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Belarus : is the end coming for Lukashenko?

You seem to be a pro-Russian cheerleader on the basis of...well, they used to be Communist a long time ago, and aren't the West. Some sort of "radical" whose radicalism consists of clapping like a seal every time there's a seismic maneouvre in Putin's lower intestine.

It is possible to hope for the outcome that the Belarusian people actually voted for- release of political prisoners, a transitional government under Svetlana Tikanovskaya, and a move towards a democratic system beholden neither to Russia nor the West, comes about. That was the result of the election last summer, stolen by the current usurper. That the outcome of such a system would not be perfect, that there would be winners and losers from this transition, is pretty much a given. I don;t know anyone who thinks that the transformation of power would be anything other than difficult, messy, and uncertain.

The alternative that you seem more than happy with is an illegitimate dictatorship using massive repression via police, OMON, army to repress and thwart this democratic outcome. The mass jailing of folk who have done nothing criminal to fulfil quotas. The torture and in a few cases murder of people whilst incarcerated. The rape of protestors with police truncheons. Quite a price to pay for avoiding the rise to political power of "pro-western middle class leeches".
Still, it's got to be worth it to preserve Belarus' glorious socialist system and keep them nasty neoliberal oligarchs out, right? If the opposition came to power I bet they'd do all kinds of bad neoliberal stuff, like, uh, raising the retirement age and making the unemployed pay to access public services and putting everyone in the country on fixed-term contracts with no permanent employment.
Wait, you turn up half cut rambling about world wars with China and the vampiric pro-Western middle class. You haven't read any of these links. If you had, you'd have realised that they come from across the spectrum of opinion from Belarusian anarchism to Russian conservatism. Would you prefer it if I linked to Belarusian state media- record harvests in Mogilev oblast, a folk-singing competition in Baranovichi, spontaneous greetings for Batka at Gomselmash? You're a ranting old man in a beetroot-stained vest.

You seem to be a pro-Russian cheerleader on the basis of...well, they used to be Communist a long time ago, and aren't the West. Some sort of "radical" whose radicalism consists of clapping like a seal every time there's a seismic maneouvre in Putin's lower intestine.

It is possible to hope for the outcome that the Belarusian people actually voted for- release of political prisoners, a transitional government under Svetlana Tikanovskaya, and a move towards a democratic system beholden neither to Russia nor the West, comes about. That was the result of the election last summer, stolen by the current usurper. That the outcome of such a system would not be perfect, that there would be winners and losers from this transition, is pretty much a given. I don;t know anyone who thinks that the transformation of power would be anything other than difficult, messy, and uncertain.

The alternative that you seem more than happy with is an illegitimate dictatorship using massive repression via police, OMON, army to repress and thwart this democratic outcome. The mass jailing of folk who have done nothing criminal to fulfil quotas. The torture and in a few cases murder of people whilst incarcerated. The rape of protestors with police truncheons. Quite a price to pay for avoiding the rise to political power of "pro-western middle class leeches".

Maybe go back to posting about Manchester City. Maybe you make some sense there. You certainly don't on this thread.
It doesn't matter what the spectrum of opinion in the Belarus opposition is, what we might hope for (ha ha ha), nor that I might have been half-cut (it's about the only time I can bring myself to post here these days), when we already know what the outcome will be, which is, as I said, the triumph of neo-liberal capitalism (which the Belarussians have arguably already been sampling in their own way), complete with yet another east European goverment that arse-licks the US and NATO, and a 'left' that is as impotent as in most of the west. They might even get some toytown anarchist rioters for wheeling out every now and again, just to show how tolerant they've become. You know this as well as I do.

I voiced no support for the present government of Belarus or Putin (such as you can 'support' anything from in front of your keyboard at the kitchen table.)
being back lenin, say i, and put him in charge. that government is best which governs least, and with a dead bolshevik in charge you can be certain lenin will keep his own counsel. plus moving the mausoleum will do something for the belarus tourist trade such as it is
If so, good on Russia. We've already had thirty years of this crap.

I voiced no support for the present government of Belarus or Putin (such as you can 'support' anything from in front of your keyboard at the kitchen table.)

Yup, absolutely none at all.

Anyway, your "position" in summary: we're all fucked whatever happens, so why bother doing anything.

Maybe draw the curtains and turn on the Yesterday channel. That world seems more to your liking.
(edit: oh snap)
It's possible to say 'good on Russia' with regard to something the Russian government may or may not have done, without 'supporting' that government (from my kitchen table). Isn't it? Or 'fuck these oppositionists' without having any sympathy for those they purport to oppose?
Yup, absolutely none at all.

Anyway, your "position" in summary: we're all fucked whatever happens, so why bother doing anything.

Maybe draw the curtains and turn on the Yesterday channel. That world seems more to your liking.
'Mutley-do something!!!'
Still, it's got to be worth it to preserve Belarus' glorious socialist system and keep them nasty neoliberal oligarchs out, right? If the opposition came to power I bet they'd do all kinds of bad neoliberal stuff, like, uh, raising the retirement age and making the unemployed pay to access public services and putting everyone in the country on fixed-term contracts with no permanent employment.

i remember listening to a Romanian Uber driver telling me how much better it was under ceucescu because the unemployed were put in prison if they refused to work, rather than just getting ‘hand outs’.
Italian media reporting now that Belarus has blocked a Lufthansa flight destined for Frankfurt from departing Minsk Airport

Not so clever - Germany's reluctance to go hard on Russia and Belarus is well established, and a source of a huge amount of tension within Europe - actually poking Germany may force the German government to join in with action it would otherwise have avoided.

The UK has banned UK airlines from overflying Belarus and suspended Belavias' operating license.
i remember listening to a Romanian Uber driver telling me how much better it was under ceucescu because the unemployed were put in prison if they refused to work, rather than just getting ‘hand outs’.
He was a great bloke all round.

news here
'Possible terrorist act' eh? :hmm
Have you ever considered the possibility that there may not be an answer? Can you deny that the only alternative to Lukashenko is a pro-Western, anti-Russia oligarchy and a new middle class which will instinctively cheer on the West as it lurches into a probable war with China etc etc?
What probable war with China? And what difference could the political alignment of somewhere as obscure as Belarus make to such a hypothetical conflict anyway? Both China and Russia are a part of the "Western" system and have no interest in seeing a fundamental change to the way it works.
Belarus has expelled all Latvian diplomatic and administrative staff and their families. effective immediately and with 48hours to get out.

Not making nice....
The Latvians replaced the Belarusian state flag with the opposition White-Red-White in the streets of Riga for the current world hockey tournament. Belarus you may remember was meant to be co-host but lost out after the IIHF withdrew the rights owing to political uncertainty.

Kombat trouser explosion from Lukashenko in response, by the sounds of it.
Not so clever - Germany's reluctance to go hard on Russia and Belarus is well established, and a source of a huge amount of tension within Europe - actually poking Germany may force the German government to join in with action it would otherwise have avoided.

The UK has banned UK airlines from overflying Belarus and suspended Belavias' operating license.

And if Germany doesn’t now go hard on Russia?
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