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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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Given that the various erg clowns seem to be saying 'sorry, it's a no from me', presumably the big push from May and the Whips will be to get them to abstain. That gives her the thinnest sliver of justification to carry on for another push, stay in office for another day, keep the whiskey and revolver in the cupboard....
Interview just now on R4 with Charles Walker (Chair of 1922 Procedure Committee - Graham Brady's no. 2). Arguing very forcefully that if/when May's deal goes down, there will be a General Election. He basically said that this is a failing Parliament and that the Government has run out of road and was unable to govern. Pretty strong words, even if the objective was to persuade backbenchers to vote for the deal.
Interview just now on R4 with Charles Walker (Chair of 1922 Procedure Committee - Graham Brady's no. 2). Arguing very forcefully that if/when May's deal goes down, there will be a General Election. He basically said that this is a failing Parliament and that the Government has run out of road and was unable to govern. Pretty strong words, even if the objective was to persuade backbenchers to vote for the deal.

Huh, I had completely written off my bet at the bookies for May to step down in March, might be a few bob in this yet!
Bookies offering anything from 1/5 to 1/9 on extension of A50. If there is an extension I think May will have to go because she won't cancel Brexit and she won't go for No Deal.

Charles Walker is not wrong - stopped clocks and all that.
Interview just now on R4 with Charles Walker (Chair of 1922 Procedure Committee - Graham Brady's no. 2). Arguing very forcefully that if/when May's deal goes down, there will be a General Election. He basically said that this is a failing Parliament and that the Government has run out of road and was unable to govern. Pretty strong words, even if the objective was to persuade backbenchers to vote for the deal.

Yes I saw that. He's had enough, clearly. Phrases like "backbenchers at each other throats". You'd think something has got to give, but this being May she will already be eyeing up meaningful vote number 3.
Bookies offering anything from 1/5 to 1/9 on extension of A50. If there is an extension I think May will have to go because she won't cancel Brexit and she won't go for No Deal.

Charles Walker is not wrong - stopped clocks and all that.
I suspect you have this back to front - May going (however that happens) would be a pre-condition of an extension, not a consequence
There will have to be a GE in my view unless May really wants to go down the softer Brexit route and try and garner support from Labour etc.

It's quite amusing that the ERG want a hard Brexit but are in position to be the midwives for it not actually happening.
There has been a steady stream of tories who previously voted against the deal come out and say that this time around they will vote for it.

Interestingly both the DUP and the ERG have not specifically stated they will vote against it just that they can't back it. Something as important as this would be an odd thing to abstain on but if they do this vote could be a bit closer than originally thought. It'll be voted down but it might only be double figures.
I suspect you have this back to front - May going (however that happens) would be a pre-condition of an extension, not a consequence

Ahh well you could be right - but that might mean the EU demanding May go in order to grant an extension which might not look good for them. Instead I would think they would say a pre-condition is an election or a second referendum, which would then mean May would go as the Tories wouldn't trust her with another election.
Ahh well you could be right - but that might mean the EU demanding May go in order to grant an extension which might not look good for them. Instead I would think they would say a pre-condition is an election or a second referendum, which would then mean May would go as the Tories wouldn't trust her with another election.
Don't think they could directly ask for either an election or a second ref - that would be straying into territory where they're interfering with democracy (yes, I know, but formally it's hard for them be seen to be doing that). More likely imo would be a demand that May's 'red lines' should be dropped, thus perhaps smoothing a path to something like Norway+. How the UK gets to come back to the table without its red lines would then be for the UK to decide.
There has been a steady stream of tories who previously voted against the deal come out and say that this time around they will vote for it.

Interestingly both the DUP and the ERG have not specifically stated they will vote against it just that they can't back it. Something as important as this would be an odd thing to abstain on but if they do this vote could be a bit closer than originally thought. It'll be voted down but it might only be double figures.
Yep, in as much as its worth making any predictions on this shitshow within shitshows, that's about the best for today's events. And that almost certainly gives May another week in office.
I know we keep going round in circles but this really does feel like end game for May.
Possibly a stupid question, but presumably the Tinge are voting against. If so, even if the DUP and ERG merely abstain, it's still hard to see the govt winning this.
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