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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

Oh, and Silver Mt. Zion is a tolerable name, but fuck all the variations like Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, etc. Although I have a lot more tolerance for the various Foetus variations, probably because they never called themselves Thee Foetus Orchestra.
Sorry blame my ADHD just something about that name riles me everytime I hear it.

Nah, it's me and my Pavlovian name reaction.
I've only just realised that you're one of my surfeits of Sam's, with added sausage

I haven't clicked that til now.
Nah, it's me and my Pavlovian name reaction.
I've only just realised that you're one of my surfeits of Sam's, with added sausage

I haven't clicked that til now.

I spelt it wrong and made it up on the spot. I hate when you sign up for something and have to create a username. I'm so uncreative when put on the spot like that
I know, lets make an album called Sex and we can call our band Oral...


there must have been something in the water down in Brighton in the early 80's. (although i used to jump around my bedroom to PTTB).

I know, lets make an album called Sex and we can call our band Oral...

I did actually use to own that. I had entirely forgotten about it until I saw that post, but I definitely did. I bought it in a 1987 equivalent of one of those remainder bookshops for 25p. Along with a couple of other things including a Richard Thompson album. As far as I recall, it was as abysmal as you would expect.
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Bands with bad names aren't bands that are cool, trend setting, market savvy and probably aren't trying to be. They immediately rub up against our various senses of musical tribalism and musical cool which are things we should be fighting anyway. These bands might not be making good overall artistic statements, but to be fair most bands are just groups of musicians just doing good stuff or not as the case may be.

I like the Horselords album from last year. Mathy rock with some microtonal fussing and yeah I'm into that and that. The album says nothing in terms of a broader societal statement. I find their name quite cringy because I remember naff fantasy novel from the 80's of that name and an even naffer computer game associated with it. But my life is one big steaming pile of cringe so that's fine. (One Big Steaming Pile of Cringe - there's a band name right there!)

Working Mens Club sound like they are making some sort of statement with their name. Maybe there's some level of irony involved, maybe not. Maybe, probably, their name is one big error of judgement, but they're just musicians not icons and if anything that's a reassuring fact to be reminded of.

I listen to things for the music not the t-shirts. It's only those of us who grew up before the age of streaming who care about the "does it look cool when I'm carrying the LP under my arm?" aesthetic anyway.
Oh, and Silver Mt. Zion is a tolerable name, but fuck all the variations like Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, etc. Although I have a lot more tolerance for the various Foetus variations, probably because they never called themselves Thee Foetus Orchestra.

I take it you're not a Sun Ra fan. His 'Arkestra' had a new ridiculous name on every album.
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