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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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This is probably the fudge we all knew would happen eventually.
To be honest,I wish the politicians had got to it sooner, and without all the nonsense!
What would that mean for the Irish Border though if the UK had the power to leave the CU?
There’s nothing about anything on the webpage at time of posting. And I’ve not got the news on. So I’ve no idea what, if anything, the government thinks it has obtained.

My guess (and therefore probably wrong) is that it’ll be a form of words that can be sold as just about enough for a version of May’s deal to go through tomorrow.
What would that mean for the Irish Border though if the UK had the power to leave the CU?

Probably something better than if there's a hard border in just over two weeks?

It always seemed somewhat shortsighted for the Irish government to push so hard for a text that ruled out any possible border in two years that they achieved one now....
Again, a very remainy viewpoint - arch remainers obsess about the campaign and not about the voters, which is perhaps why remain lost.

Very few of those I know who voted leave believed it was all sunlit uplands with no aggro and no costs.

A bit less facination with Messrs Johnson and Farage and a bit more with people in Stockton, Kidderminster, Plymouth might have done the remain campaign - which I voted for - a great deal of good...
Spot on.
My guess (and therefore probably wrong) is that it’ll be a form of words that can be sold as just about enough for a version of May’s deal to go through tomorrow.
I've always thought May would get something through, with a mixture of running the clock down, just keeping going, a few knighthoods and the basic psychology of MPs who would protest long and hard about the betrayal of Brexit and then line up in the 'national interest'. However I'm really not sure where the collective psychology of tory MPs is now at. I'm no longer convinced that their boredom/despair will necessarily make them more pliant. Just heard the chair of the erg making very negative noises about the latest 'deal', though promising to look at it carefully. If they put the deal to the vote tomorrow - and as always, that's not certain - there will certainly movement towards May, but my guess is not enough. Though perhaps enough for her to think she will get there with one more push (and an A50 extension even).

AKA, I ain't got a clue.
A bit less facination with Messrs Johnson and Farage and a bit more with people in Stockton, Kidderminster, Plymouth might have done the remain campaign - which I voted for - a great deal of good...
… and on this again, I don't get much sense that either Remain generally or Labour remainers in particularly have got this even now. Certainly not in terms of even nominal political overtures towards Stockton et al.
I get the feeling like Wilf that it’s going to take another push or two if it’s possible at all.

I can’t see any of that ERG lot budging an inch tomorrow.

Literally the only thing in that hour that will have spooked them is Juncker saying that if the vote is lost tomorrow, there may not be any Brexit. The contributions of May and Liddington will have done nothing.
Is there not a possibility that it was actually done well from their perspective? That the EU blinked? That this is what they needed. That the EU is basically fucked in its current iteration. That the myth that individual polities must try in vain to negotiate. Does Britain get favourable terms as it has in the past, if so, why? A struggle between factions of capitalism?

You'll note, that is a series of questions rather than bold professions. There are really only 3 powers under the EU umbrella. I don't see how the others will fall into line now. I think they have basically achieved what they wanted. Not that it fills me with much other than indifference.

My logic is that they can't, surely, be so bumbling and slapdash as they present to the few anoraks who are paying attention with any degree of scrutiny. In terms of predictions then FWIW: the British establishment's hand will be strengthened and they will not come to the cliff edge. And (for all I know) the shops will stay open, capitalism will function and, ultimately, the state will continue its domination on behalf of its backers.
Is there not a possibility that it was actually done well from their perspective? That the EU blinked?
I don't think the EU's "blinked" but from the perspective of the Government I think they're in a better position than most on here seem to.
My guess (and therefore probably wrong) is that it’ll be a form of words that can be sold as just about enough for a version of May’s deal to go through tomorrow.
Or it's a close enough loss that May can bring it back for a thread go after a more cajoling/bribery etc.

If the DUP decide that they've got enough then I think a lot of the Tory opposition will melt away, and I'm not sure the DUP aren't starting to buckle, As flypanam has pointed out even the DUP base is starting to get pissed off with them. This gives them an out - they can tell their members that they've delivered Brexit on their terms, that they've not been pushed about.
Just wondering - what happens if an article 50 extension is requested by the Uk but denied by the EU side? Does that leave the UK with a choice of hard Brexit or withdraw A50 entirely?


Applying the "whats in it for me" principle the EU would like to see something in return for granting an extension, a few MP's saying we can negotiate better will, I feel, not be enough as the EU allready have a deal. Something will have to change in Britain. GE or 2nd ref.

Of course the brinkmanship will continue right up to the last minute and if I was dealing with grown ups Britain would decide to stay in. However with the little bits I have seen over the last few months the British government seems more like a kindergarten (German word meaning kiddie garden very European).

For me all bets are off.
I don't think the EU's "blinked" but from the perspective of the Government I think they're in a better position than most on here seem to.
Or it's a close enough loss that May can bring it back for a thread go after a more cajoling/bribery etc.

If the DUP decide that they've got enough then I think a lot of the Tory opposition will melt away, and I'm not sure the DUP aren't starting to buckle, As flypanam has pointed out even the DUP base is starting to get pissed off with them. This gives them an out - they can tell their members that they've delivered Brexit on their terms, that they've not been pushed about.
Not according to Juncker
Mr Juncker also warned MPs that they would be putting everything at risk if they voted down the deal. "In politics sometimes you get a second chance," he said. "It is what we do with that second chance that counts. There will be no third [or even thread] chance." He added: "Let us speak crystal clear about the choice - it is this deal or Brexit might not happen at all."
He's referring to changes made by the EU. I was arguing that if it gets close then there are UK based options that May could make (or appear to make) that might get some on board - extra money for regions, "insurances" given on environmental legislation etc.

In any case back in Jan the EU was saying there could not be any changes. If they think that a deal is possible they will be willing to make some minor concessions.
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