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Bands you refuse to listen to because their name is awful

Mutoid Waste Co...or is it actually a cool band name?

I recall that they were the go-to people if you felt that your music festival needed some abandoned cars welded together into a mordant commentary on consumerism by someone with multicoloured dreadlocks, but did they actually write and record songs?
Master Musicians of Bukkake might have broken through to the big time if they had reconsidered their name.
Oh, and Porridge Radio are another one whose music is miles and miles better than their aren't-we-so-wacky-and-random name, imo.
Saw Porridge Radio tonight, genuinely reckon they're one of the best bands to emerge from this godforsaken island over the past ten years or so. I still wouldn't blame anyone who refused to listen to them because of how shit their name is, it is an awful name.
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