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This is the end, my urban friends, the end.

Agree. The massive loss of biodiversity tends to worry me more than climate change. :(

Might just be down to my biologist background tbf.
i see the one being strongly connected to the other tbh rather than being two separate events.

Climate change will continue to drive extinctions even after we've stopped polluting. Which is the saddest thing.
Change and hope. That's a great ideal to hope for.

But we're up to our neck in shit from those who oppose change and lol at hope.

Just look at the climate change deniers outside of urban... they are legion. How to combat their mindset and the politicians who run on that?
Change and hope ;)

Well, its certainly not give up, rant and rave, turn to hate. But I try to keep engaged and keep up with small, local change even though it's often slow and frustrating.
i see the one being strongly connected to the other tbh rather than being two separate events.

Climate change will continue to drive extinctions even after we've stopped polluting. Which is the saddest thing.

Yeah, I kind of bundle those two in with the progressive poisoning of ecosystems (microplastics etc.) as three of the Horsemen that will be coming for us.
Yeah, I kind of bundle those two in with microplastics and the progressive poisoning of ecosystems as three of the Horsemen that will be coming for us.
i did read that some micro organisms are beginning to evolve the ability to eat plastic but I also saw this https://www.extremetech.com/science/geologists-find-rocks-made-of-plastic-on-remote-island. Apart from human civilization being vastly reshaped in the next 50 to 80 years - to me its a given - how nature eventually recovers from this is anyone's guess right now.
I think End Times bullshit and assorted ancillary doomerism is an unhealthy cultural hangover from a time when society was utterly dominated by a religion involving a cataclysmic final judgement. Not saying that things can't get worse (or better for that matter), but I find the apocalyptic framing sounds like an exhortation to passivity more than action.
The JWs are really going to town this year - the stand by the park alternates English, Polish and Romanian.
I swear they had some "flirty fishers" on Saturday ...
I sent them off with a flea in their ear when they came to my door.
The JWs are really going to town this year - the stand by the park alternates English, Polish and Romanian.
I swear they had some "flirty fishers" on Saturday ...
I sent them off with a flea in their ear when they came to my door.

The Joeys don't knock here any more, not since the last time when I pointed at the 'no cold callers' sign, which has a list including religious groups, and I said clearly your brainwashing program includes erasing your ability to read.

I fucking hate them, I lost a good mate to those weirdos.
I really wish Ireland could get its act together and build a nuclear power station..... maybe inside a mountain.
It would probably provide all the energy we need.
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