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I just write "no change - see answer from previous pip form (copy enclosed in supporting evidence)" and then send photocopies from the relevant page of my initial PIP application. Just sent mine off the other week.
Thanks for the reply, but I have no old paperwork not great at keeping that stuff just hope
they look at my records, there really is not much more to say I think

p.s my cat has just died in my arms not sure why that's relevant but what a fucking day.
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Thanks for the reply, but I have no old paperwork not great at keeping that stuff just hope
they look at my records, there really is not much more to say I think

p.s my cat has just died in my arms not sure why that's relevant but what a fucking day.

Oh. Sorry to hear that. :(
Thanks for the reply, but I have no old paperwork not great at keeping that stuff just hope
they look at my records, there really is not much more to say I think

p.s my cat has just died in my arms not sure why that's relevant but what a fucking day.
That's shit sorry to hear that. They are beautiful cats.
Have read in the Guardian that the Tories are planning to scrap/replace the WCA. Anyone hear anything more about this?

The Treasury also announced plans to scrap the work capability assessment and replace it with a new system so that disabled people can try to take on extra work without being made to undergo reassessment if they need to leave work for health reasons.
So the government plan to scrap the WCA and have released this white paper

It's a bit confusing and it's all preliminary I guess. But it sounds to me like typical sleight o fhand. It seems to say that you'll have to claim or be migrated onto UC (from legacy benefits), but that in order to do so you will need an active PIP claim. Now, it's my understanding the latter also requires a test. Thus, while it's accurate to say they are scrapping the WCA, in practice you'll still have to undertake a similar test. No doubt administered in a similar way by the same privateers. Have I misunderstood?

Nothing is likely to happen for months so it's possibly a sop to red wall/undecided lefties/ desperate people struggling under the current (Tory) system. Back in the day Debbie Abrams under Corbyn was arguing WCA should be abolished, but with Starmer in charge it could look as if the Tories are again trying to position Starmer as the worse choice
I did the Attendance Allowance form for my grandmother earlier this week. It took half of Sunday, a fair chunk of Monday and most of yesterday. I was shattered.

36 flipping pages of information.
Might be having to do one of those for my mum soon for dementia. :(
Might be having to do one of those for my mum soon for dementia. :(
It was difficult, but I couldn't have done it without being on this thread for years. Also saved my dad from doing it because his handwriting is atrocious, plus there was personal stuff she'd only told my mum.

I didn't want to take away my gran's dignity by asking her a load of intrusive questions too.
The daughter has a telephone assessment for renewal of her PIP. Has anyone had one of these before? It's been paper ones previously
The daughter has a telephone assessment for renewal of her PIP. Has anyone had one of these before? It's been paper ones previously
I was meant to have one recently but I asked them to cancel it and rebook as face-to-face. You can do that if a phone appointment doesn't work for you [/might or might not be helpful]
Just to let the thread know that my gran got the lower rate of attendance allowance and paid her claim (backdated to the start of care) no questions asked. We'd expected the lower rate as she does not yet need 24hr or night time care.

I could not have done it without all of you on this thread. A massive heartfelt thanks to you all.
Just to let the thread know that my gran got the lower rate of attendance allowance and paid her claim (backdated to the start of care) no questions asked. We'd expected the lower rate as she does not yet need 24hr or night time care.

I could not have done it without all of you on this thread. A massive heartfelt thanks to you all.
The award letter came from the DWP - my gran actually got the higher rate of attendance allowance, not the lower rate. We had assumed it was the lower rate because there was just a random payment to her account before the letter arrived.
I'm not getting an answer that I like from googling this one so I'm hoping someone here might know.

I've been on ESA (support group) forever. We have an active Universal Credit claim that sometimes gives some money as Chemistry is an agency worker. My ESA amount has been deducted (£ for £ I think) but now I'm having the UC health assessment... will this mean that the disability component will be applied instead? and if so on months when we'd have no UC payment will I have no individual income? - google is telling me all the components are means tested.

so we're going to lose £6000 a year?!
We went to see Dear England at the National Theatre tonight - it was great if any sofa Londoners fancy it.
I've just received my form pending another WCA. My anxiety has really taken a turn for the worse in recent weeks and I really don't feel I can cope with attending that wretched place and travelling to town. I don't imagine you can just say this to them and be taken seriously, but are there any legit options in this situation?

I also notice something sinister in the covering letter. It says Only send medical info/supporting info if you already have it; do not ask for or pay for new info. So in other words I cannot now go to my GP and ask for them to provide such info or anything that could help, like a letter, according to the DWP (and assuming they would, which I doubt).
I've just received my form pending another WCA. My anxiety has really taken a turn for the worse in recent weeks and I really don't feel I can cope with attending that wretched place and travelling to town. I don't imagine you can just say this to them and be taken seriously, but are there any legit options in this situation?

I also notice something sinister in the covering letter. It says Only send medical info/supporting info if you already have it; do not ask for or pay for new info. So in other words I cannot now go to my GP and ask for them to provide such info or anything that could help, like a letter, according to the DWP (and assuming they would, which I doubt).
You could ask for a home visit, if that doesn't make things too difficult for you. Or ask if they do telephone appointments if you could handle that?

I'm sorry your anxiety is bad.
You could ask for a home visit, if that doesn't make things too difficult for you. Or ask if they do telephone appointments if you could handle that?

I'm sorry your anxiety is bad.
although i'm not sure phone appointments are best for the claimant to present their case I think that might be best. It's a question of whether they would grant one
It says Only send medical info/supporting info if you already have it; do not ask for or pay for new info.
Do you have access to your medical records online thru systmonline that you can use to make gp appointments? If so you could just access your records and print them out. They only tell you not to get them from your GP as you usually have to pay for them.
Do you have access to your medical records online thru systmonline that you can use to make gp appointments? If so you could just access your records and print them out. They only tell you not to get them from your GP as you usually have to pay for them.
I have the NHS app. But I haven't seen a GP about anxiety recently. It's rather hard to do so and they'd only refer me to the local talking therapies of which I'm already on the (huge) waiting list.

WRT to asking for a phone/not in person WCA, do they require supporting evidence, and if so what?
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