This is a tough one and my opinion is worth little but that said, I'd be inclined to look at the fact she wants her baby born under the NHS auspices as a positive sign in that it shows a slight change in attitudes re the West. You can't expect to wholeheartedly renounce Daesh straight away, certainly not whilst she's in a refugee camp. She's unsafe there, she mugs off Daesh, she might as well sign her own death warrant. She's certainly made herself unsafe as it is,with this interview.
Also, no one is beyond redemption. Not even someone that's joined an evil organisation like the aforementioned Daesh. That's not to say she shouldn't face scrutiny from the authorities here, perhaps criminal charges if they can be brought.
At the same time, I'd be inclined to offer sanctuary to some of the victims of Daesh, like the Yazidi slaves for example, assuming they were willing to come here.