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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

You really think Nick Griffin would swap places with the EDL?

Demu, i think Griffin was thinking of the numbers of supporters the EDL can gather in terms of his own rapidly fading credibility - his meetings are attended in increasingly smaller numbers. and not to mention all that lovely lolly that the EDL have creamed off the membership: the merchandise tat - which all 'nationalist' websites seem to flog - as well as the money raised for snowy and richard price defence funds which has yet been unaccounted for!
And do what?
yeah exactly! get pissed up and surrounded by plod then bussed out again? this strategy has achieved few results and is only really a show of strength. however, so many on the forums and facebook have realised they have achieved nothing, that numbers are dwindling, and many are unhappy with the 'southern' leadership. shd continue this on edl watch really!
'NN mobilisations not being as successful' Any evidence of my direct involvement in this?

Bignose1, Wasn't it you who told Northern Network about a BNP event in Rochdale, which you then told us was cancelled leading to NN AFA demobilisation. Manchester AFA who had went to Rochdale to leaflet part of the town then ended up walking into 100 BNP at the town hall attending the event which searchlight said was cancelled. You were expelled from Manchester AFA over this?

Dave outlines the story in No Retreat ,but not sure if this is fully covered in BTF but proves the point that Past Caring makes.
Absolute bollox. Hang on..Im defending myself to you...wtf..I got expelled from AFA for what...do you mean that kangaroo court at the poly. Hang on thought I got expelled for stealing intelligence...no wasnt it Mike Nolan..oh by the way add deliberately leading comrades into a trap. GFY.
ps wernt u doing a hell of a lot of pot around that time and fucked off to India a paranoid cnut
Bignose1, Wasn't it you who told Northern Network about a BNP event in Rochdale, which you then told us was cancelled leading to NN AFA demobilisation. Manchester AFA who had went to Rochdale to leaflet part of the town then ended up walking into 100 BNP at the town hall attending the event which searchlight said was cancelled. You were expelled from Manchester AFA over this?

Dave outlines the story in No Retreat ,but not sure if this is fully covered in BTF but proves the point that Past Caring makes.
yeah exactly! get pissed up and surrounded by plod then bussed out again? this strategy has achieved few results and is only really a show of strength. however, so many on the forums and facebook have realised they have achieved nothing, that numbers are dwindling, and many are unhappy with the 'southern' leadership. shd continue this on edl watch really!

Clear evidence of the rise of the EDL
Absolute bollox. Hang on..Im defending myself to you...wtf..I got expelled from AFA for what...do you mean that kangaroo court at the poly. Hang on thought I got expelled for stealing intelligence...no wasnt it Mike Nolan..oh by the way add deliberately leading comrades into a trap. GFY.
ps wernt u doing a hell of a lot of pot around that time and fucked off to India a paranoid cnut

What with Hann's nocturnal activities and all the compromising that inevitably followed and you and Leeds 'steering a middle course' between anti-fascism and Searchlight not to suspect something was rottenly askew with the whole set up would have been deeply remiss surely
Just finished reading Goodwins New British Fascism and despite what the 'anti fascist movement'desires there is no evidence in interviews with BNP members or within the evidence presented that a return to the streets is on the cards what so ever.What stands out in the book is the overwhelming w/class composition of the BNP and its success in what were traditional working class areas .Worth reading even if its only for the simple but effective process map that the BNP did for succesful community politics and the complete absence of any comment by Goodwin on state disruption of the BNP.

Interesting to note that in all the hand-wringing about who was responsible for Brievik's 'distorted view' it took the EDL's 'Tommy Robinson' to mention that Norway's Progress Party, with not disimilar views on Islam and immigration to the BNP, commands support from around 1 in 4 Norwegians and may be in governmemt by 2013. In numerous interviews Goodwin though he alluded to Scandanavia as a whole having 'problems', neglected to mention what would appear to be a fairly salient background fact.
This one-eyed approach from liberals is one of the main theme in the prologue to Beating the Fascists
which one of the reviews tellingly dismissed as 'skip-worthy'. If so it might be a good idea to dig it out again.
What are you rambling on about....although I dont mind you having a go albeit with the stuck record shite again, my issue was with the pot head (and I tell you he was totally fucked up) who suddenly appears after years in the wilderness. Its weird isnt it that although I was expelled/suspended/quartered there were enough people who realised a show trial when it hit them on the head(infact GM and C moved into mine when they got made homeless around that time thats the cnut I was.) Earn your right first.

What with Hann's nocturnal activities and all the compromising that inevitably followed and you and Leeds 'steering a middle course' between anti-fascism and Searchlight not to suspect something was rottenly askew with the whole set up would have been deeply remiss surely
What are you rambling on about....although I dont mind you having a go albeit with the stuck record shite again, my issue was with the pot head (and I tell you he was totally fucked up) who suddenly appears after years in the wilderness. Its weird isnt it that although I was expelled/suspended/quartered there were enough people who realised a show trial when it hit them on the head(infact GM and C moved into mine when they got made homeless around that time thats the cnut I was.) Earn your right first.

Instead of coming on her spitting feathers and continually debasing discussion by personalising it, why not simply come clean about why Searchlight did not want AFA in Rochdale on the day in question?

If afterall you left Searchlight in 1994, (tired of all the double-dealing and back-stabbing your involvement with them entailed) why should explaining the thinking behind that particular strategem be a problem?

Afterall its not the only time
You mean TB? Doubt it he was busy getting married earlier this year.

Thanks for that. :) The last I heard of TB, he was leading the National Front (Tom Holmes faction) troops on a march round the outskirts of Great Yarmouth town centre several years ago....wonder what happened to his erstwhile comrade EW?
Deareg and Sumud might be able to help out on this one.

Dave's partner Louise was in Belfast for the anti racist world cup, she went along to Gary's book launch and I believe afterwards asked him if he had anything to say to her. Really exciting stuff heh?

I am surprised that one of you lot hasn't started a thread about it.

Hope this makes your day a bit brighter.
Spitting feathers and debasing discussion by personalising it....it gets even more ridiculous...I think thats the worst case of kettle calling the blah blah blah Ive ever heard..you really do raise the bar in the incredulity stakes. And once more my issue was with porky
Instead of coming on her spitting feathers and continually debasing discussion by personalising it, why not simply come clean about why Searchlight did not want AFA in Rochdale on the day in question?

If afterall you left Searchlight in 1994, (tired of all the double-dealing and back-stabbing your involvement with them entailed) why should explaining the thinking behind that particular strategem be a problem?

Afterall its not the only time
Thanks for that. :) The last I heard of TB, he was leading the National Front (Tom Holmes faction) troops on a march round the outskirts of Great Yarmouth town centre several years ago....wonder what happened to his erstwhile comrade EW?

TB is in Tameside and has been for a few years. EW? Mathew Collins will know.
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