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British and Irish Lions

Absolutely. Fucking. Gutted. What a way to 'lose' a game:(

And against those bastard Tiggers and all:mad:

They were very impressive, mind.
BBC said:
Neither Paul O'Connell, the Munster and Lions captain, nor Leinster coach Michael Cheika saw the incident in a ferocious game at Croke Park.

But both provided positive character references for Quinlan.

"Quinny isn't that type of guy," said O'Connell.

"He is a tough player. It is the one thing he hasn't got in his record book. If it looked bad, I am sure there was nothing in it."

In other news, Burmese tyrant and SLORC leader Senior Gen Than Shwe gave his backing to under fire North Korean despot, Kim Jong Il.

"Kimmy isn't that type of megalomaniac", said Shwe

"He's a tough leader, and lord knows he's broken a few eggs during his glorious omelette making, but he hasn't got the gassing of thousands of Kurds on his record book, has he? If it looked like he was starving his population into submission, I certainly didn't see it, as I was far too busy putting all mine in squalid internment camps"
Unlucky man.

As predicted close (understatement) but a Tigers win.

I'm sure it's no consolation that we were right. :(

But anyway a good spectacle for the neutral ;)

Hope you have several tinnies to drown the blues (no pun intended) ;):(
In other news, Burmese tyrant and SLORC leader Senior Gen Than Shwe gave his backing to under fire North Korean despot, Kim Jong Il.

"Kimmy isn't that type of megalomaniac", said Shwe

"He's a tough leader, and lord knows he's broken a few eggs during his glorious omelette making, but he hasn't got the gassing of thousands of Kurds on his record book, has he? If it looked like he was starving his population into submission, I certainly didn't see it, as I was far too busy putting all mine in squalid internment camps"

Unlucky man.

As predicted close (understatement) but a Tigers win.

I'm sure it's no consolation that we were right. :(

But anyway a good spectacle for the neutral ;)

Hope you have several tinnies to drown the blues (no pun intended) ;):(

Aye. Still have one in hand and three in the fridge.

It was just bizarre, really. Would I be wrong in thinking that this was the first major game in the history of rugby union to be decided by pens? The atmosphere at the stadium, Blues and Tiggers alike, was one of stupefied disbelief. Just fucking odd. Impressed by the way the Tiggers didn't give it the pumping-arm-run-about-the-pitch type celebration, and instead walked soberly over to their counterparts to congratulate and console them. Respect.

Very, very sad that the two best Blues players on the pitch today - Martyn and Tom James - were the two to miss. It's a horrible way to decide a rugby match of the quality I just watched, and it has little to do with rugby.

Still, there you go:(
You're right, I think that it was the first time.

England-Australia in the RWC 2003 was very nearly settled that way too before Jonny stepped up...
Quinlan will surely miss the tour? 18 weeks is what Best and Tincu get at the end of last year and thats what he should get too.

Didn't see O'Connells during the match, the only mention seen/heard is what you've found Bendeus so not going to make a judgement on that. Is there any footage of it on the net? Can't find anything.
Looks like Shanklin has become the latest victim as injuries start to mount. Dislocated his shoulder in the dead rubber game against the Dragons last night. Ligament damage would suggest a lengthy layoff. Poor bastard :(

So who goes in his place?

Come back of your hols, Chavin. You're going to South Africa


And Blair gets the call at scrum half. No decision on the replacement centre yet.

Fucking joke. He was shite for the entire 6N, and the Jocks improved practically every time he went off and Cuisiter came on. How he could have been picked above Peel and Care is an utter mystery to me.

The centre choice is interesting. It's pretty well-known that Geech has issues with Mr. D'Arcey, though on fitness and form he's in pole position. Problem is that Henson is better than him, and should be back from injury in time.

Can't think of anybody else who would fit the bill here. Tindall? Hook? Ain't exactly inspiring, is it?
Ah well. Fuck him. He did the crime - the most heinous in rugby, IMVHO - and now he's going to do the time. No sympathy from me.

Croft will replace him. He was immense against the Blues the other weekend.
Ah well. Fuck him. He did the crime - the most heinous in rugby, IMVHO - and now he's going to do the time. No sympathy from me.

Croft will replace him. He was immense against the Blues the other weekend.
Yeah, damn right. Anyone who gouges can fuck right off.

Croft will be a great replacement.
I just hope Croft comes through the final unscathed.

Anyway, has anyone seen or got a copy of Living with Lions? From what I gather there were two films made, the first -for reasons that escape me - only included the first two tests and the second film was a follow-on. Play.com have a few copies, but it's not clear if it's the whole thing. Linkies to copies of the complete two-parter would be appreciated.
I just hope Croft comes through the final unscathed.

Anyway, has anyone seen or got a copy of Living with Lions? From what I gather there were two films made, the first -for reasons that escape me - only included the first two tests and the second film was a follow-on. Play.com have a few copies, but it's not clear if it's the whole thing. Linkies to copies of the complete two-parter would be appreciated.

I've got it on VHS somewhere, think it only has very brief coverage of the third test but then the series was already won by then:cool:

Theres some great footage on there, Keith Wood and John Bentley were particulary good comedy value, Telfer and his motivational speeches, in the dressing room before each game theres always the sound of someone puking their guts up, think it may have been Neil Jenkins, the drama of Will Greenwood swallowing his tongue, the team doctor (can't remember his name) is s superstar, don't think there was a single part of Keith Wood's body that wasn't broken in some way, the whole squad singing along to Wonderwall pissed up in some restaurant, I tried to spot LD handing out the pills but couldn't spot him:D

Definitely worth watching, I'll have to dig it out and watch it again before it all starts.
Reports that the Lions do not intend to replace Shanklin, and will instead go for the current options of BOD, Roberts and Flutey with the likes of verstile players such as Bowe and Fitzgerald able to step in if necessary. This says a number of things to me:

1. There is a real dearth of quality at centre in the British Isles at the present moment
2. If O'Stampy gets crocked we are well and truly fucked.
3. They're leaving the berth open should Henson prove his fitness in the Wales tour to the US.

Reports that the Lions do not intend to replace Shanklin, and will instead go for the current options of BOD, Roberts and Flutey with the likes of verstile players such as Bowe and Fitzgerald able to step in if necessary. This says a number of things to me:

1. There is a real dearth of quality at centre in the British Isles at the present moment
2. If O'Stampy gets crocked we are well and truly fucked.
3. They're leaving the berth open should Henson prove his fitness in the Wales tour to the US.


Not replaced at all, or replaced with a utility back?

(apols, a bit behind the times on this one)
Not replaced at all, or replaced with a utility back?

(apols, a bit behind the times on this one)


Not replaced at all. His position will be filled by existing members of the squad. I, for one, find this odd. It's a tiny squad to begin with, with only three specialist centres (one of whom has only played a single season in the position) picked. Injuries to any of the three will have serious effects.

This is either an incomprehensible gamble, or they're hoping to fuck that Chavin gets fit. My instincts tell me that it's the latter.
Got to be they're going for Henson - I hope so anyway, I'm far from convinced by Roberts and only marginally more convinced by Flutey. Agreed, O'Driscoll gets 'tackled' AB-style again and we're in lumber. Interesting that potential incumbents have been ignored, there's only one centre who I can think of that they would hold the door ajar for....

Mike Catt. Now that would be awesome.
Aye. My Cat would be a hilarious choice. Got to say that certain key positions really worry me. Any injuries in the 10/12/13 positions could be potentially devastating. I thought for a while that they'd pick Hook to replace Shanks, as he's played 10 and 12 at international level, and is now being tried out (apparently with team Wales' blessing) at 13 for the Os - at least he'd provide the cover we need.

As it stands I reckon that they'll start with Flutey and O'Stampy with Roberts on the bench. Thing is, they surely won't play two speed bumps like Flutey and Onan in combination, so it would have to be Jones-Flutey-BOD, or Onan-Roberts-BOD with Bowe on standby to replace BOD should things go wrong. There's too many things that can go wrong there. Not least an injury to Wellies. The thought of Spies, Kancowski and Burger trundling through the 10/12 channel at will doesn't bear thinking about.

Chavin's inclusion would make a lot of difference to that back line.
Aye. My Cat would be a hilarious choice. Got to say that certain key positions really worry me. Any injuries in the 10/12/13 positions could be potentially devastating. I thought for a while that they'd pick Hook to replace Shanks, as he's played 10 and 12 at international level, and is now being tried out (apparently with team Wales' blessing) at 13 for the Os - at least he'd provide the cover we need.

As it stands I reckon that they'll start with Flutey and O'Stampy with Roberts on the bench. Thing is, they surely won't play two speed bumps like Flutey and Onan in combination, so it would have to be Jones-Flutey-BOD, or Onan-Roberts-BOD with Bowe on standby to replace BOD should things go wrong. There's too many things that can go wrong there. Not least an injury to Wellies. The thought of Spies, Kancowski and Burger trundling through the 10/12 channel at will doesn't bear thinking about.

Chavin's inclusion would make a lot of difference to that back line.

Unless they start pratting about with defensive slots, a la England with Worsley halfback/centres and Flood at blindside. Which worked reasonably well but has the potential for carnage, especially in scratch teams.

eta: But a footballing centre with some biff in the tackle would be a much better state of affairs.
Unless they start pratting about with defensive slots, a la England with Worsley halfback/centres and Flood at blindside. Which worked reasonably well but has the potential for carnage, especially in scratch teams.

Aye, and against a backrow with the aggression, power and athleticism of the Bokke on their own home turf it would be a bloody gamble, and then some.

eta: But a footballing centre with some biff in the tackle would be a much better state of affairs.

There's too many things that can go wrong there.

Ya, agree. It's nearly that there is very little that can go right

My first thought when they said they were not going to bring another back was it's a Jones-Flutey-GOD test line up.

Another reason they may not have bought in a back replacement is that the experimental laws will NOT be in force. The Lions squad was picked with the management thinking they would have to play with them so it will have scuppered their thinking to some extent.

Maybe they are keeping that position open to see how things pan out in the fist few games and then draft in somebody who is more effective under the old laws?
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