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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

The39thStep - Had no idea about this, but according to this Graun link, Matthew Collins has a new book out...

Yes , spoke to an infrequent poster on here about it last month. We think that this book was planned for publication last year or even earlier. He actually did a round of inyterviews in about 2004 to the national press and did a TV programme, and has been doing Searchlight /Hope Not hate talks for years about his past and the current scene. It has been suggested that it was held up initially due to some unanswered questions about the authors speculated role with the security services then later because of the publication of Beating the Fascists .

Be interesting if there is any mention in his book of Larry O'Hara.

His seminars/talks are very informative but pro Searchlight/Hope Not Hate.
CR, that wd be great if you can help out with european comrades (see above). the book is not going to get started until october at the earliest but we will no doubt be putting out appeals for - non-incriminating! - personal accounts as this is what makes BtF so readable (unlike a lot of more academic books). watch this space etc.

well im going over to see them in a few weeks so if anyone wants me to ask/say anything just let me know , or deal through liamo if youd prefer as none of you lot know me .
Spitting feathers and debasing discussion by personalising it....it gets even more ridiculous...I think thats the worst case of kettle calling the blah blah blah Ive ever heard..you really do raise the bar in the incredulity stakes. And once more my issue was with porky

So no answer then?
Well shiver me timbers, someone who writes and works for Searchlight/Hope Not Hate is pro Searchlight/Hope Not Hate. Who'd have thunked it. :)

Ever seen him speak? If you have then you will know exactly what I am on about. But perhaps you haven't apart from YouTube.
There is a complete lack of acknowldgement ( even mention) for any other organisation ie no mention of ANL mark 1 or AFA, his sidekick Paul Meszaros is the same but pushes the Labour Party as well.
'NN mobilisations not being as successful' Any evidence of my direct involvement in this?

You asked for evidence of your direct involvement in NN mobilisations not being as successful, and Porky provided an example which led to you being branched by AFA. This was followed by the Nolan BNP debacle which saw you yet again persona non grata in Mcr AFA circles.

Following this you arranged a meet with London AFA offering information in what appeared to be an attempt to circumvent the authority of Mcr AFA. Interestingly you failed to mention your concerns about Mark and Dave’s anti social behaviour, who were, in all probability, on bail for mugging at the time of this meeting.

So why all the venom, indignation, handringing and soulsearching when someone points out your duplicitous role within Manchester AFA. I don’t have a problem with it. It happened and you were doing your job. You were following a Searchlight agenda within AFA and along with your comrades in Leeds who were carrying out what was tantamount to a wrecking operation, moreso after the retreat from the streets by the BNP into electoral politics and the fear that AFA may follow suit.

This, unsurprisingly was occurring whilst Searchlight was positioning itself with New Labour and championiong ‘intelligence led’ anti fascism.
AFA and Searchlight were moving in opposite directions, and as you have indicated, the middle ground was disappearing fast. You made your choices, you live with them. You wrote your book, you made your money out of it. You don’t have to admit the book is a Searchlight spoiler, but I think enough has been put on this thread to indicate otherwise, leaving the credibility of one if not both of the authors somewhat tarnished.
Spitting feathers and debasing discussion by personalising it....it gets even more ridiculous...I think thats the worst case of kettle calling the blah blah blah Ive ever heard..you really do raise the bar in the incredulity stakes. And once more my issue was with porky

Read your book last month. Was a good/funny read.
It has been suggested that it was held up initially due to some unanswered questions about the authors speculated role with the security services then later because of the publication of Beating the Fascists .

Be interesting if there is any mention in his book of Larry O'Hara.

Be interesting if there is any mention in his book of AFA.
But Porky was wrong Denis and you all jumped to conclusions. whether you like it or not I was not playing off AFA against NN/Searchlight or whoever else you care to mention. You are obviously not reading my posts closely enough. The debacle re Nolan was of your making...talking of sledgehammer to crack a nut. I found out about the South Manchester BNP organiser, there was no saving him for myself and Searchlight. I tried to save the guys family from the hassle I knew he would get from the OTT stuff because his lads were mates of my lad and CK's etc his missus was a friend of L's and Ck's who was horrified to find out. It was about saving souls and giving someone the benefit of the doubt not terrifying them. Your paranoia that you were being stitched up by yet another Searchlight conspiracy only adds to my general suspision that you are incapable of seeing the truth. Unless it suits. Re Dave and mark. I never really socialised with either of them...I didnt drink at the time and saw them at football etc. You know better than me what was going on obviously as subsequently I was informed you were involved in some sort of cover up by other people but at the time wasnt aware of the details. I think the venom and handwringing et all is all down to you. Porky points out my duplicity..hes wrong he was far too unreliable at that time ..he was smoking a lot of pot and to be honest I was very concerned about him. I followed no agenda..if others did then I was obviously not trusted to follow it with them or Im too thick. You were wrong when you claimed I was the WIA mole at the meeting. You should know about agndas.. thats a bit rich Denis seeing that youve been a RA mouthpiece for 30 yrs. I mad e choices as I saw fit away from all the sectarian nonsense and back biting. Thank fuck. As for the money I made. Dont make me laugh. I dont have to admit it isnt a Searchlight spoiler but you made out it was .. that lie Im afraid makes you even more ridiculous. Your reading into it what fits your agenda. Denis your theory is doomed as long as you persist with this obsessive conspiracy shite. Go away please ffs and play with your crew.
You asked for evidence of your direct involvement in NN mobilisations not being as successful, and Porky provided an example which led to you being branched by AFA. This was followed by the Nolan BNP debacle which saw you yet again persona non grata in Mcr AFA circles.

Following this you arranged a meet with London AFA offering information in what appeared to be an attempt to circumvent the authority of Mcr AFA. Interestingly you failed to mention your concerns about Mark and Dave’s anti social behaviour, who were, in all probability, on bail for mugging at the time of this meeting.

So why all the venom, indignation, handringing and soulsearching when someone points out your duplicitous role within Manchester AFA. I don’t have a problem with it. It happened and you were doing your job. You were following a Searchlight agenda within AFA and along with your comrades in Leeds who were carrying out what was tantamount to a wrecking operation, moreso after the retreat from the streets by the BNP into electoral politics and the fear that AFA may follow suit.

This, unsurprisingly was occurring whilst Searchlight was positioning itself with New Labour and championiong ‘intelligence led’ anti fascism.
AFA and Searchlight were moving in opposite directions, and as you have indicated, the middle ground was disappearing fast. You made your choices, you live with them. You wrote your book, you made your money out of it. You don’t have to admit the book is a Searchlight spoiler, but I think enough has been put on this thread to indicate otherwise, leaving the credibility of one if not both of the authors somewhat tarnished.
Is this deliberately designed to confuse?

Despite this, it's getting clearer.

Nice to see Searchlight/state shit from two decades start to reach a conclusion of sorts.
An interesting article by a ( bourgeois liberal) economist, Richard Murphy, in the Guardian today on the looming danger of a second, deeper, stage of the ongoing world financial crisis, as major economies in the Eurozone approach debt default – and the central destabilizing role played by what he calls the "feral" economy, but we would simply call "finance capital", in this deepening downward spiral of instability:

"Stock markets took fright on Wednesday as fears grew over the health of the global economy and the ongoing European debt crisis.
There was heavy selling in London when trading began, sending the blue-chip FTSE 100 index falling by 91 points, or 1.6%, to 5626. There were also heavy losses across Europe, The French CAC and German DAX indices were down 1.6% and 1.1% respectively.
The European markets took their cue from Tuesday's 2.2% fall in the US Dow Jones index. Overnight, the Japanese Nikkei fell 2.1%, its biggest daily loss since the rout that followed Japan's March earthquake
And the effective interest rates Italy and Spain are paying have gone over 6% when Germany is paying 2.4%, while the US is being marked for credit downgrade by all major ratings agencies. Gold has hit a record price. Perversely, the cost of UK debt has fallen to new lows: we're now a safe haven. Anyone who thinks we are out of the crisis has to be seriously misguided. "

As the world spirals into possibly a new Great Depression it is interesting to see what has happened to the previously rampant BNP with its highly successful "populist Poujadist" electoral strategy, ie providing a protest vehicle for the "politics of bigotry and disgruntlement at perceived exclusion from the then fruits of the pre 2008 economic boom" of sections of the white working class . One might have supposed that with inter community tensions increased by the impact of unemployment and the cuts it would be doing very well, BUT , it has of course in fact lost most of its councillors and is falling apart from fraticidal infighting.

But why ?
a) like the revolutionary Left, fascists are innately factional, so any growth setback sets the "racial comrades" at each others throats.
And , more importantly,
b) just as Militant found in the 80's in Liverpool, it is impossible to actually DELIVER on the radical promises made to supporters and voters for radical movements of both Far Right and Far Left – short of a really profound social crisis in which there is a major shift in established voting patterns and class forces. TODAY the white working class in Stoke, Barking etc, want solutions NOW to growing mass unemployment and welfare cuts - and the BNP simply can't deliver, and certainly can't attack/deport/rob the local ethnic minority communities which much of their voting base would like to blame, and make suffer, for the crisis.

Unfortunately for the BNP we aren't at a point where there is a major realignment of class forces in the UK, the economic crisis is still at an early stage, and so no section of the capitalist class has any motivation to back a fascist movement – as there is no mass Left movement to crush.

I think this will require a readjustment/update of some of the conclusions of "Filling the vacuum" and BTF – not the central point that the Left needs to build a viable alternative to Labour and the BNP in white working class communities (and others of course) – but a recognition that the Far Right will from now on as the crisis bites, be in profound crisis and reassessment and restructuring mode as they try to respond to the crisis too – and as well as regroupment organisationally, regardless of the current apparent signs of breakup in EDL ranks, I think there will soon be much more of the chaotic and shambolic EDL – type ("Brownshirt") provocations on the streets .

These provocations are likely to be both linked to Far Right political party building - along the lines of the earlier "march and build " strategies , a la 1970's NF, AND many more semi spontaneous, non formal political party organised Far Right Blogosphere generated "Flashmob" provocative "events" . This likely return to street action will be caused by a need by the Far Right to respond to the economic hammering their actual and potential white working class base will be increasingly suffering, giving the appearance of "action" to supporters , but really reflecting the Far Right's impotence in the face of the economic attacks on the white working class, (just as with the Left's similar current impotence of course ) and their subsequent failure to maintain the BNP's electoral momentum from the pre 2008 economic crisis boom period into the current period of economic crisis.

It should also be stated that as we move from a long period of economic boom to a long period of serious attacks on all aspects of working class (and middle class) living standards , it is the LEFT, not the fascists, who should be best placed, through concerted militant community action against the cuts locally , and militant trades union action against unemployment, closures and wage reductions etc , to build up fighting political organisations - This is regardless of the current woeful weakness of the Left and militant trades unionism --IF we can all work together , minimize sectarian infighting, and sieze the opportunity yet another capitalist crisis presents to offer a real alternative .
An interesting article by a ( bourgeois liberal) economist, Richard Murphy, in the Guardian today on the looming danger of a second, deeper, stage of the ongoing world financial crisis, as major economies in the Eurozone approach debt default – and the central destabilizing role played by what he calls the "feral" economy, but we would simply call "finance capital", in this deepening downward spiral of instability:

"Stock markets took fright on Wednesday as fears grew over the health of the global economy and the ongoing European debt crisis.
There was heavy selling in London when trading began, sending the blue-chip FTSE 100 index falling by 91 points, or 1.6%, to 5626. There were also heavy losses across Europe, The French CAC and German DAX indices were down 1.6% and 1.1% respectively.
The European markets took their cue from Tuesday's 2.2% fall in the US Dow Jones index. Overnight, the Japanese Nikkei fell 2.1%, its biggest daily loss since the rout that followed Japan's March earthquake
And the effective interest rates Italy and Spain are paying have gone over 6% when Germany is paying 2.4%, while the US is being marked for credit downgrade by all major ratings agencies. Gold has hit a record price. Perversely, the cost of UK debt has fallen to new lows: we're now a safe haven. Anyone who thinks we are out of the crisis has to be seriously misguided. "

As the world spirals into possibly a new Great Depression it is interesting to see what has happened to the previously rampant BNP with its highly successful "populist Poujadist" electoral strategy, ie providing a protest vehicle for the "politics of bigotry and disgruntlement at perceived exclusion from the then fruits of the pre 2008 economic boom" of sections of the white working class . One might have supposed that with inter community tensions increased by the impact of unemployment and the cuts it would be doing very well, BUT , it has of course in fact lost most of its councillors and is falling apart from fraticidal infighting.

But why ?
a) like the revolutionary Left, fascists are innately factional, so any growth setback sets the "racial comrades" at each others throats.
And , more importantly,
b) just as Militant found in the 80's in Liverpool, it is impossible to actually DELIVER on the radical promises made to supporters and voters for radical movements of both Far Right and Far Left – short of a really profound social crisis in which there is a major shift in established voting patterns and class forces. TODAY the white working class in Stoke, Barking etc, want solutions NOW to growing mass unemployment and welfare cuts - and the BNP simply can't deliver, and certainly can't attack/deport/rob the local ethnic minority communities which much of their voting base would like to blame, and make suffer, for the crisis.

Unfortunately for the BNP we aren't at a point where there is a major realignment of class forces in the UK, the economic crisis is still at an early stage, and so no section of the capitalist class has any motivation to back a fascist movement – as there is no mass Left movement to crush.

I think this will require a readjustment/update of some of the conclusions of "Filling the vacuum" and BTF – not the central point that the Left needs to build a viable alternative to Labour and the BNP in white working class communities (and others of course) – but a recognition that the Far Right will from now on as the crisis bites, be in profound crisis and reassessment and restructuring mode as they try to respond to the crisis too – and as well as regroupment organisationally, regardless of the current apparent signs of breakup in EDL ranks, I think there will soon be much more of the chaotic and shambolic EDL – type ("Brownshirt") provocations on the streets .

These provocations are likely to be both linked to Far Right political party building - along the lines of the earlier "march and build " strategies , a la 1970's NF, AND many more semi spontaneous, non formal political party organised Far Right Blogosphere generated "Flashmob" provocative "events" . This likely return to street action will be caused by a need by the Far Right to respond to the economic hammering their actual and potential white working class base will be increasingly suffering, giving the appearance of "action" to supporters , but really reflecting the Far Right's impotence in the face of the economic attacks on the white working class, (just as with the Left's similar current impotence of course ) and their subsequent failure to maintain the BNP's electoral momentum from the pre 2008 economic crisis boom period into the current period of economic crisis.

It should also be stated that as we move from a long period of economic boom to a long period of serious attacks on all aspects of working class (and middle class) living standards , it is the LEFT, not the fascists, who should be best placed, through concerted militant community action against the cuts locally , and militant trades union action against unemployment, closures and wage reductions etc , to build up fighting political organisations - This is regardless of the current woeful weakness of the Left and militant trades unionism --IF we can all work together , minimizei sectarian infighting, and sieze the opportunity yet another capitalist crisis presents to offer a real alternative .

Spot on until the bit about minimize sectarian infighting. It will never happen. It will take more meetings than any normal person could bear. Completely out of touch
Spot on until the bit about minimize sectarian infighting. It will never happen. It will take more meetings than any normal person could bear. Completely out of touch

It's true the Left will never abandon sectarian infighting - "Life of Brian" IS really a lightly disguised drama doc on the Left after all !. However there has always been the possibility, and at times (AFA for instance, and certainly the MK I 1970's Anti Nazi League too) the real option and very occasional history of unity in ACTION - without the endless meetings on the "correct line" or the correct revolutionary "programme".

If the Left and Labour Movement can't find a degree of unity in action over the next few years of ever mounting attacks by the ruling class - we've all had it - so hopefully your gloom is misplaced josef1878. Out of touch I am certainly, but manically depressedly without hope - no.
An interesting article by a ( bourgeois liberal) economist, Richard Murphy, in the Guardian today on the looming danger of a second, deeper, stage of the ongoing world financial crisis, as major economies in the Eurozone approach debt default – and the central destabilizing role played by what he calls the "feral" economy, but we would simply call "finance capital", in this deepening downward spiral of instability:

"Stock markets took fright on Wednesday as fears grew over the health of the global economy and the ongoing European debt crisis.
There was heavy selling in London when trading began, sending the blue-chip FTSE 100 index falling by 91 points, or 1.6%, to 5626. There were also heavy losses across Europe, The French CAC and German DAX indices were down 1.6% and 1.1% respectively.
The European markets took their cue from Tuesday's 2.2% fall in the US Dow Jones index. Overnight, the Japanese Nikkei fell 2.1%, its biggest daily loss since the rout that followed Japan's March earthquake
And the effective interest rates Italy and Spain are paying have gone over 6% when Germany is paying 2.4%, while the US is being marked for credit downgrade by all major ratings agencies. Gold has hit a record price. Perversely, the cost of UK debt has fallen to new lows: we're now a safe haven. Anyone who thinks we are out of the crisis has to be seriously misguided. "

As the world spirals into possibly a new Great Depression it is interesting to see what has happened to the previously rampant BNP with its highly successful "populist Poujadist" electoral strategy, ie providing a protest vehicle for the "politics of bigotry and disgruntlement at perceived exclusion from the then fruits of the pre 2008 economic boom" of sections of the white working class . One might have supposed that with inter community tensions increased by the impact of unemployment and the cuts it would be doing very well, BUT , it has of course in fact lost most of its councillors and is falling apart from fraticidal infighting.

But why ?
a) like the revolutionary Left, fascists are innately factional, so any growth setback sets the "racial comrades" at each others throats.
And , more importantly,
b) just as Militant found in the 80's in Liverpool, it is impossible to actually DELIVER on the radical promises made to supporters and voters for radical movements of both Far Right and Far Left – short of a really profound social crisis in which there is a major shift in established voting patterns and class forces. TODAY the white working class in Stoke, Barking etc, want solutions NOW to growing mass unemployment and welfare cuts - and the BNP simply can't deliver, and certainly can't attack/deport/rob the local ethnic minority communities which much of their voting base would like to blame, and make suffer, for the crisis.

Unfortunately for the BNP we aren't at a point where there is a major realignment of class forces in the UK, the economic crisis is still at an early stage, and so no section of the capitalist class has any motivation to back a fascist movement – as there is no mass Left movement to crush.

I think this will require a readjustment/update of some of the conclusions of "Filling the vacuum" and BTF – not the central point that the Left needs to build a viable alternative to Labour and the BNP in white working class communities (and others of course) – but a recognition that the Far Right will from now on as the crisis bites, be in profound crisis and reassessment and restructuring mode as they try to respond to the crisis too – and as well as regroupment organisationally, regardless of the current apparent signs of breakup in EDL ranks, I think there will soon be much more of the chaotic and shambolic EDL – type ("Brownshirt") provocations on the streets .

These provocations are likely to be both linked to Far Right political party building - along the lines of the earlier "march and build " strategies , a la 1970's NF, AND many more semi spontaneous, non formal political party organised Far Right Blogosphere generated "Flashmob" provocative "events" . This likely return to street action will be caused by a need by the Far Right to respond to the economic hammering their actual and potential white working class base will be increasingly suffering, giving the appearance of "action" to supporters , but really reflecting the Far Right's impotence in the face of the economic attacks on the white working class, (just as with the Left's similar current impotence of course ) and their subsequent failure to maintain the BNP's electoral momentum from the pre 2008 economic crisis boom period into the current period of economic crisis.

It should also be stated that as we move from a long period of economic boom to a long period of serious attacks on all aspects of working class (and middle class) living standards , it is the LEFT, not the fascists, who should be best placed, through concerted militant community action against the cuts locally , and militant trades union action against unemployment, closures and wage reductions etc , to build up fighting political organisations - This is regardless of the current woeful weakness of the Left and militant trades unionism --IF we can all work together , minimize sectarian infighting, and sieze the opportunity yet another capitalist crisis presents to offer a real alternative .

Spirited but flawed. Is this anything more than a re run of wishing that the far right would be back on the streets and we could have the the spirit of the anti Thatcher period all over again.?
I think you'll find the Far Right are back on the streets The 39th Step - eg, the threatened major bust up in the East End of London on 3rd September, which is provoking a major mobilisation by the community and Left. Ignoring the massive political changes resulting from the 2008 financial crisis won't make it so.

I'm not "sentimental" about the Thatcher era - we all got a good kicking as a class. We are up for an even worse kicking over the next 10 years if the bosses can make us all pay for their crisis. Spokesmen for the finance capital sector are blatantly nowadays saying we (ie, the working and middle classes) will need to take a 25% cut in our overall living standards - ie, wages, benefits, social services - if their system is to recover its "competitiveness". This will make the struggles of the Thatcher era seem like a playground scuffle.

Ignore the coming wave of struggle if you can. I'm more afraid than sentimental.
I think you'll find the Far Right are back on the streets The 39th Step - eg, the threatened major bust up in the East End of London on 3rd September, which is provoking a major mobilisation by the community and Left. Ignoring the massive political changes resulting from the 2008 financial crisis won't make it so.

I'm not "sentimental" about the Thatcher era - we all got a good kicking as a class. We are up for an even worse kicking over the next 10 years if the bosses can make us all pay for their crisis. Spokesmen for the finance capital sector are blatantly nowadays saying we (ie, the working and middle classes) will need to take a 25% cut in our overall living standards - ie, wages, benefits, social services - if their system is to recover its "competitiveness". This will make the struggles of the Thatcher era seem like a playground scuffle.

Ignore the coming wave of struggle if you can. I'm more afraid than sentimental.

No denying the recession but your preoccupation with waiting/hoping that the far right are returning to the street completely obscures any political alternative to them aside from 'no platform' type stuff.
Why does recognising that the Far Right are mobilizing on the streets again, (at the moment via the confused EDL provocative parades), preclude also recognising a crying need for the Left to organise at community level and in trades union struggle to oppose the all too many emerging manifestations of the cuts ?

You seem determined to create a straw man here, misrepresenting my, and others arguments, indeed anyone who simply recognises the quite obvious fact of the renewal of street action by the Far Right. And the recent collapse of the electroral stategy of the BNP of course . Mafa were also described as "1980's AFA wannabees" too I recall.

Whilst you prefer to ignore the reemergeance of Far Right street action, even the latest issue of Socialist Worker is calling for widespread mobilisation against the proposed EDL provocation in the East End (which I assume will now be banned in the context of the London riots). Next the SWP will be resurrecting ANL Mk VIII !

I think you are "in denial" The 39th Step.
A section of the Far Right as in the EDL have been mobilizing on the street for two years and by and large their earlier protests were bigger so i am not sure why their is all this shrillness is about . As much as I value Socialist Workers calls for widespread mobilisations they have been calling for widespread mobilisation against the EDL ( or indeed any one who they can identify as a suitable opportunity for ANL mark 2/UAF type activity) for years. Bit like stopped clocks.

The problem with your position and some others around anti fascism is that it too is a stopped clock. Endless debates about the need to take on the BNP physically via No Platform,endless speculation that the BNP would be back on the streets and absolutely no where when the anti fascists had an opportunity to organise at a community level to build a pro working class alternative to not just the BNP but the three main parties.Its quite common to pay a bit of verbal lip service to building pro working class organisations in local communities these days but not so common to actually do anything about it.

When the main threat to the BNP didn't in practise fit the bill of stopped clock anti fascism there was a desperate search to find someone /anyone who did. It didn't matter if they weren't the main threat , didn't matter if they were any threat but if it fitted the identikit tactics of stopped clock anti fascism it was a convenient diversion form doing anything about the building pro working class organisations in local communities bit. The remnants of the NF , the odd B@H gig, the laughable BPP protest about rap records in Leeds and then thank heavens the EDL.

So ten years after the BNP ceased marching there is a far right grouping in the EDL who have no roots in any working class communities and who have the occasional day out where it must be said that generally the Police have ended up containing them not the anti fascist.Fine get down to confront them but where is any evidence of the supposed other half of the equation ;building a political alternative.

Or perhaps underneath all the lip service its not as exciting or even too political?
Talk about deja vu ! You sound EXACTLY like the SWP full time organisers given their script in 1981 to start expelling SWP members still engaging in active anti fascist activities ( alongside a whole range of trade union and other political activity too it has to be said) after the SWP had decided that the NF was no longer a threat.

I find that sad, but all too common. It is you who is stuck in a timewarp - in the brief period of capitalist boom before the 2008 economic crisis, when amidst general prosperity, the BNP could successfully adopt to a Poujadist Right Wing electoral protest politics based really on just representing a small part of the white working class feeling threatened by the multicultural reality of modern Britain. The period very accurately covered by "Filling the Vacuum". Today, post 2008 it's a different ballgame - the BNP is collapsing - not able to deliver anything meaningful to their small electoral base to combat the rising unemployment and cuts - but the EDL type opportunist street provocations and mobilisations masquerading as "defending local white communities" are on the rise on the back of the riots of the last week .

You sneer at Socialist Worker calling for mass mobilisation against the (pre riot) planned EDL provocation in the East End. Don't you nowadays think it is the duty of socialists to stand along ethnic minorities threatenened by fascist thugs on their streets ? Leave it all to the Police to deal with ? Dearie me , That all sounds very familiar too - We used to laugh at those arguments in the old days. And quite rightly too. . I'm with the Socialist Worker mobilisation call myself - even if that is just so boringly 1970's of me .

Realistic, tactically flexible, socialists can't just "declare victory" over street fascism, when it disappears for a few years during an economic boom, and then move move on to entirely community politics, and then ignore street fascism when it reappears. We have to keep our eyes and ears and minds open to see CHANGE occurring in the political scene, and modify our political practice and tactics accordingly.

Don't worry , noone's asking you to get out there back on the streets to personally combat provocations like the (probably banned now) 3rd September EDL East End do, and I'm far to old and nackered to turn out myself now - but I still support younger socialists who are prepared to do their bit.
I am getting bored waiting for Bignose to come back and answer the key questions put to him. Why the delay? Is Gerry Gable writing the answer?
Talk about deja vu ! You sound EXACTLY like the SWP full time organisers given their script in 1981 to start expelling SWP members still engaging in active anti fascist activities ( alongside a whole range of trade union and other political activity too it has to be said) after the SWP had decided that the NF was no longer a threat.

I find that sad, but all too common. It is you who is stuck in a timewarp - in the brief period of capitalist boom before the 2008 economic crisis, when amidst general prosperity, the BNP could successfully adopt to a Poujadist Right Wing electoral protest politics based really on just representing a small part of the white working class feeling threatened by the multicultural reality of modern Britain. The period very accurately covered by "Filling the Vacuum". Today, post 2008 it's a different ballgame - the BNP is collapsing - not able to deliver anything meaningful to their small electoral base to combat the rising unemployment and cuts - but the EDL type opportunist street provocations and mobilisations masquerading as "defending local white communities" are on the rise on the back of the riots of the last week .

You sneer at Socialist Worker calling for mass mobilisation against the (pre riot) planned EDL provocation in the East End. Don't you nowadays think it is the duty of socialists to stand along ethnic minorities threatenened by fascist thugs on their streets ? Leave it all to the Police to deal with ? Dearie me , That all sounds very familiar too - We used to laugh at those arguments in the old days. And quite rightly too. . I'm with the Socialist Worker mobilisation call myself - even if that is just so boringly 1970's of me .

Realistic, tactically flexible, socialists can't just "declare victory" over street fascism, when it disappears for a few years during an economic boom, and then move move on to entirely community politics, and then ignore street fascism when it reappears. We have to keep our eyes and ears and minds open to see CHANGE occurring in the political scene, and modify our political practice and tactics accordingly.

Don't worry , noone's asking you to get out there back on the streets to personally combat provocations like the (probably banned now) 3rd September EDL East End do, and I'm far to old and nackered to turn out myself now - but I still support younger socialists who are prepared to do their bit.

With all due respect, there are I think think one or two generalisations that need qualifying. First off while there was the appearance of capitalist 'boom', in reality as we all now know it was credit fuelled rather than real growth. For the majority a chimera. A significant point I will return to. Meanwhile there is no evidence that the BNP is collapsing because it cannnot deliver. The internal problems were evident long before the cuts (many of which are yet to be implemented, or fully felt). One of the key points in the Filling the Vacuum was the prediction that the 'BNP would control their own destiny - and that of their opponents'. Nothing has happened to change that.

Moreover the idea previously advanced that these problems are sort of inevitable once the British far-right reach a certain plateau seems rather smug and complacent. There are a host of countries where the BNP political kith and kin are regularly taking 20 per cent of the vote nationally. Are all these countries more right-wing, or traditionally more prone to violence than Britain? I don't think so. Equally how many times have the FN been written only to bounce back - they were only recently topping opinion polls - because the political vacuum was not filled?

I would suggest that the BNP are lagging behind, almost uniquely in today's Europe, because the anti-fascist opposition in the shape of the ANL Mark 1 and later AFA dogged their every move for a generation. Arguably, no other right-wing movement in Europe has ever had to live under that kind of pressure from - the get go - and it takes its toll. Britian presntly has the appearance of being unique in Europe mainly because style of anti-fascism was unique in Europe.

Returning to a previous point, the credit crunch has not really hit yet. When it does the middle class rage, not just the rampaging lumpen we witnessed this week, will find a political home. And as former Blair adviser said when it does 'you don't want to be on the wrong side of it'. Will the centre really hold? Has government even democracy itself ever looked less potent? More than anyone it is surely the mainstream parties that are 'failing to deliver'. Who is best placed to benefit from society's decomposition? The BNP might be not currently be in the rudest of health but the far-right as a whole are at least thinking. The orthodox left have not advanced a new idea, tactic, much less stratgey in 40 years.

Finally the notion that the SWP are standing shoulder to shoulder with ethnic minorities is wrong on two counts. In my experience the SWP has never stood shoulder to shoulder with anyone with genuine intent. It is always and remains short term political self-interest. Also Muslims are hardly a traditional minority in Tower Hamlets. In the area the EDL want to demonstrate in the 'minorities' will be the overwhelming majority. There will be no cowering behind net curtains (or the equivalent) there. Far from it. The Muslims do not need the SWP. As was shown, with the ill-judged Respect experiment, it remains, and always was the other way round.
Instead of coming on her spitting feathers and continually debasing discussion by personalising it, why not simply come clean about why Searchlight did not want AFA in Rochdale on the day in question?

If afterall you left Searchlight in 1994, (tired of all the double-dealing and back-stabbing your involvement with them entailed) why should explaining the thinking behind that particular strategem be a problem?

Afterall its not the only time

This is what I am on about. Your working with Searchlight.
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