Love and solidarity
as vp says, depends on the doctor. i asked mine if she wanted payment for the letter she provided for university and she informed me she had absolutely no idea how to charge me and couldn't be bothered to find out.
the more info the better. any correspondance that discusses your condition. whether it's a summary of your description of symptoms or a confirmantion of diagnosis, discussion of medication or schedule for treatment.
if you're on medication, then also report the side effects and how they affect you.
I'll be honest, most of this will make bugger all difference if you get assessed by the standard atos drone. but gathering them together now will allow you to prove you did give the asessor all the available information when you go to appeal.
if you have a condition that isn't 'tick box' somethign with complex effects, variable effects then keep a written record. himself has a big book of loopy where we write down stuff like the time he tried to incinerate us. like the times he goes out and leaves the back door wide open. like the time he forgot to eat for 24 hours and decided to work himself up into a state and dump me because his procrastination was translated into me stopping him doing stuff. it really does help if you give the appeal as much info as possible. and a record made over time is a more valuable document than you scrawling out stuff from memory 3 days bfore they need the paperwork/
All of this is very helpful too, I'm just wondering how best to present that sort of info to them. It doesn't necessarily come up as answers to their generic questions, so combination of medical records and my own "diary" sounds like the way to go.
And the bit I've highlighted sounds very familiar to me, situations where I've interpreted the behaviour of others as demonstrating they have particular negative intentions towards me, then reacting on that basis and causing myself and them all sorts of trouble and pain. I've probably done similar shit on here, TBH - maybe I should scour my posts for examples to include
Anyway, time to make another appointment to see the GP