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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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The menu has been shit mince and shit burgers with the option of fried shit of a vegan for years mun. Demolish the restaurant!
I think the best chance of 'demolish the restaurant' is no deal Brexit.

EU clearly (and understand rely) came up with bad terms pour encourage Les autres but I think they over cooked it
Aye well you could be right there I may be getting to drawn into the whole shit show. Nonetheless, I still think what Corbyn *should* do is demand an election. But I doubt he will.
I wonder whether it’s a bit too soon, it feels like it to me. I think we’d probs land exactly as we are now. Aye the Tories have continued to be disasterous but Labour have gone a fair bit downhill as well(well at least from the relative high point of the last election) already showing signs of being prepared to ditch principles just to keep afloat. Again most will be labouring under the misapprehension we’ve not been sat here watching them.
But tactics in this mess? Who knows, it seems hard to predict.
If nothing else it's got the loonspud wing of the tory party frothing, which is nice.

some nobhead said:
Jeremy Corbyn is a man who would reduce the UK to an adjunct of Venezuela

tory twat said:
I think getting the support of a known Marxist is not likely to instil confidence in Conservatives

Think this is my favourite, though

nomark numpty said:
It will now be for Corbyn, Diane Abbott and John McDonnell to decide if the Conservative party implements its manifesto

Might even be a tiny bit of truth to that last one. :D Note how he drags Abbott in there and omits Starmer, who would be the more obvious choice, but less frothworthy.
I think the best chance of 'demolish the restaurant' is no deal Brexit.

EU clearly (and understand rely) came up with bad terms pour encourage Les autres but I think they over cooked it
You are probably right, it’s really hard to say LETS NO DEAL BREXIT YOU CUNTS! with gusto after years of predicted terror, though I secretly believe in it ;)
I think the best chance of 'demolish the restaurant' is no deal Brexit.

EU clearly (and understand rely) came up with bad terms pour encourage Les autres but I think they over cooked it
"Mais dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres." - Voltaire

The Admiral is May. The DUP want Remain. SNP want No Deal for Independence Referendum 2. Labour lead by a Brexiteer want Remain. Tories lead by a Remainer want Brexit.

Got to love Politics it's for contrarian masochistic anoraks. Extend for the forseeable future.
EU clearly (and understand rely) came up with bad terms pour encourage Les autres but I think they over cooked it
Not sure I go along with that. The problem is the UK wanting to leave the single market and customs union but maintain an open border and honour the Good Friday Agreement without creating a (more than it already is) special status for NI. That's the UK's wishlist, not the EU's. The EU comes up with the 'backstop', without which May's deal could have got through conceivably, but how could they not have come up with the backstop? Ask Ireland to leave the EU as well. That's the only solution to this that would satisfy the UK's wishlist. So it's the UK wishlist that is the problem here, not the EU's response to it.

If anything I would think the EU's approach has been more carrot than stick wrt its remaining members. Look, we don't abandon Ireland, and we won't. This is what you have here with us.
"Helena Anne Beatrix Wentworth Fitzwilliam de Chair Rees-Mogg sits uneasily in the drawing room awaiting the return of the Master. As she hears the Bentley pull into the old stables she lines up Sixtus with the reading from Plutarch that usually serves to quieten the savage slight awkwardness that inhabits her husband in such moments. But tonight even the younger Rees-Moggs lisping their way through the family Vulgate Bible will not be enough. Tonight, there will be mayhem".
It's dreary, the whole thing isn't it. The government, the ruling establishment and their attitudes are shit and unworthy of us, a cool and clever people. Restricted by them in their narrow-minded shallow machinations. They can't even order their own affairs yet they insist on their own authority. They will make everything dull and shit and talk down to you.
Junior minister Nigel Adams resigns over May's 'grave error' in seeking to reach Brexit deal with Corbyn
I and many others agreed with your previous position that no deal is better than a bad deal.

It now seems that you and your cabinet have decided that a deal - cooked up with a Marxist who has never once in his political life put British interests first – is better than no deal.

I profoundly disagree with this approach and I have therefore decided that I must reluctantly tender my resignation.

COOKING WITH MARXISTS - a Netflix Original series
So, who's risking more going into this meeting, and who's got better odds of coming out of it on top*?

*which, in this context, generally means not as deep in shit as the other.
has to be auld corbyn as there's no more that can be said about him to rubbish him more than he has been already
So, who's risking more going into this meeting, and who's got better odds of coming out of it on top*?

*which, in this context, generally means not as deep in shit as the other.
May passes into Tory history as the uber-Traitor, the woman who gave Brexit away to a, splutter, Marxist.

Corbyn ends up hated by the people who always hated him, probably weakens him within the party. But apart from farage's army, probably still encamped in a pub in Middlesbrough, the public are mildly relieved it's all over.

Consequences: 1. strengthens the swivel eyed in the coming tory leadership battle. 2. If there's then a general election... who knows.
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