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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

This is what I am on about. Your working with Searchlight.
Am I fucking answerable to you. Do I care what you think.No and No. You really are an irritating twat who thinks that hes so fucking important that people have to queue up and explain themselves. I said what I said and thats it. I dont have or need to justify myself to you or any of your'comrades' . Take your bitterness somewhere else because I really couldnt give a toss.
Talk about deja vu ! You sound EXACTLY like the SWP full time organisers given their script in 1981 to start expelling SWP members still engaging in active anti fascist activities ( alongside a whole range of trade union and other political activity too it has to be said) after the SWP had decided that the NF was no longer a threat.

I find that sad, but all too common. It is you who is stuck in a timewarp - in the brief period of capitalist boom before the 2008 economic crisis, when amidst general prosperity, the BNP could successfully adopt to a Poujadist Right Wing electoral protest politics based really on just representing a small part of the white working class feeling threatened by the multicultural reality of modern Britain. The period very accurately covered by "Filling the Vacuum". Today, post 2008 it's a different ballgame - the BNP is collapsing - not able to deliver anything meaningful to their small electoral base to combat the rising unemployment and cuts - but the EDL type opportunist street provocations and mobilisations masquerading as "defending local white communities" are on the rise on the back of the riots of the last week .

You sneer at Socialist Worker calling for mass mobilisation against the (pre riot) planned EDL provocation in the East End. Don't you nowadays think it is the duty of socialists to stand along ethnic minorities threatenened by fascist thugs on their streets ? Leave it all to the Police to deal with ? Dearie me , That all sounds very familiar too - We used to laugh at those arguments in the old days. And quite rightly too. . I'm with the Socialist Worker mobilisation call myself - even if that is just so boringly 1970's of me .

Realistic, tactically flexible, socialists can't just "declare victory" over street fascism, when it disappears for a few years during an economic boom, and then move move on to entirely community politics, and then ignore street fascism when it reappears. We have to keep our eyes and ears and minds open to see CHANGE occurring in the political scene, and modify our political practice and tactics accordingly.

Don't worry , noone's asking you to get out there back on the streets to personally combat provocations like the (probably banned now) 3rd September EDL East End do, and I'm far to old and nackered to turn out myself now - but I still support younger socialists who are prepared to do their bit.

Funnily enough I was there in 1981 when the SWP made that turn .The year of the long knives.

I appreciate the point you raise about being tactically flexible and in any discussion we both might be putting each other in the the wrong pigeon whole. However my point about the imbalance in the twin startegy approach to anti fascism still stands. In most cases there is nothing but lip service to working class community politics but a fevered rush of excitement if the mainly rootless EDL appear on YouTube.

Your post made me think how infrequently I even read Socialist Worker these days!
Got Collins book in the post this morning. When i flicked through it the page that it opened at had a sentence along the lines that Red Action trained its members to hit building workers who came out racism with bricks.

Very poor section of pictures as well when you think what the Serachlight library must hold , amongst them a picture of John Cruddas 'One of the architects of New Labour but also of the destruction of the BNP'.

Try and read it this week.
That first bit is taken directly and inaccurately from a blitz interview with RA in 88.

“You work with six other white guys on a building site. If any of those guys makes a racist statementstarts going on about the blacks, you isolate him. Point at him and say, ‘What a fucking jerk’. Get everyone against him. Then he’s on his own. If he still persists in his racism, you hit him over the head with a house brick.
To come back to the discussion around the EDL and BNP and recent events - i suspect the latter will be moving back to a more overt anti-black position (not to the 'streets' though) over the coming period. The former simply can't do the same without taking a significant step rightwards and politically towards the BNP. They can't become an anti-black group and continue to exist in any significant size as they have precisely no roots in enduring working class networks and communities, and in fact are more often associated with the sort of anti-social behaviour that we're seeing people reacting against. So, far from the BNP now being totally sidelined i think we may see a developing realignment on more traditional grounds with a fresh input from EDL type sympathisers fed up with what they see as EDL softness towards black people, the playing out of pre-existing internal divisions to the short term benefit of the BNP.

edit: and the BNP can execute this possible shift without moving away from the cultural racism that's formed a central part of the basis of the last 13 or so years success. The reaction to last weeks events have even reinforced the political potential of that approach, esp when allied to crime and anti-social behaviour.
To come back to the discussion around the EDL and BNP and recent events - i suspect the latter will be moving back to a more overt anti-black position (not to the 'streets' though) over the coming period. The former simply can't do the same without taking a significant step rightwards and politically towards the BNP. They can't become an anti-black group and continue to exist in any significant size as they have precisely no roots in enduring working class networks and communities, and in fact are more often associated with the sort of anti-social behaviour that we're seeing people reacting against. So, far from the BNP now being totally sidelined i think we may see a developing realignment on more traditional grounds with a fresh input from EDL type sympathisers fed up with what they see as EDL softness towards black people, the playing out of pre-existing internal divisions to the short term benefit of the BNP.

edit: and the BNP can execute this possible shift without moving away from the cultural racism that's formed a central part of the basis of the last 13 or so years success. The reaction to last weeks events have even reinforced the political potential of that approach, esp when allied to crime and anti-social behaviour.

I'm inclined to agree. It wouldn't be surprised to see the notion of repatriation in a soft sort of way, coming back on the agenda and being presented both by the BNP and others considered to be less politically toxic. For the soft racist vote nationally, there would be a huge attraction to the notion of being able to deport what they percieve to be an entire criminally violent culure at one go, and might thus be considered electorally lucrative. Lets not foget, that if the voter base of the Euro elections is extrapolated it gives them a voter base of just under 3 million nationally. So there are votes there for the unscrupolous.
Am I fucking answerable to you. Do I care what you think.No and No. You really are an irritating twat who thinks that hes so fucking important that people have to queue up and explain themselves. I said what I said and thats it. I dont have or need to justify myself to you or any of your'comrades' . Take your bitterness somewhere else because I really couldnt give a toss.

This a discussion site. It's voluntary. If you don't want to answer for yourself or Searchlight then what exactly are you doing on here?
Am I fucking answerable to you. Do I care what you think.No and No. You really are an irritating twat who thinks that hes so fucking important that people have to queue up and explain themselves. I said what I said and thats it. I dont have or need to justify myself to you or any of your'comrades' . Take your bitterness somewhere else because I really couldnt give a toss.
Your totally tarnished. Washed up. Fucked.
The visible stuff yes? What about the following of the Searchlight agenda? What were the effects of this and on who?
Blimey! Still got a third to read but Collins points out:

1) that RA's and AFA's analysis about the working class deserting Labour and the opportunities for far right was correct but that they were the first to recognise it
2) that the fash were turned over by RA and that 'they looked like them ( the NF/BNP) spoke like them and came from the same background'
3) That Ian Anderson claimed he nearly went out with Sally James from Tiswas
4) That Mr X a bearded, ex SWP and anti fascist journalist who worked for a paper owned by news International came to an arrangement whereby he passed the NF details of a phone poll that said paper had done on immigration but wouldn't publish and would name drop them and certain members in his articles.

Pass me the writ papers Alice!
Ayatollah, Demu, Cogg, Melly, etc. any opinions on dave rentons stuff? shall be looking at it for 'Malatesta' book.

Know someone who was at Ruskin with him back in the day who thought he deliberately ignored historical facts because they didn't fit in with his agenda. No idea if he's improved since though I believe he went back to the SWP a few years ago after leaving/being kicked out (not sure which) some time before.
Know someone who was at Ruskin with him back in the day who thought he deliberately ignored historical facts because they didn't fit in with his agenda. No idea if he's improved since though I believe he went back to the SWP a few years ago after leaving/being kicked out (not sure which) some time before.

in 'when we touched the sky' his acccount of ANL he slags off 'squaddism' and cites the usual nonsense of 'they were as bad as the nf' 'macho' etc. the swp hated the fact that if you want to stop people kicking your heads in and stopping you organising then unfortunately violence is involved. any antfascist acitivst who understands their history has to know that. as 1 of the red action guys says in BtF: i dont mind violence its the fighting i cant stand. a great quote and oh so truthful!
To put the quote in it's context:-

Contrary to the image of serial brawlers, this was always politics by other means. Or, as one AFA architect put it with it a straight face: “I never had any problem with the use of political violence, it was the fighting I didn’t like.” In other words, it was the political objective, not the methodology that excited.
Ayatollah, Demu, Cogg, Melly, etc. any opinions on dave rentons stuff? shall be looking at it for 'Malatesta' book.

Hi Malatesta - will have a look and get back to you as soon as I can this week (sorry, been busy/distracted on "offline" business as of late).
in 'when we touched the sky' his acccount of ANL he slags off 'squaddism' and cites the usual nonsense of 'they were as bad as the nf' 'macho' etc. the swp hated the fact that if you want to stop people kicking your heads in and stopping you organising then unfortunately violence is involved. any antfascist acitivst who understands their history has to know that. as 1 of the red action guys says in BtF: i dont mind violence its the fighting i cant stand. a great quote and oh so truthful!

Actually you are incorrect in stating that

the swp hated the fact that if you want to stop people kicking your heads in and stopping you organising then unfortunately violence is involved.

out of all the left in the 70s it was IS/SWP who realised that violence would be necessary to stop the NF from marching and to disrupt their paper sales. the squads were personally encouraged by members of the CC Deason and Holborrow in particular. The aim was to stop them marching and the first place this happened was at lewisham where there was considerable planning before hand.

The opposition to this approach actually came form the CP and Broad left who denounced SWP as 'the throw a brick party ' at a couple of union conferences and whose tactic was community unity with the churches normally walking or marching in the opposite direction of where ever the fash would be.

Joe Jacobs book My Life in the Ghetto was heavily promoted as a counter against what was seen as CP revisionism,as was Cable Street, Cliff and others would come out with 'If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.' There were a whole number of incidents before and after Lewisham where the party line was clear to attack the NF or BM. Wood Green , Brick Lane where Derek day got beaten up, Ealing Broadway , Greenford. Welling to name but a few that I was involved in.

In Acton in 1977/8, squads met at my flat waiting for phone calls to find out where the fash were.

The reality was that when the expulsions started that we were in shock for a lot if us in the SWP . we thought we were carrying out the anti fascist tradition that IS/SWP had taught us, we thought we were going to be the legacy of a pre Comintern CP.

Over the years I have had many discussion about why the expulsions took place and I am convinced it wasn't the issue of violence. It may have been that it wasn't the right kind of violence in that it wasn't mass violence delivered through Trotskyist united fronts,or that a violent reputation would ruin attracting others to the United Front ( quite the opposite in practise as the influx of working class youth /young adults began to create a bit of a culture shock to some members and apparchniks ) it may have been that there was a fear of tit for tat, or too much violence would mean a state clampdown or that violence as an activity in itself would get in the way of building what was now to be a fully fledged Trot party committed to a replace the CP and repeat 1917 properly but it wasn't a desire for pacifism as a principle.
back to the Collins book ( which I must say is a hilariously funny and fascinating read). Part of the delay may have been about the issue of Mr X who is described as recognisable journalist who is ex SWP working for News International who wrote leaflets for the NF,gave the NF publicity, went to meetings and on a trip to the sea side and whose daughter was baby sat by Ian Anderson ( she would give Nazi salutes as a child according to Collins) and who attended ,with Terry Blackham, Oswald Mosley remembrance dinners.

Anti fascist around at the time might remember an article in Searchlight in 1991 which claimed that Gary Bushell , ex SWP members and a journalist on the Sun was spotted ( he may have been photographed) attending a Friends of Oswald Moseley dinner . Bushell sued ( I think he was paid his legal expenses by Searchlight) and consequently the story was never repeated in their magazine.

At what point and by which route did Bushell convert to the NF? Or was he an infiltrator to begin with?

If it safe to mention the story of Mr X now ( and its so bleeding obvious who it is) then why haven't Searchlight ever used the info with their contacts on the red tops?
back to the Collins book ( which I must say is a hilariously funny and fascinating read). Part of the delay may have been about the issue of Mr X who is described as recognisable journalist who is ex SWP working for News International who wrote leaflets for the NF,gave the NF publicity, went to meetings and on a trip to the sea side and whose daughter was baby sat by Ian Anderson ( she would give Nazi salutes as a child according to Collins) and who attended ,with Terry Blackham, Oswald Mosley remembrance dinners.

Anti fascist around at the time might remember an article in Searchlight in 1991 which claimed that Gary Bushell , ex SWP members and a journalist on the Sun was spotted ( he may have been photographed) attending a Friends of Oswald Moseley dinner . Bushell sued ( I think he was paid his legal expenses by Searchlight) and consequently the story was never repeated in their magazine.

At what point and by which route did Bushell convert to the NF? Or was he an infiltrator to begin with?

If it safe to mention the story of Mr X now ( and its so bleeding obvious who it is) then why haven't Searchlight ever used the info with their contacts on the red tops?

Not exactly hiding under a Bushell. Sorry. Coat.
Actually you are incorrect in stating that

out of all the left in the 70s it was IS/SWP who realised that violence would be necessary to stop the NF from marching and to disrupt their paper sales. the squads were personally encouraged by members of the CC Deason and Holborrow in particular. The aim was to stop them marching and the first place this happened was at lewisham where there was considerable planning before hand.

The opposition to this approach actually came form the CP and Broad left who denounced SWP as 'the throw a brick party ' at a couple of union conferences and whose tactic was community unity with the churches normally walking or marching in the opposite direction of where ever the fash would be.

Joe Jacobs book My Life in the Ghetto was heavily promoted as a counter against what was seen as CP revisionism,as was Cable Street, Cliff and others would come out with 'If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.' There were a whole number of incidents before and after Lewisham where the party line was clear to attack the NF or BM. Wood Green , Brick Lane where Derek day got beaten up, Ealing Broadway , Greenford. Welling to name but a few that I was involved in.

In Acton in 1977/8, squads met at my flat waiting for phone calls to find out where the fash were.

The reality was that when the expulsions started that we were in shock for a lot if us in the SWP . we thought we were carrying out the anti fascist tradition that IS/SWP had taught us, we thought we were going to be the legacy of a pre Comintern CP.

Over the years I have had many discussion about why the expulsions took place and I am convinced it wasn't the issue of violence. It may have been that it wasn't the right kind of violence in that it wasn't mass violence delivered through Trotskyist united fronts,or that a violent reputation would ruin attracting others to the United Front ( quite the opposite in practise as the influx of working class youth /young adults began to create a bit of a culture shock to some members and apparchniks ) it may have been that there was a fear of tit for tat, or too much violence would mean a state clampdown or that violence as an activity in itself would get in the way of building what was now to be a fully fledged Trot party committed to a replace the CP and repeat 1917 properly but it wasn't a desire for pacifism as a principle.

Aye, fair anough! I got involved with the SWP cos of RAR/ANL and later again cos they were the only 1s going down the mners pickets during the pit strike. They did get the squads going but as pointed out in BtF the appalling stalinist cull against the squads, now they were no longer ‘useful idiots’ was abysmal. The action of the central committee and their lies was shameful. As detailedin btf and other places.
I agree with you when you say ‘it wasn't the issue of violence’ I believe it was to do with the relative secrecy (essential obviosuly) and autonomy (undesirable, obviously) as well as your point.
Jacobs book is very good and an all to rare example of militant antifsascist activity – hes good on the split between workplace activity and street activity. I assumed this was because CP membership of the time was of workers and unemployed. Hopefuly the forthcoming ‘malatesta’ book will contribute to the documentation of militant activity on the streets. Cheers for response tho! M
With all due respect, there are I think think one or two generalisations that need qualifying. First off while there was the appearance of capitalist 'boom', in reality as we all now know it was credit fuelled rather than real growth. For the majority a chimera. A significant point I will return to. Meanwhile there is no evidence that the BNP is collapsing because it cannnot deliver. The internal problems were evident long before the cuts (many of which are yet to be implemented, or fully felt). One of the key points in the Filling the Vacuum was the prediction that the 'BNP would control their own destiny - and that of their opponents'. Nothing has happened to change that.

Moreover the idea previously advanced that these problems are sort of inevitable once the British far-right reach a certain plateau seems rather smug and complacent. There are a host of countries where the BNP political kith and kin are regularly taking 20 per cent of the vote nationally. Are all these countries more right-wing, or traditionally more prone to violence than Britain? I don't think so. Equally how many times have the FN been written only to bounce back - they were only recently topping opinion polls - because the political vacuum was not filled?

I would suggest that the BNP are lagging behind, almost uniquely in today's Europe, because the anti-fascist opposition in the shape of the ANL Mark 1 and later AFA dogged their every move for a generation. Arguably, no other right-wing movement in Europe has ever had to live under that kind of pressure from - the get go - and it takes its toll. Britian presntly has the appearance of being unique in Europe mainly because style of anti-fascism was unique in Europe.

Returning to a previous point, the credit crunch has not really hit yet. When it does the middle class rage, not just the rampaging lumpen we witnessed this week, will find a political home. And as former Blair adviser said when it does 'you don't want to be on the wrong side of it'. Will the centre really hold? Has government even democracy itself ever looked less potent? More than anyone it is surely the mainstream parties that are 'failing to deliver'. Who is best placed to benefit from society's decomposition? The BNP might be not currently be in the rudest of health but the far-right as a whole are at least thinking. The orthodox left have not advanced a new idea, tactic, much less stratgey in 40 years.

Finally the notion that the SWP are standing shoulder to shoulder with ethnic minorities is wrong on two counts. In my experience the SWP has never stood shoulder to shoulder with anyone with genuine intent. It is always and remains short term political self-interest. Also Muslims are hardly a traditional minority in Tower Hamlets. In the area the EDL want to demonstrate in the 'minorities' will be the overwhelming majority. There will be no cowering behind net curtains (or the equivalent) there. Far from it. The Muslims do not need the SWP. As was shown, with the ill-judged Respect experiment, it remains, and always was the other way round.

A number of important issues raised here : The last point first - Yes indeedy, the SWP are the ultimate in opportunism - so their call for mobilisation in the East End is their usual game -BUT it's still important for the , mainly White, Left to turn out to support ethnic minorities when all-white fascists ( or proto fascists like the EDL) organise marches in their communities - even if just to prove wrong the Islamic extremist claim to young Islamic men that all non Muslims are their automatic enemies.

Your major point however - that Britain is likely to witness the rise of a major party of the Extreme Right along the Lines of the French FN. I think the BNP has "missed the boat" I must say and isn't big enough to deliver anything tangible to their potential electorate now the post 2008 crisis is starting to bite.

However you could be right - the crisis may give the BNP or another new variation of the BNP a second wind - An impoverished middle class might go for the Far Right option in some numbers, and the fascists (in their semi respectable Poujadist guise) may then be able to stop infighting long enough to get some solid electoral success - not just a few poxy councillors in some limited wards.

But what then ? The British capitalist class, unlike in 1930's Germany, really don't want to buy ANY of the economic or immigration/labour entry or sentimental imperialistic policies the BNP are offering -and certainly don't need a street army to take on a non existent Left. So we currently have a reappearance of classic capitalist crisis , without a fightback from the working class - a historically unique situation. Which is why it's difficult to predict which way this will go as the crisis bites. The ruling class only climbs on the back of the fascist tiger when no other options are left. For an internationally integrated economy totally dependant on free labour supply, the UK capitalist class have no interest in fascist state autarky policies .

I think, as long as the Left and trades union movement remains essentially dormant, the ruling class will undermine and destroy the BNP, using all the tricks in their book, particularly if they start being electorally significant, or indeed or any other varient of the Far Right , and therefore they will be forced back on to the streets. But OK, this has a long way to go to play itself out, and therefore the Left , I think has to be both proactive on the streets against fascist, or proto-fascist, provocations when required, and ALSO be active in building an alternative at community level.

I just really think it's too early and too uncertain as to the future development of the Far Right to be too prescriptive about exactly how the Left should focus its energies as the story unfolds.
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