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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

I've seen Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs (I'm going to forgive them their name because it's fun to say and to type) at least twice now. They're very standard power rock. I don't get why they're popular. Same with Hey Colossus.
Pigs are popular because they got on the radio 6 daytime playlist, before that they were just one of many bands on a very enjoyable but sparsely attended underground heavy space-rock scene who would probably pull an audience of 20 in most places they played.
I've never listened to Megadeth, I think because of the name, and also perhaps their album covers - though I'm quite happy to listen to other metal bands with much more silly names and ludicrous album covers so I don't know why. I even like Metallica, who Mustaine played with before he left to form Megadeth. No accounting for this stuff really.

Yeah we get it, you really like death. You're definitely a lot more scary than Superdeath, my nine year old kid's imaginary metal band, but sadly not as scary as their side projects Ultradeath, Gigadeath, Hyperdeath and Uberdeath. Next.

A Megadeath is the real technical term for one million deaths.
Inspired by a combination of killer b's comment on the atrociously named Working Men's Club and the fact that the Viagra Boys have just cropped up on a playlist. Why the fuck would you want a name that made you sound like an even shitter VengaBoys? People are weird.

Toad the Wet Sprocket might be in there, but I doubt I'd ever have deliberately listened to them anyway as everything about them sounds utter shite.

Anal Cunt is trying way too hard too.

It's bad that I really like this then isn't it...

I guess lots of people must still listen to those ridiculous paint-faced black metal bands with names like satanicus diabolicus (and i know there is some really interesting music within that genre - quite like Gnaw Their Tongues), but i can't take it seriously as they seem to tbh. It probably good fun for kids, maybe I would listen to them if I was 13 again. I quite like the idea of coming down from my bedroom for dinner in a watain tshirt, full death paint, tight trousers and a mega-spikey wristband, covered in fake blood and doing that funny pose they all do.
I guess lots of people must still listen to those ridiculous paint-faced black metal bands with names like satanicus diabolicus (and i know there is some really interesting music within that genre - quite like Gnaw Their Tongues), but i can't take it seriously as they seem to tbh. It probably good fun for kids, maybe I would listen to them if I was 13 again. I quite like the idea of coming down from my bedroom for dinner in a watain tshirt, full death paint, tight trousers and a mega-spikey wristband, covered in fake blood and doing that funny pose they all do.
I don't think many of them do take it very seriously tbf - certainly now anyway. Anyone doing corpse paint in 2021 is 100% doing it with a knowing wink.

I loved this black metal album cover from a few years ago which had a bit of fun with the aesthetic expectations of the genre...

anyone who basically uses their own name as their stage name .. double points if you just wear your normal everyday clothes on stage when you play.
I guess lots of people must still listen to those ridiculous paint-faced black metal bands with names like satanicus diabolicus (and i know there is some really interesting music within that genre - quite like Gnaw Their Tongues), but i can't take it seriously as they seem to tbh. It probably good fun for kids, maybe I would listen to them if I was 13 again. I quite like the idea of coming down from my bedroom for dinner in a watain tshirt, full death paint, tight trousers and a mega-spikey wristband, covered in fake blood and doing that funny pose they all do.

Witness the awesomeness of Death Metal snowball fights....

It does seem odd that of all the bands from that scene - many featuring some of the same lineup - it was Pigs chosen for stardom. I guess they toured with Richard Dawson when he was also getting unexpectedly huge, which will have got them in front of a few of the right people... can't really think of any other reason though
I refuse to listen to Richard Dawson because his name sounds too similar to Richard Dawkins, or like if Richard Dawkins got married to Kimya Dawson or something. Can't be doing with that.
Sultans of ping FC, saw them in harlesden in 1995 and the horror of the experience has never really left me
The ingratitude!

I reckon a solid contender for worst name ever is Does It Offend You Yeah?, a real more Barley than Barley name that. I don't refuse to listen to them, but I do strongly resent both Teen Suicide and Elvis Depressedly's names. Teen Suicide changed their name to American Pleasure Club, which is a bit meh but less obnoxious, and I swear their music got worse as soon as they had a less awful name.

Oh, and Porridge Radio are another one whose music is miles and miles better than their aren't-we-so-wacky-and-random name, imo.
The Pork Dukes

there was a bloke that used to deliver the Saturday evening sports paper back in the early 80s that had this painted badly on the back of his denim jacket. As a kid I used to make a note of band names painted on jackets to check out, but this blokes double denim outfit and greasy hair put me right off.
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