didn't get into Buffy initially was that season 1 wasn't very good for the most part. Like most Whedon shows it took a season to find it's feet and season 2 was a massive improvement. For me seasons 2 to 5 are the best. I thought they introduced Dark Willow far too late in season 6, she should have been the big bad from much earlier on and they only took a few episodes to wrap that one up.

Dark willow story sucked, if you ask me. The entire witch craft thing just bored me. It essentially should have been a show about kicking vampire arse. With feet, fists and weapons. Magic is just boring special effects, and I really felt the show lost its way in season 6, and only picked itself back up about half way through the final season.
Season three is my least fave, although it has some wicked stand alone episodes. Buffy at college and with Riley was tedious. I think there were a few bum-note baddies: Adam - although the three-in-one slayer solution was awesome, turning bombs into doves and whatnot - and Glory off the top of my head. I reckon Whedon knew he needed to up the ante when he wrote bad Willow.
I loved it, all of it. It was funny, well-acted, there was Eliza Dushku, I gave a fuck about everyone in it, there was Eliza Dushku, it took risks within its confines, every time Buffy cried I cried too without being able to help it (especially when she finds her mum dead and says "Mom? Mom? ...Mommy?", the bit where all the girls turn into slayers, there was Eliza Dushku.

But yeah, Riley and Dawn should have been in it a lot less.

I've got all the Angels too and anyone wondering if they should watch it, they should watch it, it's funny, scary, there is sometimes Eliza Dushku.
I watched them all, loved it, particularly buffy, but have no clue wtf you're all on about.:confused:
tbf given what you've told me about your experiences of the late 90s/early noughties, that doesn't surprise me :p
I rescind that about Glory now I think about it. She was hilarious, and Spike sacrificing himself because he loved Buffy and the Buffy-bot stuff was brilliant. What I didn't like about that season was Dawn. Fuck off Dawn :mad: eta: and the Glory turning into Ben/human shell thing didn't do it for me.
I loved it, all of it. It was funny, well-acted, there was Eliza Dushku, I gave a fuck about everyone in it, there was Eliza Dushku, it took risks within its confines, every time Buffy cried I cried too without being able to help it (especially when she finds her mum dead and says "Mom? Mom? ...Mommy?", the bit where all the girls turn into slayers, there was Eliza Dushku.

But yeah, Riley and Dawn should have been in it a lot less.
I rescind that about Glory now I think about it. She was hilarious, and Spike sacrificing himself because he loved Buffy and the Buffy-bot stuff was brilliant. What I didn't like about that season was Dawn. Fuck off Dawn :mad:

Glory :oops:
Man, whys everyone so down on dawn? I thought it was a really cool way to shoehorn a character into the show like that. Kept it feeling fresh, like anything could happen, and her arguments with buffy were pretty comedy.
Dark willow story sucked, if you ask me. The entire witch craft thing just bored me. It essentially should have been a show about kicking vampire arse. With feet, fists and weapons. Magic is just boring special effects, and I really felt the show lost its way in season 6, and only picked itself back up about half way through the final season.
I though Willow losing her lover and going insane was the most emotionally wrenching thing on the entire show. I don't care about what type of monster is featured and I'm not predisposed towards vampires or witches, it's how Whedon uses them in an allegorical way is what counts. There weren't many effects, it was about a grief stricken person becoming consumed be revenge and it was an addiction metaphor. I just thought they got to it too late.
I though Willow losing her lover and going insane was the most emotionally wrenching thing on the entire show. I don't care about what type of monster is featured and I'm not predisposed towards vampires or witches, it's how Whedon uses them in an allegorical way is what counts. There weren't many effects, it was about a grief stricken person becoming consumed be revenge and it was an addiction metaphor. I just thought they got to it too late.
Quite so. I thought the way grief and emotional torment were treated throughout the show was brilliant - Willow's abandonment by Oz, Buffy's loss of her mother, Tara's death and its effect on Willow, even Anya's abandonment at the altar by Xander. They weren't just encountered and then overcome in an episode or two, they became part of the very fabric of the show's plots and the basis for the eventual redemption of several characters
Man, whys everyone so down on dawn? I thought it was a really cool way to shoehorn a character into the show like that. Kept it feeling fresh, like anything could happen, and her arguments with buffy were pretty comedy.
She grew on me slightly - in the last season there was scope for some funny moments (with Andrew....ANDREW :D) but I think for those of us (i.e. me) who were are a bit entrenched in the Buffy universe (ahem :oops:) shoehorning her in was an affront. Being able to step back it was a huge and clever risk that Whedon took (and I suspect he took it partly for the sake of being clever, which is why I love him). He is the master of meta :cool:
I though Willow losing her lover and going insane was the most emotionally wrenching thing on the entire show. I don't care about what type of monster is featured and I'm not predisposed towards vampires or witches, it's how Whedon uses them in an allegorical way is what counts. There weren't many effects, it was about a grief stricken person becoming consumed be revenge and it was an addiction metaphor. I just thought they got to it too late.

I felt the addiction to magic thing felt forced and cheesey, and willow didn't feel right as a baddie. Swings and roundabouts, though.
Would it be worth watching now if you hadn't seen it at the time?

I think I must have seen some episodes because I know who Spike and Willow and Buffy are. But I don't remember ever watching it.
Hmmm. Mat start a rewatch before breastfeeding starts... I watched them all at the time, but I am a total amateur compared to you lot!
And Tara. They were all very dull and out of place.

Now watching Hush off the back of this, but just discovered it's not the best episode to watch while surfing urban in another window :facepalm: :oops:
I thought Tara was great. Why all the hate for the decent characters ? Because they aren't badass? She became the conscience of the show and a sort of maternal character to the gang after Buffy's mother died. Her relationship with Willow on. Prime time series was pretty groundbreaking and I liked that actress. There was a lot of warmth she brought to that character.

I also don't get the hate for Dawn. She is supposed to be the annoying little sister, but that doesn't mean she has to die. She grows as the series goes on. And the Key plot line that introduced her was brilliant.
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