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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And as I keep repeating; spunking cock is a vote, so not disenfranchised, but adding to their mandate. Just bin your polling card and stop playing their silly games. The lower the turnout, the weaker the mandate.

Exactly this. I traditionally enjoy spoiling my vote but in this moment the only serious political act is this ^
And as I keep repeating; spunking cock is a vote, so not disenfranchised, but adding to their mandate. Just bin your polling card and stop playing their silly games. The lower the turnout, the weaker the mandate.

Actually, all spoilt ballots have to be shown to candidates. A significant number would slow down election counts significantly.

I'm hoping there are enough in Sunderland that they don't count the ballots the fastest like they normally do.
Actually, all spoilt ballots have to be shown to candidates. A significant number would slow down election counts significantly.

It is still participation - and counts as turnout.

Record low turnouts and as many people as possible turning their backs on them is better.
2/3rds of the House is everyone else plus about half of the Tories so if May called a GE there would be one since even in the current state of near civil war that exists in the Tories she would get more than half her own MP's.
Even with the DUP the Tories are just about short of a majority now so Labour could theoretically win a VoNC if they could get EVERYONE else to vote for it but that's effectively impossible, there's just too many disparate groups (many of whom are definitely not fans of Corbyn) to go along with it.
Hard to believe it was only two years ago.

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this is my favourite Theresa May picture - 4.30am at the count, looking into the abyss :D

2/3rds of the House is everyone else plus about half of the Tories so if May called a GE there would be one since even in the current state of near civil war that exists in the Tories she would get more than half her own MP's.
Even with the DUP the Tories are just about short of a majority now so Labour could theoretically win a VoNC if they could get EVERYONE else to vote for it but that's effectively impossible, there's just too many disparate groups (many of whom are definitely not fans of Corbyn) to go along with it.
Currently, I believe tories plus DUP is 324. Remembering that Sinn Fein don't take up their seats, that's effectively a majority.
Currently, I believe tories plus DUP is 324. Remembering that Sinn Fein don't take up their seats, that's effectively a majority.
According to HoP website it's 650 assholes MP's minus 7 SF makes 643, 313 Tories + 10 crazies makes 323 versus 320 others (some of which are Tories who have taken off their badges) so Yeah still just a majority but Corbyn will never unite all non-Tories he can only really count on his own and the Nationalists to support a VoNC so not going to happen.
2/3rds of the House is everyone else plus about half of the Tories so if May called a GE there would be one since even in the current state of near civil war that exists in the Tories she would get more than half her own MP's.
Even with the DUP the Tories are just about short of a majority now so Labour could theoretically win a VoNC if they could get EVERYONE else to vote for it but that's effectively impossible, there's just too many disparate groups (many of whom are definitely not fans of Corbyn) to go along with it.

Fairly sure both the limp dems and tinge / upchuk have said they would support theresa may in a parliamentary vote of no confidence and not vote with labour - they may of course have changed their position a few times since then.
I think they'd both be more likely to abstain than support the govt tbf. Although if it looked like the DUP or enough Tories might support a VONC that might change.
why are there inverted commas around "unelected" wrt the lords? do they think it means emphasis ?
It’s probably the Fail trying to emphasise that they are quoting someone else saying unelected.
Not us m’Lord.
Toady, arse licking shitbags.
I think they get paid more for delays from what I remember. Pissing off the candidates too.
My mate does it. iirc it's a flat rate. Maybe a bonus for a recount. I do remember her saying specifically that spoilt ballots are a pain in the arse. Best thing you can do for the counters is not vote.
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My mate does it. iirc it's a flat rate. Maybe a bonus for a recount. I do remember her saying specifically that spoilt ballots are a pain in the arse. Best thing you can do for the counters is not vote.
Depends how they're spoilt, according to my mates who have done it.

A straightforward cock n balls across the entire ballot, no problem, put to one side. Any mark going across two boxes is technically spoilt, but the candidates will want to argue about it, and claim it's clearly a vote for them. That is a pain in the arse.

Writing 'is a cunt' in one, just one, of the boxes gives rise to debate. That can be vaguely amusing to watch the candidate claim that it is actually an endorsement of them. It's my preferred option.
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