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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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In happier times. :(

Only thing I remember about that one is when Neo finds Trinity at the end and you think maybe she's OK and them the camera pans down and she's impaled on a load of spikes and it's supposed to be a sad moment but the whole cinema just started laughing.
Oh, spoiler code!
Na they will have to change the locks while shes out . Even then she'd strongly and stabley bang on the door demanding to be let in in for about 3 hours until she got the hint

and then come back tomorrow to try the same thing again, then again a few months later.
Does seem to be a steady trickle of MPs saying they will switch votes (someone called tim Loughton is the last one I heard). She's got a long way to go to overturn a 230 fail, but there may well be a herd mentality that gets it into single figures.

'Someone called Tim Loughton' - LOL - to this day I regret my mind over coming my desire to mow that bugger down, when he stepped out in front of me, when he was crossing road outside Worthing Hospital. :D
According to the BBC we are up to 19 tory switchers so far, plus 2 or 3 Labour. So that's a net shift of 44 (and plenty of shits). Assuming there are another 20 or so who just haven't piped up yet, that get's her to a defeat of 140-150 or so. Surely the limpet will have to go?
this doesn't really compare though. What would TIG gain from selling out their defining policy for a vote the government will lose either way? It doesn't make sense. Sure there's circumstances where some of them might back May's deal - today is definitely not one of them.

Sure, it wouldn't make sense. Perhaps we're beyinf that.

I too don't think they will vote for May tonight. I wouldn't be confident in ruling it out though.

What's in for them?

Ego. A sense of power. Spiting the Labour Party. Posturing as the "grown-ups" making sacrifices in the national interest. Building up credit with Tory moderates for a future coalition deal.

There's plenty of nonsense these bubble bastards could have running through their conceited little minds that could very easily override any "founding principles" in the blink of an eye, or bat of an eye-lash.

Like I said, I don't think it'll happen tonight. But don't trust those Tinger bastards an inch to have the decency to act according to any sense of ideals.
The more chaos the better. A pox on all of them. We're fucked whatever the outcome and it's nice to see it continually exposed. Too cynical?

I don't think that's too cynical. I've always felt the British political system is crap and this has just exposed it for what it really is. I'd hope that this would bring about some genuine change but sadly no sign of that at all yet.
So... predictions for the contents of May’s speech to the house after her bill is voted down tonight?

“This house has demonstrated that it is not willing to implement the democratically expressed will of the people”

“It is only right and proper that the people have their say on whether those members remain elected members of this house”

“The government will therefore bring a bill to this house calling for parliament to be dissolved and for a general election to be held”

“And following the passing of this bill, I will stand down as leader of the Conservative party to make way for a successor who can fight the election with a renewed mandate to implement the referendum result”

Something like that??
So... predictions for the contents of May’s speech to the house after her bill is voted down tonight?

“This house has demonstrated that it is not willing to implement the democratically expressed will of the people”

“It is only right and proper that the people have their say on whether those members remain elected members of this house”

“The government will therefore bring a bill to this house calling for parliament to be dissolved and for a general election to be held”

“And following the passing of this bill, I will stand down as leader of the Conservative party to make way for a successor who can fight the election with a renewed mandate to implement the referendum result”

Something like that??
Who knows, but my guess would be carrying on to the no deal vote tomorrow and/or moving to an extension request - but May possibly getting 'persuaded' to fuck off by the end of the week. She won't go gracefully though.
So... predictions for the contents of May’s speech to the house after her bill is voted down tonight?

“This house has demonstrated that it is not willing to implement the democratically expressed will of the people”

“It is only right and proper that the people have their say on whether those members remain elected members of this house”

“The government will therefore bring a bill to this house calling for parliament to be dissolved and for a general election to be held”

“And following the passing of this bill, I will stand down as leader of the Conservative party to make way for a successor who can fight the election with a renewed mandate to implement the referendum result”

Something like that??

That would be my guess but frankly the way things have gone over the last couple of years it wouldn't surprise me if she just stood up and gave a repeat of the last time her deal was voted down.
Sure, it wouldn't make sense. Perhaps we're beyinf that.

I too don't think they will vote for May tonight. I wouldn't be confident in ruling it out though.

What's in for them?

Ego. A sense of power. Spiting the Labour Party. Posturing as the "grown-ups" making sacrifices in the national interest. Building up credit with Tory moderates for a future coalition deal.

There's plenty of nonsense these bubble bastards could have running through their conceited little minds that could very easily override any "founding principles" in the blink of an eye, or bat of an eye-lash.

Like I said, I don't think it'll happen tonight. But don't trust those Tinger bastards an inch to have the decency to act according to any sense of ideals.
they aren't acting according to any kind of decency or ideals - they never were. They formed entirely to take advantage of one thing: centrist remainers who feel politically homeless. So the one thing they won't be doing - tonight at least - is voting for May's deal. It would destroy what little base they have, what political capital they have accrued in the last few weeks. That anyone could imagine it's a possibility is just baffling tbh.
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