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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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They will almost certainly vote for an extension cos the alternative will be crashing out
Voting for one and getting one are two different things. And even if they get one, it will only be a matter of weeks. (I can’t see any extension lasting beyond the beginning of the Euro election campaign).

Anyone who has ever negotiated anything will know that extending deadlines just means putting off decisions. Negotiations are concluded at deadlines. Both sides know that.
I’ve not seen any of the Matrix films, so the allusion is lost on me, but I have never in any sense had the feeling, even fleetingly, that May is fighting “for us”.
Me neither (it's a line from the filum). ;)

Anyway, if our properly elected prime minister is kicked out, I wonder if there's a risk of terrorism in her name? The Spirit of the Wheatfield could strike anywhere. :(
Voting for one and getting one are two different things. And even if they get one, it will only be a matter of weeks. (I can’t see any extension lasting beyond the beginning of the Euro election campaign).

Anyone who has ever negotiated anything will know that extending deadlines just means putting off decisions. Negotiations are concluded at deadlines. Both sides know that.

yes - should have been clearer. Parliament will vote to ask the EU for an extension - what happens after that .... well back to the start of this thread! The EU may insist that there has be some sort of meaningful change - i.e a General Election or a 2nd ref - they might allow an extension is the UK can show there is a majority in parliament favour or a customs union/soft brexit type thing.
yes - should have been clearer. Parliament will vote to ask the EU for an extension - what happens after that .... well back to the start of this thread! The EU may insist that there has be some sort of meaningful change - i.e a General Election or a 2nd ref - they might allow an extension is the UK can show there is a majority in parliament favour or a customs union/soft brexit type thing.
If I was a betting man, and I am, I’d be putting money on other events entirely. Sporting fixtures. Or the Queen retiring.
Remember this?


Don't put anything past these kinda bastards simply cos it's "policy". Their sense of self-importance will override that everytime.
this doesn't really compare though. What would TIG gain from selling out their defining policy for a vote the government will lose either way? It doesn't make sense. Sure there's circumstances where some of them might back May's deal - today is definitely not one of them.
this doesn't really compare though. What would TIG gain from selling out their defining policy for a vote the government will lose either way? It doesn't make sense. Sure there's circumstances where some of them might back May's deal - today is definitely not one of them.
Are you perhaps overestimating the competence of the Tinge-ernational brigade?
When I watched the third Matrix film I thought that it was a load of nonsense with a script that made no sense and I did feel cheated out of a proper ending.
With the DUP out that give the license to Tory opposition. Might get the margin below 200 this time but it doesn't look like it's going to be below 150.

Well there has been a few tories who have changed their mind to back May and Rees-Mogg reckons the ERG are still undecided. Leadsom and Grayling talking about third votes...
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