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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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I think the current parliamentary makeup is almost perfectly balanced for stalemate. A few more in any direction (enough to jettison the DUP, mainly) and a lot more options would open up. It'd still be difficult, but not impossible like it is now...
Nope. Voted down tomorrow night.

Increasingly looking like soft Brexit/ no Brexit.
Yeah but that assumes that this parliament can actually agree on something quite specific in what surely has to be a short time-frame-and I think we can rule out no Brexit?
The really interesting (=horrific) scenario is that Parliament votes down no deal tomorrow and then votes down an extension on Thursday.

I’m not expecting that however. I also think it’s very unlikely the EU will turn down an extension request, despite their faux-highhanded rhetoric.

But what happens if the extension is only until 22 May? Robert Peston reckons we are heading for no deal in late May/June. He could be right.
emerging consensus from commentators is that May will try to get 3 month extension and use that cliff edge as a way to force her deal through again (ffs ..).
Parliament may not allow this - as its massively taking the piss.
emerging consensus from commentators is that May will try to get 3 month extension and use that cliff edge as a way to force her deal through again (ffs ..).
Parliament may not allow this - as its massively taking the piss.

She absolutely could force this deal through - but that would mean plausibly threatening to back either a second referendum or, more likely, threatening to revoke Article 50 itself. The ERG and the DUP are the ones who have to be talked around, not anyone else, and the only way she could do that is to threaten to destroy the party.

I'd be amazed if they went for (and got) an extension on those grounds though, as she could do all that this week.
We seem to be a world away from when farage and Johnson were saying the EU would be desperate to give us great trade deals and the rest. On Thursday we will be pleading 'please will you let us stay a bit longer so that we can have another go at agreeing that deal you offered us months ago'. lol
She absolutely could force this deal through - but that would mean plausibly threatening to back either a second referendum or, more likely, threatening to revoke Article 50 itself.
Would that work, though? Surely revoking A50 is something a lot of MPs want. They just don't want to be the ones to actually do it.

I think tomorrow's no deal vote may show something. Whipped, it would have been a narrow majority to reject no deal. Unwhipped, it might be a very large majority to reject no deal. That might be an indicator of the number of MPs who really, secretly or otherwise, just want brexit to go away.
and this show of cunts are still ahead in public polling

I've listened to bits on World Service about this today, and it has been very marked that nearly all those interviewed have been tories. Labour has barely been mentioned. In a way you can see why - it is a tory split that's made this mess happen (I think with a united tory party, the DUP would have been under massive pressure to fall in line). But it leaves Labour rather out in the cold. Whatever they say just isn't reported,
We seem to be a world away from when farage and Johnson were saying the EU would be desperate to give us great trade deals and the rest. On Thursday we will be pleading 'please will you let us stay a bit longer so that we can have another go at agreeing that deal you offered us months ago'. lol
we'd probably win a bad faith so bit dopey knowing that to sign up to relying on it
tbh i heard that the ERG are now towing the line with the DUP

A party that does not even speak for its own constitutes in the north, have a corrupt leader and have not had a assembly in many a year

just wtf is going on with the Tory party
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