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Belarus : is the end coming for Lukashenko?

not sure about that t-shirt he's wearing in that instagram pic. whiff of far right ultras
It's just the Pahonia isn't it? Belarus coat of arms (or the grand duchy of Lithuania to be precise).

"In 1995, following a controversial referendum, Alexander Lukashenko scrapped the Pahonia's status as the official coat of arms and replaced it with a modified Soviet emblem. Since then the Pahonia has served as one of the symbols of the anti-Lukashenko opposition in Belarus."
nah he's a member of

they are far right?

For fuck’s sake. It’s a T shirt with the Pahonia horseman on it, the national symbol of Belarus from 91-95 and currently repressed by Lukashenko. It’s one of the main symbols of the opposition movement.

Stop spreading misinformation


The picture shows him at a Krumkachy football match. The club are privately owned and very oriented towards the political opposition.

It has nothing to do with some obscure democratic society in exile and certainly absolutely nothing to do with the far right. He is not far right.
How did Belarus know the man was on the plane?

In short

  1. He and his girlfriend were arrested in Minsk - three other passengers left the plane
  2. Ryanair CEO suggests the other three may have been agents of the Belarusian KGB

On BBC website this morning in this article

they had a sub-heading "How did Belarus know he was on the plane" in which they quoted Protasevich telling people he had been followed at Athens airport and someone had tried to photograph his check-in.

That's now been removed from the article. Which is interesting.
And if Germany doesn’t now go hard on Russia?
No one's ever accused the Merk of being soft. It depends what you mean by "go hard", though. . .

They've been trying to build that bloody pipeline since the early 80s, Iirc. That kind of long term investment is probably not going to be abandoned easily.

Wallerstein the worldsystems guy predicted geopolitical evolution towards a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis. We'll see very soon how well-founded that one was.
I think it's more likely that Russia will unilaterally invade and reincorporate Belarus into Russia proper à la Crimea than a pro-Western bloc taking power in Minsk

From the EU's point of view they should have scrambled their own fighter planes to tell the Belarussian ones to fuck off and shoot them down if necessary

not sure about that t-shirt he's wearing in that instagram pic. whiff of far right ultras

nah he's a member of

what gave you the whiff of far right ultras Flavour? Being at a football match?

Given that Flavour's contributions today have been deranged nonsense about Russian invasion, a call for the EU's non-existent airforce to shoot down a Belarusian MIG inside Belarus, and now this misinformation/ "far right" nudge-nudge wink-wink about some logo he pulled out of wikipedia's arse, I think we can conclude that he's not really posting on this thread in good faith.
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This is pretty much an unprecedented move. It's a test for the "West": EU, US, etc. I suspect they will do fuck all. Ambassadors will grumble about it for a few days then it will be forgotten by all but directly involved activist circles.

The Belarusian security apparatus is what is keeping Lukashenko in power. Nothing else. And, increasingly, Lukashenko is lashing out as he feels his power declining. He is extremely paranoid and vengeful presently.

Said security apparatus- emboldened by new laws passed granting them absolute immunity in the event they use violence, and a bizarre and probably unconstitutional decree on what happens if Lukashenko dies / is removed in a coup (power passes to an emergency committee stuffed with military / KGB gold braid, nominally headed by the Belarusian PM), are maybe flexing their muscles a bit. The regime is going very hard after independent media with the earlier arrest of several at the independent portal tut.by this week, as the start of what will be an attritional campagin against any non-state owned media.

The cracks in the regime exist but they are not quite visible yet to the naked eye. The country has no money. Maternity and pensions were late being paid for the first time in years last month. There was initially no plan to pay the normal annual gratuity to the couple of thousand surviving WW2 veterans- whose sacrifice the current regime makes so much of- until the regime was shamed into paying something by an opposition collection.

It's all a bit East Germany summer 1989. No one is speaking about Lukashenko in the medium term. Even pro-regime commentators privately acknowledge he is finished. But no one knows how he will go, or what will come next.

The smart money is still on an incremental rather than spectacular departure. Lukashenko is clinging on to ensure he is not seen to be "forced" out by external forces and to try and offer some kind of dynastic succession. There's allegedly his "constitutional reform" exercise this year paving the way for further referenda and possible elections next year. That's kind of slipped off the new agenda lately. His favourite son Kolya is not ready yet for power, still at school in Moscow, and he regards his other two sons as idiots. More likely Lukashenko will gradually become a ceremonial figure, whilst a creeping and unnanounced oligarchisation takes place. It's happening in "Special Economic Zones" around the country already.

The future for the Belarusian people is gangster capitalism, "patriotic" Orthodox nationalism & cronyism a la Putin, or EU-style "market liberalisation". The former is much more likely than the latter I'm afraid. What wonderful choices the year 2021 presents to us.
What test are you talking about? The US and EU don’t have any credibility. They never objected to Mordechai Vanunu’s abduction or the forced landing of Ivo Morales’ plane when Snowden went into hiding.

*Evo Morales
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Given that Flavour's contributions today have been deranged nonsense about Russian invasion, a call for the EU's non-existent airforce to shoot down a Belarusian MIG inside Belarus, and now this misinformation/ "far right" nudge-nudge wink-wink about some logo he pulled out of wikipedia's arse, I think we can conclude that he's not really posting on this thread in good faith.
What exactly does "posting in good faith" mean? They're separate observations but seeing as you've got your knickers in a twist over it allow me to elaborate.

1. I would not support a Russian invasion of Belarus, and appreciate people's comments here saying they'd have no reason to do so: but the idea that Russia would never invade Belarus is preposterous. If the opposition protests had looked like toppling Lukashenko do you really think Russian intervention on the ground would have been unthinkable? Given their previous form in several other ex-Soviet states and ongoing conflict in Ukraine, I find it rather easy to imagine such a situation unfolding. Repeat: I would not support any such action. I hate Lukashenko and Putin.

2. I did not call for the EU to send fighter jets into Belarusian airspace nor claim they should shoot down Belarusian jets. Jesus Christ. I am saying that from the EU's point of view, geopolitically, in order not to get fucked over and humiliated on the world stage and particularly with regards to Russia, then that would have been the way to react to this. Obviously such action is next to impossible in real terms, but this might push the EU towards more integrated military structures. DISCLAIMER: I would not support a more integrated EU military nor would I have supported military action against Belarus by this hypothetical quick-drawing EU Air Force. I'm merely observing that one of the reasons Belarus knew it would get away with this is because it knew the EU would not respond, would not call their bluff in the moment. Many others have made similar comments. I do not support the EU.

3. The fact that Belarus's shitty authoritarian government pulled this shit against Ryanair/the EU, an action which I wholly condemn, does not make an iota of difference to who the journalist was who got kidnapped and arrested. I had never heard of him before this incident, which I would say is probably true for nearly everyone on this thread, besides you. Be that as it may, I am not a fan of the "enemy of my enemy" doctrine and therefore the fact this guy got arrested did push me towards his Wikipedia page, yes. It's the first source of info for so many things... it's hardly "pulling it out of Wikipedia's arse" -- your language seems to suggest resentment and frustration... but why with me? Because I've read the Wiki page of someone I'd never heard of? Get over it.

4. The Wikipedia page does claim he has been a member of this Young Front group since 2011. Are they wrong? If not, what's the problem with saying it? How is that misinformation? It's just information which doesn't fit a very neat black and white narrative of the young journalist hero-martyr. I do not support his arrest and kidnapping, for the nth time... but I'm still interested in who he is and what he thinks (because of this incident)... that doesn't necessarily have to mean his politics are commendable. Opposition to Lukashenko comes from many different sections of society, including, as seems to be the case with Roman Protasevich, the right. I will happily retract "far right", which I only said I got whiff of from that Instagram picture because that symbolism is very common among far-right ultras across Eastern Europe and indeed Russia itself. Didn't say he is far right. But I'll happily say he seems to come from that Christian Right scene, which, despite being in opposition to Lukashenko, is not a scene I have any time for. Doesn't mean I don't want him to freed immediately. But nor would I necessarily want the guy anywhere near a position of power in Belarus, for a variety of reasons, as goes for basically all people who mix Christianity with nationalism and stuff.
What exactly does "posting in good faith" mean? They're separate observations but seeing as you've got your knickers in a twist over it allow me to elaborate.


I don't know, radical notion, but if I don't know anything at all about the subject at hand I tend not to post on threads about it.

I don't do some frantic googling and nudge nudge wink wink suggest someone's a far right sympathiser on the basis of a wikipedia page. Then try and cover up the original fail with some aimless speculative ramblings about the Christian Right (which you have no evidence at all that he is.)

You're putting two and two together and getting 987 across multiple points on the thread and it really isn't helpful.
This is the user who added that comment to his Wiki page: User:Mhorg - Wikipedia

This is the source (in Russian/Belarusian, not sure. Google Translate gave it as Russian, interview with the guy himself, mentions him being in Young Front.=

steeplejack I’ve been following this thread from the beginning. I can’t claim enough knowledge to critique your reporting, but it seems far more insightful than what I’ve read in quality sources.

can you declare your location or interest?

regardless, please keep posting,
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