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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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She absolutely could force this deal through - but that would mean plausibly threatening to back either a second referendum or, more likely, threatening to revoke Article 50 itself. The ERG and the DUP are the ones who have to be talked around, not anyone else, and the only way she could do that is to threaten to destroy the party.

I'd be amazed if they went for (and got) an extension on those grounds though, as she could do all that this week.
Can't see how she'll get an extension
tbh i heard that the ERG are now towing the line with the DUP

A party that does not even speak for its own constitutes in the north, have a corrupt leader and have not had a assembly in many a year

just wtf is going on with the Tory party
Corrupt and incompetent leader. Remember she signed a blank cheque for the heating scandal. She's a fucking idiot, and that's being charitable. It seems being exposed as corrupt and incompetent isn't the problem it once was.
it a vote to take the no deal exit off the table and more or less ask for an extension
Must admit though, I don't really get the formal impact of voting to keep no deal off the table (apart from as a political statement). It's either vote for the deal (which they've just rejected, but could theoretically vote on again before the end of the month), vote to ask for an extension or leave without a deal in the absence of those. The other route is revoking article 50 which is something else altogether (and I can't quite remember - or care - whether we can do that independently).
Must admit though, I don't really get the formal impact of voting to keep no deal off the table (apart from as a political statement). It's either vote for the deal (which they've just rejected, but could theoretically vote on again before the end of the month), vote to ask for an extension or leave without a deal in the absence of those. The other route is revoking article 50 which is something else altogether (and I can't quite remember - or care - whether we can do that independently).

Shh someone might catch on that the UK cannot dictate to the EU
Shh someone might catch on that the UK cannot dictate to the EU


But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day

Erm, can we, erm, stay in a bit longer? Pleeeease.
Must admit though, I don't really get the formal impact of voting to keep no deal off the table (apart from as a political statement). It's either vote for the deal (which they've just rejected, but could theoretically vote on again before the end of the month), vote to ask for an extension or leave without a deal in the absence of those. The other route is revoking article 50 which is something else altogether (and I can't quite remember - or care - whether we can do that independently).

Can't remember who tabled what amendment but by actually having a vote on no deal it forces Parliament to demonstrate they won't accept no deal which leaves Remain or a deal negotiated with the EU which will by definition be bad.
The EU, specifically Germany, do not need convincing to give us more time. They don’t want us to leave. They are quite prepared to watch us cringe back with our tails between our legs. Things are heading towards more no full leave than no deal Brexit.

Just catching up. But I think this sort of thinking is delusional. It is basically they need us more than we need them. No, regrettably they will cut an arm off to save the body.

Sorry that was a bit Farage reverse. But you see what I mean.
Maybe we should help Tusk and Juncker out and come up with a few suggestions for what they should demand for an A50 extension:

1. Theresa May has to stand up in the Commons and shout 'Gibraltar is really, really, REALLY Spanish'.

Admit that VAR technology shows we didn't really win the 1966 World Cup.

3. Replace the Queen's Christmas Day Message with the entire Royal Family belting out The Fields of Athenry, with Prince Philip doing the Sinn Fein and IRA bits

Maybe we should help Tusk and Juncker out and come up with a few suggestions for what they should demand for an A50 extension:

1. Theresa May has to stand up in the Commons and shout 'Gibraltar is really, really, REALLY Spanish'.

Admit that VAR technology shows we didn't really win the 1966 World Cup.

3. Replace the Queen's Christmas Day Message with the entire Royal Family belting out The Fields of Athenry, with Prince Philip doing the Sinn Fein and IRA bits

no more beer for Nigel

Actually bollocks. Those of you who still think that no deal can’t happen because Parliament will vote against it. You are fucking idiots. It is what will happen unless something else is actually passed. And you trust this Parliament to do the latter.

Actually bollocks. Those of you who still think that no deal can’t happen because Parliament will vote against it. You are fucking idiots. It is what will happen unless something else is actually passed. And you trust this Parliament to do the latter.

The amusing scenario would be if the EU said no to an extension. It would then be A. no deal exit or B. shit selves and revoke a50 or C. shit selves and sign up for May's deal. All ideas that the UK was a player on the world stage dashed for a thousand years.
There is certainly a lot of macabre fun to be had.

The lid has been lifted somewhat. People wanking on about democratic Phalia. Hello, hello, have you been awake recently. Not aimed at urban that one it’s just I have the folly of having LBC on at the same time as I write this drivel.
The amusing scenario would be if the EU said no to an extension. It would then be A. no deal exit or B. shit selves and revoke a50 or C. shit selves and sign up for May's deal. All ideas that the UK was a player on the world stage dashed for a thousand years.

The amusing thing would be for the vote tonight to be "no" to leaving without a deal then the EU say "no" to an extension.

There are no off the shelf deals we can sign up to so:-

Mays deal thrown out allready
No deal thrown out
One option left stay in.
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