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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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May could be being smart, attempting to create fractures in Labour, then once it’s kicked off call a GE whilst the party is still in chaos. Other cabinet members could be in on the deal, and acting outraged now is just play acting which will quickly resolve to unity when the time comes.

But on previous evidence she’s not that bright.
A friend of mine sent me this another friend had written, part of a longer piece, but I found it interesting in the way it attempts to interrogate the idea that in 2017 both major parties stood on the exact same ticket in their manifestos regarding brexit:

'I know the major Political parties in the General Election of 2017 did stand on manifesto to effect our EU departure. Did you read the manifesto? I did. Could the nature of departure have been more different?

I also looked up the results. The Conservatives collectively campaigned on leaving the Single Market, Customs Union & referenced a No Deal Brexit securing 42.45% of the electoral vote. To which you can add UKIP 1.84%. A total of 44.3% of votes.

The Labour Party Manifesto specifically ruled out the Government White Paper advising they would seek a closer liaison with the EU via a Customs Union and rejected any prospect of a No deal securing 40% of votes

Lib-Dems, SNP & Greens argued a remain agenda seeking another referendum securing 12.04% of votes. The DUP, Sinn Fein & Plaid Cmyru 1.93% all quoted frictionless trade with the EU.

Does not that mean 54% of the electorate voted against leaving the EU without a deal?

Did not the votes cast in Parliament on Friday 286 - 344 reflect a 45% - 55% split entirely in line with the legally binding 2017 election result and the mandate provided to the respective parties?'
A friend of mine sent me this another friend had written, part of a longer piece, but I found it interesting in the way it attempts to interrogate the idea that in 2017 both major parties stood on the exact same ticket in their manifestos regarding brexit:
Who is supposed to be suggesting that?
Chuka speaks!
Independent MP Chuka Umunna says the bill contains a "glaring omission". He wonders why none of the amendments selected for debate contain proposals for another referendum, or people's vote.
"The European Council has been absolutely clear that the UK will not necessarily be granted an extension for a general purpose but we will need to specify what it is we wish to have an extension for," he says. "To be sure of getting the extension to stop no-deal... you not only request an extension but it is for the purposes of something that will lead to us being granted the extension we require."
on the BBC news feed

all going fine, then...


Telegraph's Mikhailova is reporting a 'senior labour source' as... well, as this:

  1. New: Labour source told me the option of a confirmatory vote was raised 'multiple times' in the Corbyn-May meeting.

    1 reply5 retweets19 likes
  2. New: Senior Labour source telling me today's talks did not go as well as initially thought: 'May offered nothing today. Unless tomorrow's talks change the narrative it seems to be a waste of time.'

    22 replies66 retweets79 likes
Probably all the time? I’ve not seen him particularly laying into black people more than anyone else.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might want to criticise Diane Abbot, but the attacks on her numeracy are clearly motivated by misogyny and racism.
Fuck off. How often do you criticise the basic numeracy of white Tory men?
Well there was that election night I got pissed at the count and harranged the local MP who'd sold all the married quarters in the country and then publically admitted he didn't realise rent would now be on the balance sheet

(I was quite drunk at the time)
There are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might want to criticise Diane Abbot, but the attacks on her numeracy are clearly motivated by misogyny and racism.
I’m gonna have to scroll back but as a stand alone sentence I’m inclined to disagree.

ETA: in context now, I dunno I’m sitting on the fence. Was that really the intent? I think more clumsiness in a convo about attacks from the right.
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